
Re: Uninstaller

From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:40:32 +0200

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 09:36:04AM -0700, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
> >
> >By the way, all scripts in GlassFish are Korn Shell scripts. On Linux,
> >Bourne
> >Again Shell (bash) is common, not ksh. Would you like me to file a bug for
> >the
> >error above
> Yes, for two cases -- 1) permissions 2) Java exceptions after setting the
> exec
> permission. These are closely related, so one issue is enough in this case.

Will do.

> >and an RFE for the scripts?
> Perhaps yes. But if the scripts ran correctly, would you still make a case
> for making them use bash interpreter?

Well, fixing the permissions allows for running the scripts without the "sh"
part, e.g.


instead of

sh ./install/bin/uninstall

The former gives a "Bad interpretor" error when ksh isn't installed. I know that
ksh is the default shell under Solaris, but it isn't under Linux. Maybe changing
the first line of the scripts from




would fix the problem. In almost every modern Unix variant, including Linux, ksh
and bash scripts run perfectly ok in sh. It still would require scripts with no
typical ksh instructions but AFAIK there are none in the current scripts.

Anyway, I would like to file an RFE, yes.

Greets, Wouter

People: "If she weighs the same as a Duck, she's made of wood!"
Sir Bedevere: "And therefore...?"