
Re: EJB 3.1 in b22.... some issues

From: Mahesh Kannan <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 17:55:10 -0700

Hi Wim,

  In V3, we don't (yet) support .ear deployment.

 Regarding packaging an ejb .jar file inside a .war file, the EJB 3.1
expert group has yet not finalized whether this will need to be
supported or not. For now, you are better off packaging the ejb classes
inside the WEB-INF/classes.


> Wim Verreycken wrote, On 8/31/2008 7:41 AM:
> Hi,
> I deployed and -ejb jar inside a war file. When I deploy it on gfv2ur2 and
> b20 I always get the same error (from netbeans or autodeploy)
> When I deploy the ejb and war as an ear on gfV2ur2 there's no problem.
> Is this a bug?
> SEVERE: Exception while invoking class com.sun.enterprise.web.WebDeployer
> prepare method
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot resolve reference Unresolved Ejb-Ref
> com.lunchlink.services.web.tl.StoreWebTL/ejbRef_at_jndi:
> @null_at_com.lunchlink.model.session.ToplinkSessionLocal_at_Session@null
> Wim
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