
Early form of an IzPack installer for V3 Prelude

From: Christopher Kampmeier <Christopher.Kampmeier_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 00:39:36 -0500

Julien Ponge wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Today I worked on preparing an IzPack-based installer for Glassfish v3.
> I started by deriving from the work I did for v2, took the latest
> promoted build and tuned it. The result is that:
> 1. the installer is able to bootstrap the update center (even behind a proxy)
> 2. Glassfish v3 can be started after having been installed (amazingly fast!)
> 3. the installer weights several megabytes less than the "official"
> platform-specific installers (and should I mention that IzPack IS
> cross-platform?)
> Remember that this is only a few hours of work and that I could not
> test it properly on something else than Mac OS X 10.4, … but you
> should reasonably expect it to work.
> The installer is available from
> http://snapshots.dist.codehaus.org/izpack/glassfish-v3-latest-install.jar
> There is also a Pack200-compressed one (only 15M!) at
> http://snapshots.dist.codehaus.org/izpack/glassfish-v3-latest-install-pack200.jar,
> but Glassfish doesn't start properly. I uploaded it so that it can be
> investigated where the issue actually is (Felix? a GF component?).
> Anyway thanks for reporting any issue you might encounter. I expect to
> improve it further in the future. Especially, interacting with the
> update center after it has been bootstrapped would be useful (e.g.,
> for installing third-party modules straight from the installer).

Hi Julien,

This is very nice!

Generally, it ran fine on Ubuntu. From the UC2 project standpoint, it
was especially nice to see the progress of the IPS client initialization
within the installer panels. Overall, the install experience and
transition to using the web admin UI was very nice. I've included some
specific comments below.

I also added a link to your download on the Examples page under:


I hope you don't mind the exposure. : )


1) I was impressed that the JAR file was automatically executed once it
was downloaded via my browser. It was a pleasant surprise to not have
to drop to the command line and run java to execute the jar.

2) It would be nice to automatically download the Update Tool GUI via
the initial bootstrap. Doing so will result in the desktop notifier
being registered as a desktop start up task.

Currently, it looks like the bootstrap is being invoked to complete the
pkg client. At least providing an option that is selected by default to
install the Update Tool GUI and notifier would be useful.

3) Although the installer made it look like it should appear, I didn't
see a "GlassFish" entry under my Applications/Start menu on my desktop.
  I hope I don't have to log out and log back in to see the Applications
entry. Again, I am using Gnome on Ubuntu.

4) When the browser installed the web admin UI, the browser ended up
displaying a blank page. Reloading the page brought up the admin UI.
Might not be an installation issue.

5) Default nstall directory: I think it should be "GlassFish" rather
than "Glassfish".

6) glassfish/bin/asadmin was not executable after installation (I had
performed a mass update of the installation using the Update Tool GUI
after installation. I am not sure if that may have caused this
problem.) Might not be an installer issue at all.