
RE: Recognition of running GF in Netbeans

From: Wim Verreycken <wim_at_pizzastop.be>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 22:57:56 +0200

Hi Davis,


I was testing it already. The below problem (no jmx) keeps existing after a
cold reboot.

To get rid of it, I really had to re-unzip b23 (reinstall : run pkg etc).


Should I file this (and how, since you asked me to do some unorthodox tesing
here ;)



-----Original Message-----
From: Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: maandag 8 september 2008 22:42
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Recognition of running GF in Netbeans


Hi Wim,

It sounds like GF V3 server is having a problem to start and restart. Can
you stop the server or even better off to reboot your system the reinstall
the V3 to see what happens

If the problem still persists, can you please capture the error message as
you listed below together with error logs files to the bug?
Thank you very much for testing and letting us know about the problem.


Wim Verreycken wrote:

Have to make an addendum :
After the second test (NB 200808300201) it seems gf can't start jmx on 8686
INFO: Glassfish v3 started in 2437 ms
8-sep-2008 22:05:22
ead run
SEVERE: ERROR starting JMX connector: JmxConnector config: { name = system,
Protocol = rmi_jrmp, Address =, Port = 8686, AcceptAll = false,
e = admin-realm, SecurityEnabled = false}:
javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorServerProvider: Provider
rotocol.jmxmp.ServerProvider not found
8-sep-2008 22:05:22
INFO: JMXMP connector server URL = service:jmx:jmxmp://localhost:8888
Nothing further.
Here's netstat -a :
  TCP dhcp_active:8686 dhcp_active:0 LISTENING
  TCP dhcp_active:8888 dhcp_active:0 LISTENING
More weirdness?
-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Verreycken [mailto:wim_at_pizzastop.be]
Sent: maandag 8 september 2008 21:53
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: RE: Recognition of running GF in Netbeans
Hi Davis,
I was using a NB nightly from last week (30/08/2008-0201).
But I'll test using M1 as well. Here's the results.
NB 6.5 M1 (200807040101)
-Exit the NB
did, and checked, not java process running under wim
-Delete .netbeans and .netbeans-derby files (usually on window it's
located at ../Document Settings/Users/
-Restart the NB
ok everything is gone
-Start Glassfish V3
from cli I assume, ok
-Register the V3
ok. Now b23 is running, I see it in NB but shown as down and no matter how
many times I click refresh, it is still shown as down.
Let' try to start it from NB (while already running from cli), just for the
heck of it. The error I get is
SEVERE: ERROR starting JMX connector: JmxConnector config: { name = system,
Protocol = rmi_jrmp, Address =, Port = 8686, AcceptAll = false,
AuthRealmName = admin-realm, SecurityEnabled = false}:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Port 8686 is not available for the internal rmi
registry. This means that a call was made with the same port, without
closing earlier registry instance. This has to do with the system jmx
connector configuration in admin-service element of the configuration
associated with this instance
nothing further. So it seems this is trying to start a new instance although
one is running. Already filed 5790, which was closed as duplicate of 5649.
This is a new case, and it may be a fake hunch that any of this is related.
As expected, trying stop from NB now makes it "hang" (i.e. It keeps showing
the hourglass trying to stop either instance, even after multiple refrshes)
SIDE NOTE : this test makes NB really "hang". Need to stop 2 java processes
from task manager (user wim) before retrying. Original glassfish instance
started from cli is still running, could cleanly stop it using cli.
NB 200808300201 (30/08/2008-0201)
-Exit the NB
As I said, had to "kill" netbeans processes... noting running
-Delete .netbeans and .netbeans-derby files (usually on window it's
located at ../Document Settings/Users/
ok that went nice
-Restart the NB
now using last weeks nightly
-Start Glassfish V3
from cli , like before : asadmin start-domain --verbose
-Register the V3
OK. As apposed to M1, gfv3 is shown as running now.
- and try to stop it from NB.
Let's see...
In NB :
INFO: Server shutdown initiated
>>From cli /server.log :
INFO: Server shutdown initiated
8-sep-2008 21:46:06 AppServerStartup run
INFO: [Thread[GlassFish Kernel Main Thread,5,main]] exiting
Command start-domain executed successfully.
The domain was stopped.
Seems good, right?
So this all has still more to do with (the lots of ugly derby bugs in the
latest nightly) netbeans then with glassfish? Anyway, I wouldn't recommend
deleting those dirs as a workaround :)
Hope my test was helpful.
-----Original Message-----
From: Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: maandag 8 september 2008 20:32
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Recognition of running GF in Netbeans
Hi Wim,
Can you help do this?
-Exit the NB
-Delete .netbeans and .netbeans-derby files (usually on window it's
located at ../Document Settings/Users/
-Restart the NB
-Start Glassfish V3
-Register the V3
And please let us know what happens?
Wim Verreycken wrote:

Second time now, even weirder... First time I click refresh on b23 is still
shown running from NB (200808300201), while not. Second time I click
refresh, it is shown off. Can it get any weirder?:)
-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Verreycken [mailto:wim_at_pizzastop.be]
Sent: maandag 8 september 2008 19:59
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: RE: Recognition of running GF in Netbeans
Hi Adam, all,
It seems this problem is back in b23 (?)
I just tried stopping b23 from NB 200808300201 (same NB version)
It keeps showing the hourglass for a very long time after stopping the
server. Then the server is still shown running (while it is not), untill I
click refresh.
So there might be a glassfish side to this as well.
Adam could you share you experience with b23? Have you filed a bug report
for this issue already?
-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Verreycken [mailto:wim_at_pizzastop.be]
Sent: zondag 31 augustus 2008 14:59
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: RE: Recognition of running GF in Netbeans
Hi Adam,
It looks like this is a netbeans issue. I also noticed and tried with NB
200808300201. That seems to be working, tested the case you mention + can
restart, stop, start server from either cli or nb.
(+would not recommend NB build 200808300201 for other reasons)
-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Bien [mailto:abien_at_adam-bien.com]
Sent: zondag 31 augustus 2008 14:43
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Recognition of running GF in Netbeans
Hi All,
In case GF v3 prelude b22 was started with asadmin start-domain and is
already running - Netbeans 6.5 does not recognize it in the Services Tab
as "running". Even not after "refresh".
This works well with various GF v2 instances. I filed a bug:
happy fishcatting!,
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