
Re: Report on the manpages of asadmin commands

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2008 10:18:43 -0700

Very cool, thanks Jim. I start to think what else we can do with this
tool. May be do automatic man page review,
compare man page parameters with those parameters defined in xml file ?
Just a thought :-)


Jim Jiang wrote:

> Hi FishCAT,
> I use cmdant tool to generate a report about all commands manpage
> based on b23. Please see attached.
> You can use this report to do the further testing.
> Regards,
> Jim
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cmdant Executive Result
> Locale: zh
> OS: Windows XP
> Created: Sun Sep 07 16:29:43 CST 2008
> Total (Pass/Fail): 65(65/0)
> Target Command Return
> create-domain_help <#create-domain_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> create-domain
> 0
> delete-domain_help <#delete-domain_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> delete-domain
> 0
> list-commands_help <#list-commands_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-commands
> 0
> list-domains_help <#list-domains_help_1> asadmin.bat help list-domains
> 0
> monitor_help <#monitor_help_1> asadmin.bat help monitor
> 0
> start-database_help <#start-database_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> start-database
> 0
> start-domain_help <#start-domain_help_1> asadmin.bat help start-domain
> 0
> stop-database_help <#stop-database_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> stop-database
> 0
> stop-domain_help <#stop-domain_help_1> asadmin.bat help stop-domain
> 0
> __locations_help <#__locations_help_1> asadmin.bat help __locations
> 0
> add-resources_help <#add-resources_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> add-resources
> 0
> change-admin-password_help <#change-admin-password_help_1>
> asadmin.bat help change-admin-password
> 0
> create-audit-module_help <#create-audit-module_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help create-audit-module
> 0
> create-auth-realm_help <#create-auth-realm_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> create-auth-realm
> 0
> create-file-user_help <#create-file-user_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> create-file-user
> 0
> create-http-listener_help <#create-http-listener_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help create-http-listener
> 0
> create-jdbc-connection-pool_help
> <#create-jdbc-connection-pool_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> create-jdbc-connection-pool
> 0
> create-jdbc-resource_help <#create-jdbc-resource_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help create-jdbc-resource
> 0
> create-jvm-options_help <#create-jvm-options_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> create-jvm-options
> 0
> create-profiler_help <#create-profiler_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> create-profiler
> 0
> create-resource-ref_help <#create-resource-ref_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help create-resource-ref
> 0
> create-ssl_help <#create-ssl_help_1> asadmin.bat help create-ssl
> 0
> create-system-properties_help <#create-system-properties_help_1>
> asadmin.bat help create-system-properties
> 0
> create-virtual-server_help <#create-virtual-server_help_1>
> asadmin.bat help create-virtual-server
> 0
> delete-audit-module_help <#delete-audit-module_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help delete-audit-module
> 0
> delete-auth-realm_help <#delete-auth-realm_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> delete-auth-realm
> 0
> delete-file-user_help <#delete-file-user_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> delete-file-user
> 0
> delete-http-listener_help <#delete-http-listener_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help delete-http-listener
> 0
> delete-jdbc-connection-pool_help
> <#delete-jdbc-connection-pool_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> delete-jdbc-connection-pool
> 0
> delete-jdbc-resource_help <#delete-jdbc-resource_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help delete-jdbc-resource
> 0
> delete-jvm-options_help <#delete-jvm-options_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> delete-jvm-options
> 0
> delete-profiler_help <#delete-profiler_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> delete-profiler
> 0
> delete-resource-ref_help <#delete-resource-ref_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help delete-resource-ref
> 0
> delete-ssl_help <#delete-ssl_help_1> asadmin.bat help delete-ssl
> 0
> delete-system-property_help <#delete-system-property_help_1>
> asadmin.bat help delete-system-property
> 0
> delete-virtual-server_help <#delete-virtual-server_help_1>
> asadmin.bat help delete-virtual-server
> 0
> deploy_help <#deploy_help_1> asadmin.bat help deploy
> 0
> deploydir_help <#deploydir_help_1> asadmin.bat help deploydir
> 0
> disable_help <#disable_help_1> asadmin.bat help disable
> 0
> enable_help <#enable_help_1> asadmin.bat help enable
> 0
> generate-jvm-report_help <#generate-jvm-report_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help generate-jvm-report
> 0
> get_help <#get_help_1> asadmin.bat help get
> 0
> list_help <#list_help_1> asadmin.bat help list
> 0
> list-applications_help <#list-applications_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-applications
> 0
> list-audit-modules_help <#list-audit-modules_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-audit-modules
> 0
> list-auth-realms_help <#list-auth-realms_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-auth-realms
> 0
> list-components_help <#list-components_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-components
> 0
> list-containers_help <#list-containers_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-containers
> 0
> list-file-groups_help <#list-file-groups_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-file-groups
> 0
> list-file-users_help <#list-file-users_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-file-users
> 0
> list-http-listeners_help <#list-http-listeners_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help list-http-listeners
> 0
> list-jdbc-connection-pools_help <#list-jdbc-connection-pools_help_1>
> asadmin.bat help list-jdbc-connection-pools
> 0
> list-jdbc-resources_help <#list-jdbc-resources_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help list-jdbc-resources
> 0
> list-jvm-options_help <#list-jvm-options_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-jvm-options
> 0
> list-modules_help <#list-modules_help_1> asadmin.bat help list-modules
> 0
> list-resource-refs_help <#list-resource-refs_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> list-resource-refs
> 0
> list-system-properties_help <#list-system-properties_help_1>
> asadmin.bat help list-system-properties
> 0
> list-virtual-servers_help <#list-virtual-servers_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help list-virtual-servers
> 0
> ping-connection-pool_help <#ping-connection-pool_help_1> asadmin.bat
> help ping-connection-pool
> 0
> redeploy_help <#redeploy_help_1> asadmin.bat help redeploy
> 0
> set_help <#set_help_1> asadmin.bat help set
> 0
> undeploy_help <#undeploy_help_1> asadmin.bat help undeploy
> 0
> update-file-user_help <#update-file-user_help_1> asadmin.bat help
> update-file-user
> 0
> uptime_help <#uptime_help_1> asadmin.bat help uptime
> 0
> version_help <#version_help_1> asadmin.bat help version
> 0
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-domain Return:0
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> create-domain - creates a domain with the given name
> create-domain [--user user] [--passwordfile passwordfile]
> [(--adminport port_number | --portbase portbase)]
> [(--profile developer | cluster | enterprise ] --template domain_template)]
> [--domaindir domain_directory/domains]
> [--instanceport port_number] [--savemasterpassword=false]
> [--domainproperties (name=value)[:name=value]*
> ]
> [--savelogin=false] [--terse=false]
> [--echo=false] [--interactive=true]
> domain_name
> Use the create-domain command to create an administrative
> domain.
> This command creates the configuration of a domain. A
> domain is an administrative namespace. Every domain has a
> configuration, which is stored in a set of files. Any number
> of domains each of which has a distinct administrative iden-
> tity can be created in a given installation of application
> server. A domain can exist independent of other domains.
> Any user who has access to the asadmin script on a given
> system can create a domain and store its configuration in a
> folder of choice. By default, the domain configuration is
> created in the default directory for domains. You can over-
> ride this location to store the configuration elsewhere.
> A domain, in addition to being an administrative boundary,
> is also a fully compliant Java EE Server. This means that
> you can can deploy your Java EE Applications to the domain
> and run them when the domain is started. A domain provides
> all the necessary environment and services that are essen-
> tial to run the applications.
> A domain can be managed by tools such as the Administration
> GUI or asadmin.
> You choose an appropriate profile for the domain, depending
> on the applications that youwant to run on your new domain.
> You can choose the developer, cluster, or enterprise profile
> for the domain you create.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 1
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> This command is supported in local mode only.
> --user The username of the adminstrator
> of the domain.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> --domaindir The directory where the domain
> is to be created. If specified,
> the path must be accessible in
> the filesystem. If not speci-
> fied, the domain is created in
> the default domain directory.
> --profile The profile of the domain. A
> usage profile depicts how a par-
> ticular domain is going to be
> used. It determines how the tem-
> plates for various files are
> customized. Currently, only the
> customization for domain.xml
> template is supported.
> Valid values for this option
> are: developer, cluster, and
> enterprise
> Note -
> Profile names are case-
> sensitive. Use all profile
> names in lower case only.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 2
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> --template The file name of a domain.xml
> template used to create the
> domain. This allows domains of
> different types to be created.
> This also allows you to define
> your own template.
> --adminport The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser
> (example,
> http://localhost:<this-port>) to
> manage the domain. This option
> is mandatory unless you specify
> a value for the --portbase
> option.
> --passwordfile The file containing the domain
> application server password
> associated with the administra-
> tive instance. The create-domain
> command reads values for
> this file. The password is
> defined in the following form:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password for the
> domain. This file can contain
> many other passwords required by
> the asadmin commands. In adher-
> ence to application server secu-
> rity policy, asadmin does not
> accept clear text passwords on
> the command line.
> in the passwordfile, create-
> domain command prompts for admin
> password and master password.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 3
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> --instanceport As noted above, the domain pro-
> vides services so that applica-
> tions can run when deployed.
> This (HTTP) port specifies where
> the web application context
> roots are available for a Web
> browser to connect to. This port
> is a positive integer and must
> be available at the time of
> creation of the domain.
> --savemasterpassword Setting this option to true
> allows the masterpassword to be
> written to the file system. A
> master password is really a
> password for the secure key
> store. A domain is designed to
> keep its own certificate
> (created at the time of domain
> creation) in a safe place in
> the configuration location.
> This certificate is called
> domain's SSL server certificate.
> When the domain is contacted by
> a Web browser over a secure
> channel (HTTPS), this certifi-
> cate is presented by the domain.
> The master password is supposed
> to protect this store (a file)
> that contains this certificate.
> This file is called keystore.jks
> and is created in the config
> directory of the domain created.
> If however, this option is
> chosen, the master password is
> saved on the disk in domain's
> configuration location. The
> master password is stored in a
> file called master-password,
> which is a Java JCEKS type key-
> store. The only advantage of
> using this option is in case of
> unattended system boots, where
> at the time of start-domain, the
> master password is not prompted
> for, because it will be
> extracted from this file.
> It is best to create a master-
> password when creating a domain,
> because masterpassword is used
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 4
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> by the start-domain command. For
> security purposes, the default
> setting should be false, because
> saving the masterpassword on the
> disk is an insecure practice,
> unless file system permissions
> are properly set. If masterpass-
> word is saved, then start-domain
> will not prompt for it. Master-
> password gives an extra level of
> security to the environment.
> --domainproperties Setting the optional name/value
> pairs overrides the default
> values for the properties of the
> domain to be created. The list
> must be separated by the ":"
> character. The following proper-
> ties are available:
> o jms.port: Specifies the
> port number for JMS.
> Valid value is 7676.
> o domain.jmxPort: Speci-
> fies the port on which
> the JMX connector is
> initialized. The valid
> values are 1-65535.
> o orb.listener.port:
> Specifies the ORB
> listener port for IIOP
> connections on which
> orb-listener-1 listens
> .
> o http.ssl.port: Speci-
> fies the port number
> for http-listener-2.
> Valid values are 1 to
> 65535. On UNIX, to
> create sockets that
> listen on ports 1-1024,
> you need superuser
> privileges.
> o orb.ssl.port: Specifies
> the ORB listener port
> for IIOP connections on
> which the IIOP listener
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 5
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> called SSL listens.
> o orb.mutualauth.port:
> Specifies the ORB
> listener port for IIOP
> connections on which
> the IIOP listener
> listens.
> --portbase Determines the number with which
> the port assignment should
> start. A domain uses a certain
> number of ports that are stati-
> cally assigned. The portbase
> value determines where the
> assignment should start. Choose
> this value judiciously. The
> values for the ports are calcu-
> lated as follows: Admin port:
> portbase + 48, HTTP listener
> port: portbase + 80, IIOP
> listener port: portbase + 37,
> JMX port: portbase + 86. See the
> output of this command for a
> complete list of occupied ports,
> when --portbase option is speci-
> fied.
> Note -
> The --portbase option cannot
> be used with the --adminport
> or the --instanceport option.
> --savelogin Saves the admin user name and
> password if you set this option
> to true. The default value is
> false. The username and password
> are stored in the .asadminpass
> file in user's home directory. A
> domain can only be created
> locally and hence while using
> the above option, the host name
> saved in .asadminpass will
> always be localhost. If the user
> has specified default admin port
> while creating the domain, there
> is no need to specify --user,
> --passwordfile, --host, or --
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 6
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> port on any of the subsequent
> asadmin remote commands. These
> values will be automatically
> obtained.
> Note -
> When the same user creates
> multiple domains having same
> admin port number on the same
> or different machines (where
> the home directory is NFS
> mounted), the command is not
> going to prompt whether the
> password should be overwrit-
> ten. It will always be
> overwritten.
> domain_name The name of the domain to be
> created.
> Example 1 Using the create-domain command (developer pro-
> file)
> The following command creates domain4 domain with developer
> profile.
> asadmin>create-domain --adminport 4848 --profile developer domain4
> Please enter the admin user name>admin
> Please enter the admin password>
> Please enter the admin password again>
> Please enter the master password>
> Please enter the master password again>
> Using port 4848 for Admin.
> Using default port 8080 for HTTP Instance.
> Using default port 7676 for JMS.
> Using default port 3700 for IIOP.
> Using default port 8181 for HTTP_SSL.
> Using default port 3820 for IIOP_SSL.
> Using default port 3920 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.
> Using default port 8686 for JMX_ADMIN.
> Domain being created with profile:developer, as specified on command line or environment.
> Security Store used should be JKS
> Domain domain4 created.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 7
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> Example 2 Using the create-domain command (enterprise pro-
> file)
> The following command creates sampleDomain domain with
> enterprise profile in the /export/domains directory.
> asadmin> create-domain --domaindir /export/domains
> --profile enterprise --adminport 7070 --adminuser admin
> --instanceport 7071 sampleDomain
> Please enter the admin password>
> Please enter the admin password again>
> Please enter the master password>
> Please enter the master password again>
> Using port 7070 for Admin.
> Using default port 7071 for HTTP Instance.
> Using default port 7676 for JMS.
> Using default port 3700 for IIOP.
> Using default port 8181 for HTTP_SSL.
> Using default port 3820 for IIOP_SSL.
> Using default port 3920 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.
> Using default port 8686 for JMX_ADMIN.
> Domain being created with profile:enterprise, as specified
> by variable AS_ADMIN_PROFILE in configuration file.
> Security Store used should be NSS
> Domain sampleDomain created.
> Example 3 Using the create-domain command (savelogin)
> The following command creates the myDomain domain with the
> enterprise profile and saves the admin username and pass-
> word.
> asadmin> create-domain --adminport 8282 --adminuser admin
> --savelogin=true myDomain
> Please enter the admin user name>admin
> Please enter the admin password>
> Please enter the admin password again>
> Please enter the master password>
> Please enter the master password again>
> Using port 8282 for Admin.
> Using default port 8080 for HTTP Instance.
> Using default port 7676 for JMS.
> Using default port 3700 for IIOP.
> Using default port 8181 for HTTP_SSL.
> Using default port 3820 for IIOP_SSL.
> Using default port 3920 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 8
>Administration Commands create-domain(1)
> Using default port 8686 for JMX_ADMIN.
> Domain being created with profile:enterprise, as specified by variable
> AS_ADMIN_PROFILE in configuration file.
> adSecurity Store used should be NSS
> Domain myDomain created.
> Login information relevant to admin user name [admin] for this domain [myDomain]
> stored at [/.asadminpass] successfully.
> Make sure that this file remains protected. Information stored in this file will be
> used by asadmin commands to manage this domain.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> login(1), delete-domain(1), start-domain(1), stop-domain(1),
> list-domains(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 9
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-domain Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-domain(1)
> delete-domain - deletes the given domain
> delete-domain [--domaindir install_dir/domains]
> [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
> domain_name
> Use the delete-domain command to delete the named domain.
> The domain must already exist and must be stopped.
> This command is supported in local mode only.
> --domaindir The directory where the domain
> to be deleted is located. If
> specified, the path must be
> accessible in the filesystem. If
> not specified, the domain in the
> default install_dir/domains
> directory is deleted.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on to the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> domain_name The unique name of the domain
> you wish to delete.
> Example 1 Using the delete-domain command
> asadmin> delete-domain --domaindir /export/domains sampleDomain
> Domain sampleDomain deleted
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-domain(1)
> Where: the sampleDomain domain is deleted from the
> /export/domains directory.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-domain(1), start-domain(1), stop-domain(1), list-
> domains(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-commands Return:0
>CLI001 ???? list-commands ????????????????????, ????á?asadmin help????
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-domains Return:0
>Administration Commands list-domains(1)
> list-domains - lists the domains in the specified domain
> directory
> list-domains [--domaindir install_dir/domains]
> [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
> Use the list-domains command to list the domain. If the
> domain directory is not specified, the domain in the default
> install_dir/domains directory is listed. If there is more
> that one domain, the domain_name operand must be identified.
> --domaindir The directory where the domains
> are to be started. If specified,
> the path must be accessible in
> the filesystem. If not speci-
> fied, the domain in the default
> install_dir/domains directory is
> started.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on to the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> Example 1 Using the list-domains command
> asadmin> list-domains
> domain1 running
> sampleDomain not running
> Command list-domains executed successfully
> Where: domain1 and sampleDomain are the domains located in
> the default install_dir/domains directory.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-domains(1)
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-domain(1), delete-domain(1), start-domain(1), stop-
> domain(1),
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help monitor Return:0
>Administration Commands monitor(1)
> monitor - displays monitoring data for commonly-used Appli-
> cation Server components
> monitor
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> --type monitor_type [--filename file_name] [--interval interval] [--filter filter_name]
> instance_name
> This command prints out commonly-monitored attributes of
> Application Server components, and has options for filtering
> out statistics and capturing the output in a Comma Separated
> Values (CSV) file. The output appears in a table format. To
> view the legend of the table header, type h.
> Note -
> To monitor information for a given attribute, the
> attribute's monitoring level must be set to HIGH or LOW.
> Set the monitoring level through the Admin Console, or use
> the set command.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 17 April 2007 1
>Administration Commands monitor(1)
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
>Java EE 5 Last change: 17 April 2007 2
>Administration Commands monitor(1)
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --type The type of statistics to moni-
> tor. Valid values are:
> o connection
> o connectionqueue
> o connectorpool
> o endpoint
> o entitybean
>Java EE 5 Last change: 17 April 2007 3
>Administration Commands monitor(1)
> o filecache
> o httplistener
> o httpservice
> o jdbcpool
> o jvm
> o keepalive
> o messagedriven
> o servlet
> o statefulsession
> o statelesssession
> o threadpool
> o webmodule
> --filename Saves output to a file in CSV
> format.
> --interval The interval in seconds before
> capturing monitoring attributes.
> If the interval must be greater
> than 0. The monitoring attri-
> butes are displayed on stdout
> until you type ctrl-c or q. The
> default value is 30.
> --filter If there is more than one moni-
> torable element in the given
> type, use this option to filter
> the results to get the informa-
> tion you want.
> instance_name The server instance for which to
> view monitoring data.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 17 April 2007 4
>Administration Commands monitor(1)
> For the following examples, enable monitoring for the type
> before running the commands. For example:
> asadmin set server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.jvm=LOW
> Example 1 Sending output to the screen:
> asadmin> monitor --type jvm --user admin --passwordfile password.txt server
> JVM Monitoring
> UpTime(ms) HeapSize(bytes)
> current min max low high count
> 327142979 0 531628032 0 45940736 45940736
> Example 2 Using the filter option:
> The following example shows a type for which there are mul-
> tiple monitoring options when the filter option is not used:
> asadmin> monitor --type httplistener --user admin --passwordfile password.txt server
> There are more than one monitoring elements. Please consider using the filter option.
> The following are available elements to monitor:
> http-listener-1
> http-listener-2
> CLI137 Command monitor failed.
> Using the filter option:
> asadmin> monitor --type httplistener --filter http-listener-1
> --user admin --passwordfile password.txt server
> HTTP Listener Monitoring: http-listener-1
> br bs c200 c2xx c302 c304 c3xx c400 c401 c403 c404 c4xx c503 c5xx coc co
> ctc ctb ec moc mst mt mtm mst pt rc
> 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 2 0 0 1 20 20 2 2 6 3
>Java EE 5 Last change: 17 April 2007 5
>Administration Commands monitor(1)
> Enter h to see the legend for the table headings:
> ******************************************************************************************
> * br = Cumulative value of the Bytes received by each of the Request Processors *
> * bs = Cumulative value of the Bytes sent by each of the Request Processors *
> * c200 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 200 *
> * c2xx = Number of responses with a status code in the 2xx range *
> * c302 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 302 *
> * c304 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 304 *
> * c3xx = Number of responses with a status code in the 3xx range *
> * c400 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 400 *
> * c401 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 401 *
> * c403 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 403 *
> * c404 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 404 *
> * c4xx = Number of responses with a status code equal to 4xx *
> * c504 = Number of responses with a status code equal to 504 *
> * c5xx = Number of responses with a status code equal to 5xx *
> * coc = Number of open connections *
> * co = Number of responses with a status code outside the 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx range *
> * ctc = Number of request processing threads currently in the listener thread pool *
> * ctb = Number of request processing threads currently in use in the listener thread *
> * pool serving requests *
> * ec = Number of responses with a status code equal to 400 *
> * moc = Maximum number of open connections *
> * mst = Minimum number of request processing threads that will be created at listener *
> * startup time and maintained as spare threads above the current thread count *
> * mt = Maximum number of request processing threads that are created by the listener *
> * mtm = Provides the longest response time for a request - not a cumulative value, but *
> * the largest response time from among the response times *
> * pt = Cumulative value of the times taken to process each request. The processing *
> * time is the average of request processing times over the request count *
> * rc = Cumulative number of the requests processed so far *
> ******************************************************************************************
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> get(1), list(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 17 April 2007 6
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help start-database Return:0
>Administration Commands start-database(1)
> start-database - starts the Java DB
> start-database [--dbhost] [--dbport 1527]
> [--dbhome DERBY_INSTALL] [--echo=false]
> [--terse=false]
> The start-database command starts the Java DB server that is
> available with the Sun Java System Application Server
> software for use with the Application Server. Use this com-
> mand only for working with applications deployed to the
> Application Server. Java DB is based upon Apache Derby.
> When the Java DB database server is started using this com-
> mand, the database server is started in Network Server mode.
> Clients connecting to it must use the Java DB ClientDriver.
> For details on connecting to the database, such as the
> Driver Class Name and Connection URL, please see the Apache
> Derby documentation.
> When the database server starts, or a client connects to it
> successfully, two types of files are created:
> o The derby.log file that contains the database
> server process log along with its standard output
> and standard error information.
> o The database files that contain your schema (for
> example, database tables).
> Both types of files are created at the location specified by
> the dbhome option. When -dbhome is not specified, the
> default is the value of DERBY_INSTALL, which defaults to
> install-dir/javadb. It is important to use the dbhome option
> when you want to create the database files at a particular
> location. The start-database command starts the database
> process, even if it cannot write to the log file.
> This command is supported in local mode only.
> --dbhost The host name or IP address of
> the Java DB server process. The
> default is the IP address
>, which denotes all
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands start-database(1)
> network interfaces on the host
> where you run the start-database
> command.
> --dbport The port number where the Java
> DB server listens for client
> connections. This port must be
> available for the listen socket,
> otherwise the database server
> will not start. The default is
> 1527.
> --dbhome The absolute path to the direc-
> tory where Java DB and the
> derby.log files are created. The
> default is DERBY_INSTALL.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -t --terse Setting to false displays
> detailed database information.
> Default is false.
> Example 1 Using the start-database command
> The following command starts Java DB on the host host1 and
> port 5001:
> asadmin> start-database --dbhost host1 --dbport 5001 --terse=true
> Starting database in the background. Log redirected to /opt/SUNWappserver/javdb/derby.log.
> The exit status applies to errors in executing the asadmin
> command. For information on database errors, see the
> derby.log file.
> 0 command executed successfully
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands start-database(1)
> 1 error in executing the command
> stop-database(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help start-domain Return:0
>Administration Commands start-domain(1)
> start-domain - starts a domain
> start-domain [--domaindir domain-dir]
> --user admin_user --passwordfile file_name
> [--terse={true|false}] [ --echo ={true|false}]
> [ --interactive ={true|false}] [ --verbose ={true|false}]
> [ --debug ={true|false}] [domain_name]
> Use the start-domain command to start a domain. If the
> domain directory is not specified, the domain in the default
> install_dir/domains directory is started. If there are two
> or more domains, the domain_name operand must be specified.
> You can use the start-domain command to upgrade domains of
> Application Server 8.x or 9.0 to Application Server 9.1. Use
> one of the following ways to upgrade your domain:
> o Perform an in-place upgrade of the Application
> Server binaries. When you run start-domain on the
> domains pointing to the earlier version of Applica-
> tion Server, asadmin invokes the asupgrade command,
> and the domains are automatically upgraded in-
> place.
> o Perform a side-by-side upgrade of the Application
> Server binaries. Run start-domain on the domains of
> your earlier installation. The asupgrade command
> upgrades the domains to the domains root of the
> latest Application Server installation. In this
> scenario, the target directory for the upgrade is
> defined in the AS_DEF_DOMAINS_PATH in the
> asenv.conf.
> On the Mac OS X platform, processes can bind to the same
> port. To avoid this problem, do not start multiple domains
> with the same port number at the same time.
> This command is supported in local mode only.
> --domaindir
> The directory where the domain is to be started. If
> specified, the path must be accessible in the filesys-
> tem. If not specified, the domain in the default
> install_dir/domains directory is started.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands start-domain(1)
> -u --user
> The authorized domain application server administrative
> username.
> --passwordfile
> The file containing the domain application server pass-
> word associated with the administrative instance. The
> password is defined in the following form:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password. Where password is the actual
> administrator password for the domain.
> -t--terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> to the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> --verbose
> By default this flag is set to false. If set to true,
> detailed server startup output is displayed. On Windows,
> press CTRL-Break in the domain's window to print a
> thread dump. On UNIX, press CTRL-C to kill the server
> and press CTRL-\ to print a thread dump.
> --debug
> By default this flag is set to false. If set to true,
> the server is started in debug mode and prints the JPDA
> port on the console.
> domain_name The unique name of the domain you wish
> to start.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands start-domain(1)
> Example 1 Using the start-domain command
> asadmin> start-domain domain1
> Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
> Log redirected to /usr/appserver/domains/domain1/logs/server.log.
> Redirecting output to /usr/appserver/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
> Domain domain1 started.
> Domain [domain1] is running [Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (build
> b50d-beta3)] with its configuration and logs at: [/usr/appserver/domains].
> Admin Console is available at [http://localhost:4848].
> Use the same port [4848] for "asadmin" commands.
> User web applications are available at these URLs:
> [http://localhost:8080 https://localhost:8181 ].
> Following web-contexts are available:
> [/web1 /__wstx-services ].
> Standard JMX Clients (like JConsole) can connect to JMXServiceURL:
> [service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://pdavies.SFBay.Sun.COM:8686/jmxrmi] for domain
> management purposes.
> Domain listens on at least following ports for connections:
> [8080 8181 4848 3700 3820 3920 8686 ].
> Domain supports application server clusters and other standalone instances.
> Where: domain1 is the domain in the /usr/appserver/domains
> directory.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-domain(1), delete-domain(1), stop-domain(1), list-
> domains(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 3
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help stop-database Return:0
>Administration Commands stop-database(1)
> stop-database - stops Java DB
> stop-database [--dbhost] [--dbport 1527]
> The stop-database command stops a process of the Java DB
> server. Java DB server is available with the Sun Java System
> Application Server software for use with the Application
> Server. Java DB is based upon Apache Derby. The database is
> typically started with the asadmin start-database command.
> Note that a single host can have multiple database server
> processes running on different ports. This command stops the
> database server process for the specified port only.
> This command is supported in local mode only.
> --dbhost The host name or IP address of
> the Java DB server process. The
> default is the IP address
>, which denotes all net-
> work interfaces on the host
> where you run the stop-database
> command.
> --dbport The port number where the Java
> DB server listens for client
> connections. The default is
> 1527.
> Example 1 Using the stop-database command
> The following command stops Java DB on the host host1 and
> port 5001:
> asadmin> stop-database --dbhost host1 --dbport 5001
> Connection obtained for host: host1, port number 5001.
> Shutdown successful.
> Command stop-database executed successfully.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands stop-database(1)
> The exit status applies to errors in executing the asadmin
> command. For information on database errors, see the
> derby.log file. This file is located in the directory you
> specified using the dbhome option when you ran start-
> database, or if you did not specify dbhome, the value of
> DERBY_INSTALL, which defaults to install-dir/javadb.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> start-database(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help stop-domain Return:0
>Administration Commands stop-domain(1)
> stop-domain - Stops the Domain Administration Server of the
> specified domain
> stop-domain [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
> [--domaindir install_dir/domains] domain_name
> Use the stop-domain command to stop the Domain Administra-
> tion Server of the specified domain. The stop-domain command
> can be run in the local mode only.
> -t--terse Indicates that any output data must be
> very concise, typically avoiding human-
> friendly sentences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption by a
> script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the command
> line statement on to the standard out-
> put. Default is false.
> --domaindir The directory where the domain is to be
> stopped. If specified, the path must be
> accessible in the filesystem. If not
> specified, the domain in the default
> install_dir/domains directory is
> stopped.
> domain_name This is the name of the domain to stop.
> Example 1 Using stop-domain command
> asadmin> stop-domain sampleDomain
> Domain sampleDomain stopped
> 0 command executed successfully
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands stop-domain(1)
> 1 error in executing the command
> start-domain(1), delete-domain(1), list-domains(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help __locations Return:0
>CLI001 ???? __locations ????????????????????, ????á?asadmin help????
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help add-resources Return:0
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> add-resources - creates the resources specified in an XML
> file
> add-resources
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> xml_file_path
> The add-resources command creates the resources named in the
> specified XML file. The xml_file_path is the path to the XML
> file containing the resources to be created. The DOCTYPE
> must be specified as
> http://www.sun.com/software/appserver/dtds/sun-
> resources_1_2.dtdin the resources.xml file.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target Specifies the target for which
> you are creating the resources.
> Valid values are
> o server, which creates
> the resources for the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o domain, which creates
> the resources for the
> domain
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> o cluster_name, which
> creates the resources
> for every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> creates the resources
> for a particular server
> instance
> xml_file_path The path to the XML file con-
> taining the resource(s) to be
> created. The XML file must
> reside in the <install-
> dir>/domains/domain1/config
> directory. If you specify a
> relative path or simply provide
> the name of the XML file, this
> command will prepend <install-
> dir>/domains/domain1/config to
> this operand.
> An example XML file follows.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE resources PUBLIC
> "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.1 Domain//EN"
> "*http://www.sun.com/software/appserver/dtds/sun-resources_1_2.dtd*">
> <resources>
> <jdbc-connection-pool name="SPECjPool" steady-pool-size="100"
> max-pool-size="150" max-wait-time-in-millis="60000"
> pool-resize-quantity="2" idle-timeout-in-seconds="300"
> is-isolation-level-guaranteed="true"
> is-connection-validation-required="false"
> connection-validation-method="auto-commit"
> fail-all-connections="false"
> datasource-classname="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource">
> <property name="URL"
> value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@iasperfsol12:1521:specdb"/>
> <property name="User" value="spec"/>
> <property name="Password" value="spec"/>
> <property name="MaxStatements" value="200"/>
> <property name="ImplicitCachingEnabled" value="true"/>
> </jdbc-connection-pool>
> <jdbc-resource enabled="true" pool-name="SPECjPool"
> jndi-name="jdbc/SPECjDB"/>
> </resources>
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
>Administration Commands add-resources(1)
> Example 1 Using the add-resources command
> The following command creates resources using the contents
> of the XML file resource.xml:
> asadmin> add-resources --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848 resource.xml
> =========================
> Added Resource Type: jdbc-connection-pool
> =========================
> Added Resource Type: jdbc-resource
> =========================
> Added Resource Type: persistence-manager-factory-resource
> Command add-resources executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-jdbc-connection-pool(1), create-jdbc-resource(1),
> create-jms-resource(1), create-jndi-resource(1), create-
> javamail-resource(1), create-persistence-resource(1),
> create-custom-resource(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help change-admin-password Return:0
>Administration Commands; change-admin-password(1)
> change-admin-password - changes the administrator password
> change-admin-password --user admin_user
> [--terse={true|false}] [ --echo ={true|false}]
> [ --host hostname] [--port port-no]
> [--secure | -s ]
> This remote command is used to modify the admin password.
> change-admin-password is interactive in that the user is
> prompted for the old admin password and for the new admin
> password (with confirmation).
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
> is running. The default is localhost.
> -p --port
> The port number of the domain administration server
> listening for administration requests. The default is
> port 4848.
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 9 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands; change-admin-password(1)
> Example 1 Using change-admin-password
> asadmin> change-admin-password --user admin
> Please enter the old admin password>
> Please enter the new admin password>
> Please enter the new admin password again>
> Command change-admin-password executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-password-alias(1), list-password-aliases(1), update-
> password-alias(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 9 Jul 2007 2
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-audit-module Return:0
>Administration Commands create-audit-module(1)
> create-audit-module - adds an audit-module
> create-audit-module --classname classname
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> [ --target target_name] audit_module_name
> Adds the named audit module for the plug-in module that
> implements the audit capabilities. This command is supported
> in remote mode only.
> --classname Java class which implements this
> audit module.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-audit-module(1)
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-audit-module(1)
> command can be used only to
> specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be
> specified for remote commands,
> use the --passwordfile or enter
> them at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --property optional attributes name/value
> pairs of provider implementation
> specific attributes.
> --target Specifies the target on which
> you are creating the audit
> module. Valid values are
> o server, which creates
> the audit module for
> the default server
> instance server and is
> the default value
> o configuration_name,
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-audit-module(1)
> which creates the audit
> module for the named
> configuration
> o cluster_name, which
> creates the audit
> module for every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> creates the audit
> module for a particular
> server instance
> audit_module_name name of this audit module.
> Example 1 Using the create-audit-module command
> asadmin> create-audit-module --user admin1 --passwordfile password.txt
> --host pigeon --port 5001 --classname com.sun.appserv.auditmodule
> --property defaultuser=admin:Password=admin sampleAuditModule
> Command create-audit-module executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-audit-module(1), list-audit-modules(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-auth-realm Return:0
>Administration Commands create-auth-realm(1)
> create-auth-realm - adds the named authentication realm
> create-auth-realm --classname realm_class
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> [ --target target_name] auth_realm_name
> Adds the named authentication realm. This command is sup-
> ported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-auth-realm(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-auth-realm(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target Specifies the target on which
> you are creating the realm.
> Valid values are
> o server, which creates
> the realm for the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o configuration_name,
> which creates the realm
> for the named confi-
> guration
> o cluster_name, which
> creates the realm for
> every server instance
> in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> creates the realm for a
> particular server
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-auth-realm(1)
> instance
> --classname Java class which implements this
> realm.
> --property optional attributes name/value
> paris of provider implementation
> specific attributes.
> auth_realm_name name of this realm.
> Example 1 Using create-auth-realm
> asadmin> create-auth-realm --user admin1 --passwordfile password.txt
> --host pigeon --port 5001 --classname com.iplanet.ias.security.auth.realm.DB.Database
> --property defaultuser=admin:Password=admin db
> Command create-auth-realm executed successfully
> Where db is the auth realm created.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-auth-realm(1), list-auth-realms(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-file-user Return:0
>Administration Commands create-file-user(1)
> create-file-user - creates a new file user
> create-file-user
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--passwordfile passwordfile] [--authrealmname auth_realm_name]
> [--groups user_groups[:user_groups]*]
> user_name
> Creates an entry in the keyfile with the specified username,
> password, and groups. Multiple groups can be created by
> separating them with a colon (:). If auth_realm_name is not
> specified, an entry is created in the keyfile for the
> default realm. If auth_realm_name is specified, an entry is
> created in the keyfile using the auth_realm_name.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-file-user(1)
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-file-user(1)
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This is the name of the target
> on which the command operates.
> The valid targets are config,
> instance, cluster, or server. By
> default, the target is the
> server.
> This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-file-user(1)
> --groups This is the group associated
> with this file user.
> --authrealmname This is the file where the file
> users are stored.
> user_name This is the name of file user to
> be created.
> Example 1 Using the create-file-user command
> It is assumed that an authentication realm has already been
> created using the create-auth-realm command.
> asadmin> create-file-user --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --host pigeon --port 5001 --groups staff:manager
> --authrealmname auth-realm1 sample_user
> Command create-file-user executed successfully
> Where, the sample_user is the file user created.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-auth-realm(1), delete-file-user(1), list-file-
> users(1), update-file-user(1), list-file-groups(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-http-listener Return:0
>Administration Commands create-http-listener(1)
> create-http-listener - adds a new HTTP listener socket
> create-http-listener
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> --listeneraddress address --listenerport listener_port
> --defaultvs virtual_server [--servername server_name]
> [--acceptorthreads acceptor-threads] [--xpowered={true|false}]
> [ --redirectport redirect_port] [--securityenabled={true|false}]
> [ --enabled ={true|false}] [ --target server] listener_id
> The create-http-listener command creates an HTTP listener.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> Note -
> If you edit the special HTTP listener named admin-
> listener, you must restart the server for the changes to
> take effect. The Administration Console does not tell you
> that a restart is required in this case.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
> is running. The default value is localhost.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 15 May 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-http-listener(1)
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name, including
> the full path, of a file containing the password entries
> in a specific format. The entry for the password must
> have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the password name
> in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
>Java EE 5 Last change: 15 May 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-http-listener(1)
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by indivi-
> dual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an environ-
> ment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
> changeit.
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> --listeneraddress
> The IP address or the hostname (resolvable by DNS).
> --listenerport
> The port number to create the listen socket on. Legal
> values are 1-65535. On UNIX, creating sockets that
> listen on ports 1-1024 requires superuser privileges.
> Configuring an SSL listen socket to listen on port 443
> is recommended.
> --defaultvs
> The ID attribute of the default virtual server for this
> listener.
> --servername
> Tells the server what to put in the host name section of
> any URLs it sends to the client. This affects URLs the
> server automatically generates; it doesn't affect the
> URLs for directories and files stored in the server.
> This name should be the alias name if your server uses
> an alias. If a colon and port number are appended, that
> port will be used in URLs that the server sends to the
> client.
> --acceptorthreads
> The number of acceptor threads for the listen socket.
> The recommended value is the number of processors in the
> machine. The default value is 1.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 15 May 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-http-listener(1)
> --xpowered
> If set to true, adds the X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.4 and
> X-Powered-By: JSP/2.0 headers to the appropriate
> responses. The Servlet 2.4 specification defines the X-
> Powered-By: Servlet/2.4 header, which containers may add
> to servlet-generated responses. Similarly, the JSP 2.0
> specification defines the X-Powered-By: JSP/2.0 header,
> which containers may add to responses that use JSP tech-
> nology. The goal of these headers is to aid in gather-
> ing statistical data about the use of Servlet and JSP
> technology.
> --redirectport
> This option is valid only in domains that are configured
> to support clusters, such as domains that are created
> with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile. Port
> number for redirects. If the HTTP listener is supporting
> non-SSL requests, and a request is received for which a
> matching security-constraint requires SSL transport, the
> Application Server will automatically redirect the
> request to this port number.
> --securityenabled
> If set to true, the HTTP listener runs SSL. You can turn
> SSL2 or SSL3 ON or OFF and set ciphers using an SSL ele-
> ment. The security setting globally enables or disables
> SSL by making certificates available to the server
> instance. The default value is false.
> --enabled
> If set to true, the listener is enabled at runtime.
> --target
> This option is valid only in domains that are configured
> to support clusters, such as domains that are created
> with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile.
> Specifies the target for which you are creating the HTTP
> listener. Valid values are
> o server, which creates the listener for the
> default server instance server and is the
> default value
> o configuration_name, which creates the listener
> for the named configuration
>Java EE 5 Last change: 15 May 2007 4
>Administration Commands create-http-listener(1)
> o cluster_name, which creates the listener for
> every server instance in the cluster
> o stand-alone_instance_name, which creates the
> listener for a particular standalone server
> instance
> listener_id The listener ID of the HTTP
> listener.
> Example 1 Using the create-http-listener command
> The following command creates an HTTP listener named sam-
> pleListener that uses a nondefault number of acceptor
> threads and is not enabled at runtime:
> asadmin> create-http-listener --user admin1
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --host host1 --port 4848
> --listeneraddress --listenerport 7272
> --defaultvs server --servername host1.sun.com
> --acceptorthreads 100 --securityenabled=false
> --enabled=false sampleListener
> Command create-http-listener executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-http-listener(1), list-http-listeners(1), create-
> virtual-server(1), create-ssl(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 15 May 2007 5
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-jdbc-connection-pool Return:0
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> create-jdbc-connection-pool - registers the JDBC connection
> pool
> create-jdbc-connection-pool
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--datasourceclassname classname] [--restype res_type]
> [--steadypoolsize poolsize] [--maxpoolsize poolsize]
> [--maxwait time] [--poolresize limit]
> [--idletimeout time] [--isolationlevel isolation_level]
> [--isolationguaranteed=true] [--isconnectvalidatereq=false]
> [--validationmethod auto-commit] [--validationtable tablename]
> [--failconnection=false] [--allownoncomponentcallers=false]
> [--nontransactionalconnections=false]
> [--description text] [--property (name=value)
> [:name=value]*] connectionpoolid
> The create-jdbc-connection-pool command registers a new JDBC
> connection pool with the specified JDBC connection pool
> name.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any out-
> put data must be very
> concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly
> sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for
> consumption by a script.
> Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will
> echo the command line
> statement on the stan-
> dard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true
> (default), only the
> required password
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> options are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where
> the domain administra-
> tion server is running.
> The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for
> administration. This is
> the port to which you
> should point your
> browser in order to
> manage the domain. For
> example,
> http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number
> is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses
> SSL/TLS to communicate
> with the domain adminis-
> tration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain
> administration server
> administrative username.
> If you have authenti-
> cated to a domain using
> the asadmin login com-
> mand, then you need not
> specify the --user
> option on subsequent
> operations to this par-
> ticular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile
> option specifies the
> name, including the full
> path, of a file contain-
> ing the password entries
> in a specific format.
> The entry for the pass-
> word must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> followed by the password
> name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify
> the domain administra-
> tion server password,
> use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the
> actual administrator
> password. Other pass-
> words that can be speci-
> fied include
> and
> All remote commands must
> specify the admin pass-
> word to authenticate to
> the domain administra-
> tion server, either
> through --passwordfile
> or asadmin login, or
> interactively on the
> command prompt. The
> asadmin login command
> can be used only to
> specify the admin pass-
> word. For other pass-
> words, that must be
> specified for remote
> commands, use the --
> passwordfile or enter
> them at the command
> prompt.
> If you have authenti-
> cated to a domain using
> the asadmin login com-
> mand, then you need not
> specify the admin pass-
> word through the --
> passwordfile option on
> subsequent operations to
> this particular domain.
> However, this is appli-
> cable only to
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> option. You will still
> need to provide the
> other passwords, for
> example,
> as and when required by
> individual commands,
> such as update-file-
> user.
> For security reasons,
> passwords specified as
> an environment variable
> will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> is changeit.
> --help Displays the help text
> for the command.
> --target This option is depre-
> cated.
> --datasourceclassname The name of the vendor-
> supplied JDBC datasource
> resource manager.
> --restype The interface that the
> datasource class imple-
> ments. Must be one of
> javax.sql.DataSource,
> javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
> or
> javax.sql.XADataSource.
> It leads to an error
> when this option has a
> legal value and the
> indicated interface is
> not implemented by the
> datasource class. This
> option has no default
> value.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> --steadypoolsize The minimum and initial
> number of connections
> maintained in the pool.
> The default value is 8.
> --maxpoolsize The maximum number of
> connections that can be
> created. The default
> value is 32.
> --maxwait The amount of time a
> caller will wait before
> a connection timeout is
> sent. The default is 60
> seconds. A value of 0
> forces the caller to
> wait indefinitely.
> --poolresize Quantity by which the
> pool will scale-up or
> scale-down the number of
> connections. Scale-up:
> When the pool has no
> free connections, pool
> will scale-up by this
> quantity. Scale-down:
> All the invalid and idle
> connections are removed,
> sometimes resulting in
> removing connections of
> quantity greater than
> this value. Steadypool-
> size will be ensured.
> Possible values are from
> 0 to MAX_INTEGER. The
> default value is 2.
> --idletimeout The maximum time, in
> seconds, that a connec-
> tion can remain idle in
> the pool. After this
> time, the implementation
> can close this connec-
> tion. This timeout value
> must be kept shorter
> than the server side
> timeout value to prevent
> the accumulation of
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> unusable connections in
> the application. The
> default value is 300.
> --isolationlevel The transaction-
> isolation-level on the
> pooled database connec-
> tions. This option does
> not have a default
> value. If not specified,
> the pool operates with
> the default isolation
> level that the JDBC
> driver provides.
> You can set a desired
> isolation level using
> one of the standard
> transaction isolation
> levels: read-
> uncommitted, read-
> committed, repeatable-
> read, serializable.
> Applications that change
> the isolation level on a
> pooled connection pro-
> grammatically risk pol-
> luting the pool. This
> could lead to program
> errors.
> --isisolationguaranteed This is applicable only
> when a particular isola-
> tion level is specified
> for transaction-
> isolation-level. The
> default value is true.
> This option assures that
> every time a connection
> is obtained from the
> pool, isolation level is
> set to the desired
> value. This could have
> some performance impact
> on some JDBC drivers.
> Administrators can set
> this to false when the
> application does not
> change --isolationlevel
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 6
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> before returning the
> connection.
> --isconnectvalidatereq If set to true, connec-
> tions are validated or
> checked to see if they
> are usable before giving
> out to the application.
> The default value is
> false.
> --validationmethod The name of the valida-
> tion table used to per-
> form a query to validate
> a connection. Valid set-
> tings are: auto-commit,
> meta-data, or table. The
> default value is auto-
> commit.
> --validationtable The name of the valida-
> tion table used to per-
> form a query to validate
> a connection.
> --failconnection If set to true, all con-
> nections in the pool
> must be closed when a
> single validation check
> fails. The default value
> is false. One attempt is
> made to re-establish
> failed connections.
> --allownoncomponentcallers A pool with this pro-
> perty set to true, can
> be used by non-J2EE com-
> ponents, that is, com-
> ponents other than EJBs
> or Servlets. The
> returned connection is
> enlisted automatically
> with the transaction
> context obtained from
> the transaction manager.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 7
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> --nontransactionalconnections A pool with this pro-
> perty set to true
> returns non-
> transactional connec-
> tions. This connection
> does not get automati-
> cally enlisted with the
> transaction manager.
> --description Text providing details
> about the specified JDBC
> connection pool.
> --property Optional attribute
> name/value pairs for
> configuring the connec-
> tion pool.
> connectionpoolid The name of the JDBC connection
> pool to be created.
> Example 1 Using create-jdbc-connection-pool command
> asadmin> create-jdbc-connection-pool --user admin
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --host localhost --port 7070
> --datasourceclassname org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource --restype javax.sql.XADataSource
> --property portNumber=1527:password=APP:user=APP:serverName=
> localhost:databaseName=sun-appserv-samples:connectionAttributes=\;
> create\\=true sample_derby_pool
> Command create-jdbc-connection-pool executed successfully
> Where, the sample_derby_pool is created. The escape charac-
> ter backslash (\) is used in the ---property option to dis-
> tinguish the semicolon (;). Two backslashes (\\) are used to
> distinguish the equal (=) sign.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 8
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> delete-jdbc-connection-pool(1), list-jdbc-connection-
> pools(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 9
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-jdbc-resource Return:0
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-resource(1)
> create-jdbc-resource - creates a JDBC resource with the
> specified JNDI name
> create-jdbc-resource
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> --connectionpoolid id [--enabled=true]
> [--description text] [--property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> jndi_name
> The create-jdbc-resource command creates a new JDBC
> resource. This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-resource(1)
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-resource(1)
> specified for remote commands,
> use the --passwordfile or enter
> them at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option helps specify the
> target to which you are deploy-
> ing. Valid values are:
> o server, which deploys
> the component to the
> default server
> instance. This is the
> default value.
> o domain, which deploys
> the component to the
> domain.
> o cluster_name, which
> deploys the component
> to every server
> instance in the clus-
> ter.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-jdbc-resource(1)
> o instance_name, which
> deploys the component
> to a particular sever
> instance.
> --connectionpoolid The name of the JDBC connection
> pool. If two or more JDBC
> resource elements point to the
> same connection pool element,
> they use the same pool connec-
> tion at runtime.
> --enabled Determines whether the JDBC
> resource is enabled at runtime.
> The default value is true.
> --description Text providing descriptive
> details about the JDBC resource.
> --property Optional attribute name/value
> pairs for configuring the
> resource.
> jndi_name The JNDI name of this JDBC
> resource.
> Example 1 Using the create-jdbc-resource command
> asadmin> create-jdbc-resource --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt --connectionpoolid sample_derby_pool jdbc/DerbyPool
> Command create-jdbc-resource executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-jdbc-resource(1), list-jdbc-resources(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-jvm-options Return:0
>Administration Commands create-jvm-options(1)
> create-jvm-options - creates JVM options in the Java confi-
> guration or profiler element of the domain.xml file.
> create-jvm-options
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--profiler={true|false}] (jvm_option_name=jvm_option_value)
> [:jvm_option_name=jvm_option_name*]
> The create-jvm-options command creates JVM options in the
> Java configuration or profiler elements of the domain.xml
> file. If JVM options are created for a profiler, they are
> used to record the settings needed to get a particular pro-
> filer going.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> You must restart the server for newly created JVM options to
> take effect. Use the start/stop-domain command to restart
> the domain administration server.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-jvm-options(1)
> is running. The default value is localhost.
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name, including
> the full path, of a file containing the password entries
> in a specific format. The entry for the password must
> have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the password name
> in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-jvm-options(1)
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by indivi-
> dual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an environ-
> ment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
> changeit.
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> --target
> Specifies the target on which you are creating jvm
> options. Valid targets are config, instance, cluster, or
> server. The default is server.
> --profiler
> Indicates whether the JVM options are for the profiler.
> The profiler must exist for this option to be true.
> Default is false.
> jvm_option_name
> The left side of the equal sign (=) is the JVM option
> name. The right side of the equal sign (=) is the JVM
> option value. A colon (:) is a delimiter for multiple
> options.
> Example 1 Using the create-jvm-options command
> JVM options must start with a dash (-). Use the backslash
> (\) to escape the dash delimiter.
> asadmin> create-jvm-options --interactive=true
> --secure=true --passwordfile passwords.txt --terse=false
> --user admin --host localhost --port 4848 --target server
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-jvm-options(1)
> \\-Dunixlocation=/root/example:
> -Dvariable=\$HOME:-Dwindowslocation=d\\:\\\sun\\\appserver:
> -Doption1=-value1
> Command create-jvm-options executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-jvm-options(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-profiler Return:0
>Administration Commands create-profiler(1)
> create-profiler - creates the profiler element
> create-profiler
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target_name]
> [--classpath classpath] [--nativelibpath native_library_path]
> [--enabled=true] [ --property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> profiler_name
> Creates the profiler element. A server instance is tied to a
> particular profiler, by the profiler element in the Java
> configuration. Changing a profiler requires you to restart
> the server.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-profiler(1)
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-profiler(1)
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option specifies the target
> on which you are creating a pro-
> filer. Valid values are
> o server, which creates
> the profiler for the
> default server
> instance. This is the
> default value.
> o configuration_name,
> which creates the pro-
> filer for the named
> configuration
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-profiler(1)
> o cluster_name, which
> creates the profiler
> for every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> creates the profiler
> for a particular server
> instance
> --classpath Java classpath string that
> specifies the classes needed by
> the profiler.
> --nativelibpath This path is automatically con-
> structed to be a concatenation
> of the Application Server ins-
> tallation relative path for its
> native shared libraries, stan-
> dard JRE native library path,
> the shell environment setting
> any path that may be specified
> in the profile element.
> --enabled Profiler is enabled by default.
> --property Name/value pairs of provider
> specific attributes.
> profiler_name Name of the profiler.
> Example 1 Using create-profiler
> asadmin> create-profiler --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848 --classpath /home/appserver/
> --nativelibpath /u/home/lib --enabled=false
> --property defaultuser=admin:password=adminadmin sample_profiler
> Created Profiler with id = sample_profiler
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
>Administration Commands create-profiler(1)
> Where: sample_profiler is the profiler created.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-profiler(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-resource-ref Return:0
>Administration Commands create-resource-ref(1)
> create-resource-ref - creates a reference to a resource
> create-resource-ref
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--enabled=true] reference_name
> The create-resource-ref command creates a reference from a
> cluster or an unclustered server instance to a previously
> created resource (for example, a JDBC resource created using
> the create-jdbc-resource command). This effectively results
> in the resource being made available in the JNDI tree of the
> targeted instance or cluster.
> The target instance or instances making up the cluster need
> not be running or available for this command to succeed. If
> one or more instances are not available, they will receive
> the new resource the next time they start.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 1
>Administration Commands create-resource-ref(1)
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 2
>Administration Commands create-resource-ref(1)
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target Specifies the target for which
> you are creating the resource
> reference. Valid targets are
> o server, which creates
> the resource reference
> for the default server
> instance. This is the
> default target.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 3
>Administration Commands create-resource-ref(1)
> o cluster_name, which
> creates the resource
> reference for every
> server instance in the
> cluster
> o instance_name, which
> creates the resource
> reference for the named
> unclustered server
> instance
> This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile.
> --enabled Indicates whether the resource
> should be enabled. This value
> will take effect only if the
> resource is enabled at the glo-
> bal level. The default is true.
> reference_name The name or JNDI name of the
> resource.
> Example 1 Using the create-resource-ref command
> The following command creates a reference to the JMS desti-
> nation resource jms/Topic on the cluster Cluster1.
> asadmin> create-resource-ref --user admin
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --target Cluster1 jms/Topic
> Command create-resource-ref executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 4
>Administration Commands create-resource-ref(1)
> delete-resource-ref(1), list-resource-refs(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 5
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-ssl Return:0
>Administration Commands create-ssl(1)
> create-ssl - creates and configures the SSL element in the
> selected HTTP listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service
> create-ssl
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> --type listener_or_service_type --certname cert_name
> [--ssl2enabled=false ] [--ssl2ciphers ss12ciphers ]
> [--ssl3enabled=true ] [--tlsenabled=true ]
> [--ssl3tlsciphers ssl3tlsciphers ] [--tlsrollbackenabled=true ]
> [--clientauthenabled=false ] [listener_id]
> Creates and configures the SSL element in the selected HTTP
> listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service to enable secure
> communication on that listener/service.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> If an option has a short option name, then the short option
> preceeds the long option name. Short options have one dash
> whereas long options have two dashes.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-ssl(1)
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-ssl(1)
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile.. Specifies
> the target on which you are con-
> figuring the ssl element. The
> following values are valid:
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands create-ssl(1)
> o server, the server in
> which the iiop-service
> or HTTP/IIOP listener
> is to be configured for
> SSL.
> o config, the configura-
> tion that contains the
> HTTP/IIOP listener or
> iiop-service for which
> SSL is to be config-
> ured.
> o cluster, the cluster in
> which the HTTP/IIOP
> listener or iiop-
> service is to be con-
> figured for SSL. All
> the server instances in
> the cluster will get
> the SSL configuration
> for the respective
> listener or iiop-
> service.
> o instance, the instance
> in which the HTTP/IIOP
> listener or iiop-
> service is to be con-
> figured for SSL.
> The following optional attribute name/value pairs are avail-
> able:
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
>Administration Commands create-ssl(1)
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> | Property Definition |
> | type The type of service or listener for which the SSL is|
> | created. The type can be http-listener, iiop-listener,|
> | or iiop-service. When the type is iiop-service, the|
> | ssl-client-config along with the embedded ssl element|
> | is created in domain.xml. |
> | certname The nickname of the server certificate in the certifi-|
> | cate database or the PKCS#11 token. The format of the|
> | name in the certificate is tokenname:nickname. For this|
> | property, the tokenname: is optional. |
> | ssl2enabled Set this property to true to enable SSL2. The default|
> | value is false. If both SSL2 and SSL3 are enabled for a|
> | virtual server, the server tries SSL3 encryption first.|
> | In the event SSL3 encryption fails, the server then|
> | tries SSL2 encryption. |
> | ssl2ciphers A comma-separated list of the SSL2 ciphers to be used.|
> | Use the prefix + to enable or - to disable a particular|
> | cipher. Allowed values are: rc4, rc4export, rc2,|
> | rc2export, idea, des, and desede3. If no value is|
> | specified, all supported ciphers are assumed to be|
> | enabled. |
> | ssl3enabled Set this property to false to disable SSL3. The default|
> | value is true. If both SSL2 and SSL3 are enabled for a|
> | virtual server, the server tries SSL3 encryption first.|
> | In the event SSL3 encryption fails, the server then|
> | tries SSL2 encryption. |
> | tlsenabled Set this property to false to disable TLS. The default|
> | value is true It is good practice to enable TLS, which|
> | is a more secure version of SSL. |
> | ssl3tlsciphers A comma-separated list of the SSL3 and/or TLS ciphers|
> | to be used. Use the prefix + to enable or - to disable|
> | a particular cipher. Allowed values are|
> | SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5, |
> | SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA. If no value is specified, all|
> | supported ciphers are assumed to be enabled. |
> | tlsrollbackenabled Set to true (default) to enable TLS rollback. TLS roll-|
> | back should be enabled for Microsoft Internet Explorer|
> | 5.0 and 5.5. This option is only valid when|
> | -tlsenabled=true. |
> | clientauthenabled Set to true if you want SSL3 client authentication|
> | performed on every request independent of ACL-based|
> |_____________________________________________________________________________|
> listener_id The ID of the HTTP or IIOP
> listener for which the SSL
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5
>Administration Commands create-ssl(1)
> element is to be created. The
> listener_id is not required if
> the --type is iiop-service.
> Example 1 Using create-ssl
> The following example shows how to create an SSL element for
> an HTTP listener named http-listener-1.
> asadmin> create-ssl --user admin --host fuyako --port 7070
> --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --type http-listener --certname sampleCert http-listener-1
> Command create-ssl executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-ssl(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 6
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-system-properties Return:0
>Administration Commands create-system-properties(1)
> create-system-properties - adds or updates one or more sys-
> tem properties of the domain, configuration, cluster, or
> server instance
> create-system-properties
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target_name]
> [name=value)[:name=value]*]
> Shared or clustered server instances will often need to
> override attributes defined in their referenced configura-
> tion. Any configuration attribute in a server instance can
> be overridden through a system property of the corresponding
> name. This command adds or updates the system properties of
> a domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
> is running. The default value is localhost.
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands create-system-properties(1)
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name, including
> the full path, of a file containing the password entries
> in a specific format. The entry for the password must
> have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the password name
> in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by indivi-
> dual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands create-system-properties(1)
> environment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
> changeit.
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> --target
> This option specifies the target on which you are creat-
> ing the system properties. The valid targets for this
> command are instance, cluster, configuration, domain,
> and server. Server is the default option.
> name=value
> The name value pairs (separated by the ':' character) of
> the system properties to add to the specified target. If
> any of the system properties were previously defined, it
> will be updated with the newly specified value.
> Example 1 Using create-system-properties
> asadmin> create-system-properties --user admin
> --passwordfile password.txt --host localhost --port 4848
> --target mycluster http-listener-port=1088
> Command create-system-properties executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-system-property(1), list-system-properties(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 3
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help create-virtual-server Return:0
>Administration Commands; create-virtual-server(1)
> create-virtual-server - creates the named virtual server
> create-virtual-server
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target server]
> --hosts hosts [--httplisteners http_listeners]
> [--defaultwebmodule default_web_module]
> [--state on] [--logfile log_file]
> [--property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
> virtual_server_id
> The create-virtual-server command creates the named virtual
> server. Virtualization in the Application Server allows mul-
> tiple URL domains to be served by a single HTTP server pro-
> cess that is listening on multiple host addresses. If the
> application is available at two virtual servers, they still
> share the same physical resource pools.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands; create-virtual-server(1)
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands; create-virtual-server(1)
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option specifies the target
> for which you are creating the
> virtual server. Valid values
> are:
> o server, which creates
> the virtual server for
> the default server
> instance. This is the
> default value.
> o configuration_name,
> which creates the
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands; create-virtual-server(1)
> virtual server for the
> named configuration
> o cluster_name, which
> creates the virtual
> server for every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> creates the virtual
> server for a particular
> server instance
> This option is valid
> only in domains that
> are configured to sup-
> port clusters, such as
> domains that are
> created with the clus-
> ter profile or the
> enterprise profile.
> --hosts A comma-separated (,) list of
> values allowed in the host
> request header to select the
> current virtual server. Each
> virtual server that is config-
> ured to the same connection
> group must have a unique host
> for that group.
> --httplisteners A comma-separated (,) list of
> HTTP listener IDs. Required only
> for a virtual server that is not
> the default virtual server.
> --defaultwebmodule The standalone web module asso-
> ciated with this virtual server
> by default.
> --state Determines whether a virtual
> server is active (on) or inac-
> tive (off or disabled). Default
> is active (on). When inactive,
> the virtual server does not ser-
> vice requests.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
>Administration Commands; create-virtual-server(1)
> --logfile Name of the file where log
> entries for this virtual server
> are to be written. By default,
> this is the server log.
> --property Optional attribute name/value
> pairs for configuring the vir-
> tual server. The following pro-
> perties are available:
> _____________________________________________________________________________________
> Property Definition
> docroot Absolute path to root document directory for server.
> accesslog Absolute path to server access logs.
> sso-enabled If false, single sign-on is disabled for this virtual
> server, and users must authenticate separately to every
> application on the virtual server. Single sign-on
> across applications on the Application Server is sup-
> ported by servlets and JSP pages. This feature allows
> multiple applications that require the same user sign-
> on information to share this information, rather than
> have the user sign on separately for each application.
> The default value is true.
> sso-max-inactive-seconds Specifies the number of seconds after which a user's
> single sign-on record becomes eligible for purging if
> no client activity is received. Since single sign-on
> applies across several applications on the same virtual
> server, access to any of the applications keeps the
> single sign-on record active. The default value is 300
> seconds (5 minutes). Higher values provide longer sin-
> gle sign-on persistence for users, but at the expense
> of more memory use on the server.
> sso-reap-interval-seconds Specifies the number of seconds between purges of
> expired single sign-on records. The default value is
> 60.
> default-web-xml Indicates the location of the file default-web.xml. The
> default location is
> $[S1AS_HOME]/domains/domain1/config/default-web.xml
> allowLinking If the value of this property is true, resources that
> are symbolic links will be served for all web applica-
> tions deployed on this virtual server. Individual web
> applications may override this setting by using the
> property allowLinking under the sun-web-app element in
> the sun-web.xml file: <sun-web-app> <property
> name="allowLinking" value="[true|false]"/></sun-web-
> app>The default value is true.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5
>Administration Commands; create-virtual-server(1)
> accessLogWriteInterval Indicates the number of seconds before the log will be
> written to the disk. The access log is written when the
> buffer is full or when the interval expires. If the
> value is 0 (zero), then the buffer is always written
> even if it is not full. This means that each time the
> server is accessed, the log message is stored directly
> to the file.
> accessLogBufferSize Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer where
> access log calls are stored.
> allowRemoteAddress This is a comma-separated list of regular expression
> patterns to which the remote client's IP address is
> compared. If this property is specified, the remote
> address must match for this request to be accepted. If
> this property is not specified, all requests will be
> | accepted unless the remote address matches a|
> | denyRemoteAddress pattern. The default value for this|
> | property is null. |
> | denyRemoteAddress This is a comma-separated list of regular expression|
> | patterns to which the remote client's IP address is|
> | compared. If this property is specified, the remote|
> | address must not match for this request to be accepted.|
> | If this property is not specified, request acceptance|
> | is governed solely by the allowRemoteAddress property.|
> | The default value for this property is null. |
> | allowRemoteHost This is a comma-separated list of regular expression|
> | patterns to which the remote client's host name (as|
> | returned by|
> | java.net.Socket.getInetAddress().getHostName()) is com-|
> | pared. If this property is specified, the remote host|
> | name must match for this request to be accepted. If|
> | this property is not specified, all requests will be|
> | accepted unless the remote host name matches a|
> | denyRemoteHost pattern. The default value for this pro-|
> | perty is null. |
> | denyRemoteHost This is a comma-separated list of regular expression|
> | patterns to which the remote client's host name (as|
> | returned by|
> | java.net.Socket.getInetAddress().getHostName()) is com-|
> | pared. If this property is specified, the remote host|
> | name must not match for this request to be accepted. If|
> | this property is not specified, request acceptance is|
> | governed solely by the allowRemoteHost property. The|
> | default value for this property is null. |
> |____________________________________________________________________________________|
> virtual_server_id Identifies the unique ID for the
> virtual server to be created.
> This ID cannot begin with a
> number.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 6
>Administration Commands; create-virtual-server(1)
> Example 1 Using the create-virtual-server command
> The following command creates a virtual server named sam-
> pleServer:
> asadmin> create-virtual-server --user admin1
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --hosts pigeon,localhost sampleServer
> Command create-virtual-server executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-virtual-server(1), list-virtual-servers(1), create-
> http-listener(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 7
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-audit-module Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-audit-module(1)
> delete-audit-module - removes the named audit-module
> delete-audit-module
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target_name]
> audit_module_name
> Removes the named audit module. This command is supported in
> remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-audit-module(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-audit-module(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target Specifies the target on which
> you are deleting the audit
> module. Valid values are
> o server, which deletes
> the audit module for
> the default server
> instance server and is
> the default value
> o configuration_name,
> which deletes the audit
> module for the named
> configuration
> o cluster_name, which
> deletes the audit
> module for every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> deletes the audit
> module for a particular
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-audit-module(1)
> server instance
> audit_module_name name of the audit module to be
> deleted.
> Example 1 Using delete-audit-module
> asadmin> delete-audit-module --user admin1
> --passwordfile password.txt --host pigeon --port 5001 sampleAuditModule
> Command delete-audit-module executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-audit-module(1), list-audit-modules(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-auth-realm Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-auth-realm(1)
> delete-auth-realm - removes the named authentication realm
> delete-auth-realm
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target_name]
> auth_realm-name
> Removes the named authentication realm. This command is sup-
> ported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-auth-realm(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-auth-realm(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target Specifies the target on which
> you are deleting the authentica-
> tion realm. This option is valid
> only in domains that are config-
> ured to support clusters, such
> as domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile. Valid values
> are
> o server, which deletes
> the realm for the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o configuration_name,
> which deletes the realm
> for the named confi-
> guration
> o cluster_name, which
> deletes the realm for
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-auth-realm(1)
> every server instance
> in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> deletes the realm for a
> particular server
> instance
> auth_realm_name name of this realm.
> Example 1 Using delete-auth-realm
> asadmin> delete-auth-realm --user admin1 --passwordfile password.txt
> --host pigeon --port 5001 db
> Command delete-auth-realm executed successfully
> Where db is the authentication realm deleted.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-auth-realm(1), list-auth-realms(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-file-user Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-file-user(1)
> delete-file-user - removes the named file user
> delete-file-user
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> username
> The delete-file-user command deletes the entry in the key-
> file with the specified username.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-file-user(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-file-user(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This is the name of the target
> on which the command operates.
> This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile. The valid
> targets are:
> o server, which deletes
> the file user on the
> default server
> instance. This is the
> default value
> o domain, which deletes
> the file user in the
> domain
> o cluster_name, which
> deletes the file user
> from every server
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-file-user(1)
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> deletes the file user
> from a particular
> server instance
> username This is the name of file user to
> be deleted.
> Example 1 Using the delete-file-user command
> asadmin> delete-file-user --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt --host pigeon --port 5001 sample_user
> Command delete-file-user executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-file-user(1), list-file-users(1), update-file-
> user(1), list-file-groups(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-http-listener Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-http-listener(1)
> delete-http-listener - removes an HTTP listener
> delete-http-listener
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target server]
> listener_id
> The delete-http-listener command removes the specified HTTP
> listener. This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-http-listener(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-http-listener(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile. Specifies
> the target from which you are
> deleting the HTTP listener.
> Valid values are
> o server, which deletes
> the listener from the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o configuration_name,
> which deletes the
> listener from the named
> configuration
> o cluster_name, which
> deletes the listener
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-http-listener(1)
> from every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> deletes the listener
> from a particular
> server instance
> listener_id The unique identifier for the
> HTTP listener to be deleted.
> Example 1 Using the delete-http-listener command
> The following command deletes the HTTP listener named sam-
> pleListener:
> asadmin> delete-http-listener --user admin1
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --host host1 --port 5001 sampleListener
> Command delete-http-listener executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-http-listener(1), list-http-listeners(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-jdbc-connection-pool Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> delete-jdbc-connection-pool - removes the specified JDBC
> connection pool
> delete-jdbc-connection-pool
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --cascade =false]
> connectionpoolid
> The delete-jdbc-connection-pool command deletes a JDBC con-
> nection pool. The operand identifies the JDBC connection
> pool to be deleted.
> Ensure that all associations to this resource are removed
> before executing the delete-jdbc-connection-pool command.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --cascade If the option is set to true,
> all the JDBC resources associ-
> ated with the pool, apart from
> the pool itself, are deleted.
> When set to false, the deletion
> of pool fails if any resources
> are associated with the pool.
> Resources must be deleted expli-
> citly or the option must be set
> to true. By default, the option
> is false.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-jdbc-connection-pool(1)
> --target This option is deprecated.
> connectionpoolid The name of the JDBC resource to
> be removed.
> Example 1 Using the delete-jdbc-connection-pool command
> asadmin delete-jdbc-connection-pool --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt --host localhost --port 7070 --cascade=false sample_derby_pool
> Command delete-jdbc-connection-pool executed correctly.
> Where: asadmin is the command prompt and sample_derby_pool
> is the JDBC connection pool to be removed.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-jdbc-connection-pool(1),list-jdbc-connection-pools(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-jdbc-resource Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-jdbc-resource(1)
> delete-jdbc-resource - removes a JDBC resource with the
> specified JNDI name
> delete-jdbc-resource
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> jndi_name
> The delete-jdbc-resource command removes a JDBC resource.
> Ensure that all associations to the JDBC resource are
> removed before you execute this command. This command is
> supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
> is running. The default value is localhost.
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-jdbc-resource(1)
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name, including
> the full path, of a file containing the password entries
> in a specific format. The entry for the password must
> have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the password name
> in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by indivi-
> dual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an environ-
> ment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-jdbc-resource(1)
> changeit.
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> --target
> This option is valid only in domains that are configured
> to support clusters, such as domains that are created
> with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile.
> This option helps specify the target from which you are
> removing the JDBC resource. Valid targets are:
> o server, which removes the resource from the
> default server instance. This is the default
> value.
> o domain, which removes the resource from the
> domain.
> o cluster_name, which removes the resource from
> every server instance in the cluster.
> o instance_name, which removes the resource from
> a particular sever instance.
> jndi_name The JNDI name of this JDBC
> resource to be removed.
> Example 1 Using the delete-jdbc-resource command
> The following example shows how to delete a JDBC resource in
> a domain whose profile is the developer profile.
> asadmin> delete-jdbc-resource --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> jdbc/DerbyPool
> Command delete-jdbc-resource executed successfully.
> Example 2 Using the delete-jdbc-resource command
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-jdbc-resource(1)
> The following example shows how to delete a JDBC resource in
> a domain whose profile is the cluster profile.
> asadmin> delete-jdbc-resource --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --target domain jdbc/DerbyPool
> Command delete-jdbc-resource executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-jdbc-resource(1), list-jdbc-resources(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-jvm-options Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-jvm-options(1)
> delete-jvm-options - removes JVM options from the Java con-
> figuration or profiler elements of the domain.xml file
> delete-jvm-options
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> [--profiler={true|false}] (jvm_option_name[=jvm_option_value])
> [:jvm_option_name[=jvm_option_name]]*
> The delete-jvm-options command removes JVM options from the
> Java configuration or profiler elements of the domain.xml
> file.
> Note -
> In the syntax, there can be more than one JVM option,
> separated by a colon.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
> is running. The default value is localhost.
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-jvm-options(1)
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name, including
> the full path, of a file containing the password entries
> in a specific format. The entry for the password must
> have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the password name
> in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-jvm-options(1)
> individual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an environ-
> ment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
> changeit.
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> --target
> This option helps specify the target from which you want
> to remove the JVM options. Valid target is server, clus-
> ter, or instance. The default is server.
> This option is valid only in domains that are configured
> to support clusters, such as domains that are created
> with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile.
> --profiler
> Indicates whether the JVM options are for the profiler.
> The profiler must exist for this option to be true.
> jvm_option_name=jvm_option_value
> the left side of the equal sign (=) is the JVM option
> name. The right side of the equal sign (=) is the JVM
> option value. A colon (:) is a delimiter for multiple
> options.
> Example 1 Using the delete-jvm-options command
> To remove more than one JVM option, use a colon (:) to
> separate the options. If the JVM option itself contains a
> colon (:), use the backslash (\) to offset the colon (:)
> delimiter.
> asadmin> delete-jvm-options -e
> --interactive=true --secure=true --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --terse=false --user admin --target server --host localhost
> --echo=true --port 4848 "\-Dtmp=sun"
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-jvm-options(1)
> Command delete-jvm-options executed successfully
> Where more than one JVM options are deleted.
> asadmin> delete-jvm-options -e \-Doption1=value1
> --interactive=true --secure=true --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --terse=false --user admin --target server --host localhost
> --echo=true --port 4848 "\-Doption1=value1:-Doption2=value2"
> Command delete-jvm-options executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-jvm-options(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-profiler Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-profiler(1)
> delete-profiler - removes the specified profiler element
> delete-profiler
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target_name]
> The delete-profilercommand deletes the profiler element you
> specify. A server instance is tied to a particular profiler
> by the profiler element in the Java configuration. Changing
> a profiler requires you to restart the server.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-profiler(1)
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-profiler(1)
> specified for remote commands,
> use the --passwordfile or enter
> them at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option specifies the target
> profiler element which you are
> deleting. Valid values are
> o server, deletes the
> profiler element for
> the default server
> instance server and is
> the default value
> o configuration_name,
> deletes the profiler
> element for the named
> configuration
> o cluster_name, deletes
> the profiler element
> for every server
> instance in the cluster
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-profiler(1)
> o instance_name, deletes
> the profiler element
> for a particular server
> instance
> Example 1 Using delete-profiler
> asadmin> delete-profiler --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848
> Command delete-profiler executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-profiler(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-resource-ref Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-resource-ref(1)
> delete-resource-ref - removes a reference to a resource
> delete-resource-ref
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target]
> reference_name
> The delete-resource-ref command removes a reference from a
> cluster or an unclustered server instance to a resource (for
> example, a JDBC resource). This effectively results in the
> removal of the resource from the JNDI tree of the targeted
> instance or cluster.
> The target instance or instances making up the cluster need
> not be running or available for this command to succeed. If
> one or more instances are not available, they will no longer
> load the resource in the JNDI tree the next time they start.
> Removal of the reference does not result in removal of the
> resource from the domain. The resource is removed only by
> the delete command for that resource (for example, delete-
> jdbc-resource).
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 1
>Administration Commands delete-resource-ref(1)
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 2
>Administration Commands delete-resource-ref(1)
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target Specifies the target from which
> you are removing the resource
> reference. Valid values are
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 3
>Administration Commands delete-resource-ref(1)
> o server, which removes
> the resource reference
> from the default server
> instance server and is
> the default value
> o cluster_name, which
> removes the resource
> reference from every
> server instance in the
> cluster
> o instance_name, which
> removes the resource
> reference from the
> named unclustered
> server instance
> This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile.
> reference_name The name or JNDI name of the
> resource.
> Example 1 Using the delete-resource-ref command
> The following command removes a reference to the JMS desti-
> nation resource jms/Topic on the unclustered server instance
> NewServer.
> asadmin> delete-resource-ref --user admin2
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --target NewServer jms/Topic
> Command delete-resource-ref executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 4
>Administration Commands delete-resource-ref(1)
> create-resource-ref(1), list-resource-refs(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 5
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-ssl Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-ssl(1)
> delete-ssl - deletes the SSL element in the selected HTTP
> listener, IIOP listener, or IIOP service
> delete-ssl
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target ]
> --type listener_or_service_type listener_id
> Deletes the SSL element in the selected HTTP listener, IIOP
> listener, or IIOP service.
> The listener_id is not required if the --type is iiop-
> service.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> If an option has a short option name, then the short option
> preceeds the long option name. Short options have one dash
> whereas long options have two dashes.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-ssl(1)
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-ssl(1)
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This operand is valid in domains
> that are configured to support
> clusters, such as domains that
> are created with the cluster
> profile or the enterprise pro-
> file. Specifies the target on
> which you are configuring the
> ssl element. The following
> values are valid:
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 3
>Administration Commands delete-ssl(1)
> o server, the server in
> which the iiop-service
> or HTTP/IIOP listener
> is to be unconfigured
> for SSL.
> o config, the configura-
> tion that contains the
> HTTP/IIOP listener or
> iiop-service for which
> SSL is to be unconfig-
> ured.
> o cluster, the cluster in
> which the HTTP/IIOP
> listener or iiop-
> service is to be uncon-
> figured for SSL. All
> the server instances in
> the cluster will get
> SSL unconfigured for
> the respective listener
> or iiop-service.
> o instance, the instance
> in which the HTTP/IIOP
> listener or iiop-
> service is to be uncon-
> figured for SSL.
> --type The type of service or listener
> for which the SSL is deleted.
> The type can be http-listener,
> iiop-listener, or iiop-service.
> listener_id The ID of the listener from
> which the SSL element is to be
> deleted.
> The listener_id operand is not
> required if the --type is iiop-
> service.
> Example 1 Using delete-ssl
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 4
>Administration Commands delete-ssl(1)
> The following example shows how to delete an SSL element
> from an HTTP listener named http-listener-1.
> asadmin> delete-ssl --user admin
> --host fuyako --port 7070 --passwordfile adminpassword.txt --type http-listener
> http-listener-1
> Command delete-ssl executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-ssl(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 5
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-system-property Return:0
>Administration Commands delete-system-property(1)
> delete-system-property - removes one system property of the
> domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance, at a
> time
> delete-system-property
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target_name ]
> [property_name]
> Shared or clustered server instances will often need to
> override attributes defined in their referenced configura-
> tion. Any configuration attribute in a server instance can
> be overridden through a system property of the corresponding
> name. This command deletes system properties of a domain,
> configuration, cluster, or server instance.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
> is running. The default value is localhost.
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands delete-system-property(1)
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name, including
> the full path, of a file containing the password entries
> in a specific format. The entry for the password must
> have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the password name
> in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by indivi-
> dual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands delete-system-property(1)
> environment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
> changeit.
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> --target
> This option specifies the target on which you are delet-
> ing the system properties. The valid targets for this
> command are instance, cluster, configuration, domain,
> and server. Server is the default option.
> property_name
> The name of the system property to remove.
> Example 1 Using delete-system-properties
> asadmin> delete-system-property --user admin
> --passwordfile password.txt --host localhost --port 4848
> --target mycluster http-listener-port
> Command delete-system-property executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-system-properties(1), list-system-properties(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 11 Jul 2007 3
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help delete-virtual-server Return:0
>Administration Commands; delete-virtual-server(1)
> delete-virtual-server - removes a virtual server
> delete-virtual-server
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target server]
> virtual_server_id
> The delete-virtual-server command removes the virtual server
> with the specified virtual server ID. This command is sup-
> ported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands; delete-virtual-server(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands; delete-virtual-server(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option specifies the target
> from which you are deleting the
> virtual server. Valid values are
> o server, which deletes
> the virtual server from
> the default server
> instance server and is
> the default value
> o configuration_name,
> which deletes the vir-
> tual server from the
> named configuration
> o cluster_name, which
> deletes the virtual
> server from every
> server instance in the
> cluster
> o instance_name, which
> deletes the virtual
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands; delete-virtual-server(1)
> server from a particu-
> lar server instance
> This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile.
> virtual_server_id The unique identifier for the
> virtual server to be deleted.
> Example 1 Using the delete-virtual-server command
> The following command deletes the virtual server named
> sample_vs1:
> asadmin> delete-virtual-server --user admin1
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --host pigeon --port 5001 sample_vs1
> Command delete-virtual-server executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-virtual-server(1), list-virtual-servers(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help deploy Return:0
>Administration Commands deploy(1)
> deploy - deploys the specified component
> deploy
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --virtualservers virtual_servers]
> [--contextroot context_root] [--force=true]
> [ --precompilejsp =false] [ --verify =false]
> [ --name component_name] [--upload=true]
> [ --retrieve local_dirpath] [--dbvendorname dbvendorname]
> [--createtables=true|false | --dropandcreatetables=true|false]
> [--uniquetablenames=true|false] [--deploymentplan deployment_plan]
> [--enabled=true] [ --generatermistubs =false]
> [ --availabilityenabled =false]
> [ --libraries jar_file[(path_separator)jar_file*]]
> [--target target] filepath
> Deploys an enterprise application, web application, EJB
> module, connector module, or application client module. If
> the component is already deployed or already exists, it is
> forcefully redeployed if the --force option is set to true.
> The --createtables and --dropandcreatetables options are
> booleans and therefore can take the values of true or false.
> These options are only used during deployment of CMP beans
> that have not been mapped to a database (i.e., no sun-cmp-
> mappings.xml descriptor is provided in the module's META-INF
> directory). They are ignored otherwise.
> The --createtables and --dropandcreatetables options are
> mutually exclusive; only one should be used. If drop and/or
> create tables fails, the deployment does not fail; a warning
> message is provided in the log file.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Aug 2007 1
>Administration Commands deploy(1)
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
> is running. The default value is localhost.
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name, including
> the full path, of a file containing the password entries
> in a specific format. The entry for the password must
> have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the password name
> in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
>Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Aug 2007 2
>Administration Commands deploy(1)
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by indivi-
> dual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an environ-
> ment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
> changeit.
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> --virtualservers
> One or more virtual server IDs. Multiple IDs are
> separated by commas.
> --contextroot
> Valid only if the archive is a web module. It is ignored
> for other archive types; defaults to filename without
> extension.
> --force
> If set to true, makes sure the component is redeployed
> even if the specified component has already been
> deployed or already exists. The default is true.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Aug 2007 3
>Administration Commands deploy(1)
> --precompilejsp
> By default this option is set to false, which does not
> allow the JSP to pre-compile during deployment. Instead
> JSPs are compiled during runtime.
> --verify
> If set to true, the syntax and semantics of the deploy-
> ment descriptor is verified.
> --name
> Name of the deployable component.
> --upload
> When set to true, uploads the deployable file to the
> administration server. If the filepath of the deployable
> file is mounted to the server machine, or if the
> administration server is running locally, set the upload
> option to false.
> --retrieve
> Retrieves the client stub JAR file from the server
> machine to the local directory.
> --dbvendorname
> Specifies the name of the database vendor for which
> tables are created. Supported values include db2, mssql,
> oracle, derby, javadb, postgresql, pointbase, and
> sybase, case-insensitive. If not specified, the value of
> the database-vendor-name attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml is
> used. If no value is specified, a connection is made to
> the resource specifie by the jndi-name subelement of the
> cmp-resource element in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file, and
> the database vendor name is read. If the connection
> cannot be established, or if the value is not recog-
> nized, SQL-92 compliance is presumed.
> --createtables
> Creates tables at deployment of an application with
> unmapped CMP beans. Default is the create-tables-at-
> deploy entry in the cmp-resource element of the sun-
> ejb-jar.xml file.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Aug 2007 4
>Administration Commands deploy(1)
> --dropandcreatetables
> If set to true, when the component is redeployed, the
> tables created by the previous deployment are dropped
> before creating the new tables. Applies to already
> deployed applications with unmapped CMP beans. If not
> set to true, the tables are dropped if the drop-tables-
> at-undeploy entry in the cmp-resource element of the
> sun-ejb-jar.xml file is set to true. The new tables are
> created if the create-tables-at-deploy entry in the
> cmp-resource element of the sun-ejb-jar.xml file is set
> to true.
> --uniquetablenames
> Guarantees unique table names for all the beans and
> results in a hashcode added to the table names. This is
> useful if you have an application with case-sensitive
> bean names.
> --deploymentplan
> Takes the deployment plan, which is a JAR containing
> Sun-specific descriptors, and deploys it. This should be
> passed along when deploying a pure EAR file. A pure EAR
> file is an EAR without Sun-specific descriptors.
> --enabled
> If set to true (default), allows users to access the
> application. If set to false, users will not be able to
> access the application. In a domain whose profile is the
> cluster profile or the enterprise profile, this option
> enables the application on the specified target instance
> or cluster. If you deploy to the target domain, this
> option is ignored, since deploying to the domain doesn't
> deploy to a specific instance or cluster.
> --generatermistubs
> If set to true, static RMI-IIOP stubs are generated and
> put into the client.jar. If set to false (default) the
> stubs are not generated.
> --availabilityenabled
> This option is valid only in domains that are configured
> to support clusters, such as domains that are created
> with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile. This
> option controls whether high-availability is enabled for
>Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Aug 2007 5
>Administration Commands deploy(1)
> SFSB checkpointing and potentially passivation. If set
> to false (default) all SFSB checkpointing is disabled
> for the specified application or EJB module. If set to
> true, the specified application or module is enabled for
> high-availability. Set this option to true only if high
> availability is configured and enabled at higher levels,
> such as the server and container levels.
> --libraries
> A comma-separated list of library JAR files. Specify the
> library JAR files by their relative or absolute paths.
> Specify relative paths relative to instance-
> root/lib/applibs. The libraries are made available to
> the application in the order specified.
> --target
> This option is valid only in domains that are configured
> to support clusters, such as domains that are created
> with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile.
> Specifies the target to which you are deploying. Valid
> values are:
> o server, which deploys the component to the
> default server instance server and is the
> default value.
> o domain, which deploys the component to the
> domain. If domain is the target for an initial
> deployment, the application is deployed to the
> domain, but no server instances or clusters
> reference the application. If domain is the
> target for a redeployment (the --force option
> is set to true), and dynamic reconfiguration is
> enabled for the clusters or server instances
> that reference the application, the referencing
> clusters or server instances automatically get
> the new version of the application. If rede-
> ploying, and dynamic configuration is disabled,
> the referencing clusters or server instances do
> not get the new version of the application
> until the clustered or standalone server
> instances are restarted.
> o cluster_name, which deploys the component to
> every server instance in the cluster.
> o instance_name, which deploys the component to a
> particular sever instance.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Aug 2007 6
>Administration Commands deploy(1)
> filepath
> Path to the deployable file on the local machine if the
> upload option is set to true; otherwise the absolute
> path to the file on the server machine.
> Example 1 Deploying an Enterprise application
> This syntax deploys the Enterprise application packaged in
> the Cart.ear file to the default server instance server. In
> a domain whose profile is the cluster profile or the enter-
> prise, use the --target option to deploy to a different
> server instance or to a cluster.
> asadmin> deploy --user admin --passwordfile filename Cart.ear
> Command deploy executed successfully
> Example 2 Deploying a Web application with the default con-
> text root
> This syntax deploys the Web application in the hello.war
> file to the default server instance server. In a domain
> whose profile is the cluster profile or the enterprise, use
> the --target option to deploy to a different server instance
> or to a cluster.
> asadmin> deploy --user admin --passwordfile myfile hello.war
> Command deploy executed successfully
> Example 3 Deploying an enterprise bean (EJB component)
> Deploy an enterprise bean with container-managed persistence
> (CMP) and create the database tables used by the bean.
> This example uses the --target option, which is available
> only in domains that are configured to support clusters,
> such as domains that are created with the cluster profile or
> the enterprise profile. To use this example in a domain that
> is not configured to support clusters, omit that option. The
>Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Aug 2007 7
>Administration Commands deploy(1)
> target in this example is an existing cluster, cluster1.
> asadmin> deploy --user admin --passwordfile filename
> --createtables=true --target cluster1 EmployeeEJB.jar
> Command deploy executed successfully
> Example 4 Deploying a connector module (resource adapter)
> Deploy a connector module packaged in a RAR file.
> This example uses the --target option, which is available
> only in domains that are configured to support clusters,
> such as domains that are created with the cluster profile or
> the enterprise profile. To use this example in a domain that
> is not configured to support clusters, omit that option. The
> target in this example is an existing standalone server
> instance that does not belong to a cluster.
> asadmin> deploy --user admin --passwordfile filename
> --target myinstance jdbcra.rar
> Command deploy executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> undeploy(1), list-components(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Aug 2007 8
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help deploydir Return:0
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> deploydir - deploys an exploded format of application
> archive
> deploydir
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --virtualservers virtual_servers]
> [--contextroot context_root] [--force=true]
> [ --verify =false] [ --precompilejsp =false]
> [ --name component_name] [--uniquetablenames=true|false]
> [--dbvendorname dbvendorname] [--createtables=false | --dropandcreatetables =false]
> [ --generatermistubs =false] [ --availabilityenabled =false]
> [ --libraries jar_file[(path_separator)jar_file*]]
> [--target target] dirpath
> Use this command to deploy an application directly from a
> development directory. The appropriate directory hierarchy
> and deployment descriptors conforming to the Java EE specif-
> ication must exist in the deployment directory.
> Directory deployment is for advanced developers only. Do not
> use it in production environments. In production environ-
> ments, use the deploy command. Directory deployment is only
> supported on localhost, that is, the client and server must
> reside on the same machine. For this reason, the only values
> for the --host option are:
> o localhost
> o The value of the $HOSTNAME environment variable
> o The IP address of the machine
> If the --uniquetablenames, --createtables, and --
> dropandcreatetables options are not specified, the entries
> in the deployment descriptors are used.
> The --force option makes sure the component is forcefully
> (re)deployed even if the specified component has already
> been deployed or already exists. Set --force to false for a
> first deployment. If the application with that name is run-
> ning and force is set to false, the command fails.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any out-
> put data must be very
> concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly
> sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for
> consumption by a script.
> Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will
> echo the command line
> statement on the stan-
> dard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true
> (default), only the
> required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where
> the domain administra-
> tion server is running.
> The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for
> administration. This is
> the port to which you
> should point your
> browser in order to
> manage the domain. For
> example,
> http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number
> is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses
> SSL/TLS to communicate
> with the domain adminis-
> tration server.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> -u --user The authorized domain
> administration server
> administrative username.
> If you have authenti-
> cated to a domain using
> the asadmin login com-
> mand, then you need not
> specify the --user
> option on subsequent
> operations to this par-
> ticular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile
> option specifies the
> name, including the full
> path, of a file contain-
> ing the password entries
> in a specific format.
> The entry for the pass-
> word must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix fol-
> lowed by the password
> name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify
> the domain administra-
> tion server password,
> use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the
> actual administrator
> password. Other pass-
> words that can be speci-
> fied include
> and
> All remote commands must
> specify the admin pass-
> word to authenticate to
> the domain administra-
> tion server, either
> through --passwordfile
> or asadmin login, or
> interactively on the
> command prompt. The
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> asadmin login command
> can be used only to
> specify the admin pass-
> word. For other pass-
> words, that must be
> specified for remote
> commands, use the --
> passwordfile or enter
> them at the command
> prompt.
> If you have authenti-
> cated to a domain using
> the asadmin login com-
> mand, then you need not
> specify the admin pass-
> word through the --
> passwordfile option on
> subsequent operations to
> this particular domain.
> However, this is appli-
> cable only to
> option. You will still
> need to provide the
> other passwords, for
> example,
> as and when required by
> individual commands,
> such as update-file-
> user.
> For security reasons,
> passwords specified as
> an environment variable
> will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> is changeit.
> --help Displays the help text
> for the command.
> --virtualservers Comma-separated list of
> virtual server IDs.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> --contextroot Valid only if the
> archive is a web module.
> It is ignored for other
> archive types; defaults
> to filename without
> extension.
> --force Makes sure the component
> is forcefully
> (re)deployed even if the
> specified component has
> already been deployed or
> already exists.
> --verify If set to true, the syn-
> tax and semantics of the
> deployment descriptor is
> verified.
> --precompilejsp By default, this option
> is set to false, which
> does not allow the JSP
> to pre-compile during
> deployment. Instead,
> JSPs are compiled during
> runtime.
> --name Name of the deployable
> component.
> --uniquetablenames Guarantees unique table
> names for all the beans
> and results in a hash-
> code added to the table
> names. This is useful if
> you have an application
> with case-sensitive bean
> names.
> --dbvendorname Specifies the name of
> the database vendor for
> which tables are
> created. Supported
> values include db2,
> mssql, oracle, derby,
> javadb, postgresql,
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> pointbase and sybase,
> case-insensitive. If not
> specified, the value of
> the database-vendor-name
> attribute in sun-ejb-
> jar.xml is used. If no
> value is specified, a
> connection is made to
> the resource specifie by
> the jndi-name subelement
> of the cmp-resource ele-
> ment in the sun-ejb-
> jar.xml file, and the
> database vendor name is
> read. If the connection
> cannot be established,
> or if the value is not
> recognized, SQL-92 com-
> pliance is presumed.
> --createtables Creates tables at
> deployment of an appli-
> cation with unmapped CMP
> beans. Default is the
> create-tables-at-deploy
> entry in the cmp-
> resource element of the
> sun-ejb-jar.xml file.
> --dropandcreatetables Drops existing tables
> and creates tables dur-
> ing deployment for
> application using
> unmapped CMP beans. If
> not specified, the
> tables are dropped if
> the drop-tables-at-
> undeploy entry in the
> cmp-resource element of
> the sun-ejb-jar.xml file
> is set to true. The new
> tables are created if
> the create-tables-at-
> deploy entry in the
> cmp-resource element of
> the sun-ejb-jar.xml is
> set to true. When the
> component is redeployed,
> the tables created by
> the previous deployment
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 6
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> are dropped before
> creating the new tables.
> --generatermistubs if set to true, static
> RMI-IIOP stubs are gen-
> erated and put into the
> client.jar. If set to
> false (default) the
> stubs are not generated.
> --availabilityenabled This option is valid
> only in domains that are
> configured to support
> clusters, such as
> domains that are created
> with the cluster profile
> or the enterprise pro-
> file. This option con-
> trols whether high-
> availability is enabled
> for SFSB checkpointing
> and potentially passiva-
> tion. If set to false
> (default) all SFSB
> checkpointing is dis-
> abled for the specified
> application or EJB
> module. If set to true,
> the specified applica-
> tion or module is
> enabled for high-
> availability. Set this
> option to true only if
> high availability is
> configured and enabled
> at higher levels, such
> as the server and con-
> tainer levels.
> --libraries Specify the library JAR
> files by their relative
> or absolute paths.
> Specify relative paths
> relative to instance-
> root/lib/applibs. The
> JAR files are separated
> by a colon on Unix and
> Linux systems and by a
> semicolon on Windows
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 7
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> systems. The libraries
> are made available to
> the application in the
> order specified. Place
> the dependent JAR files
> in the domain-dir/lib
> directory.
> --target This option is valid
> only in domains that are
> configured to support
> clusters, such as
> domains that are created
> with the cluster profile
> or the enterprise
> profile.Specifies the
> target to which you are
> deploying. Valid values
> are:
> o server, which
> deploys the
> component to
> the default
> server instance
> server and is
> the default
> value.
> o domain, which
> deploys the
> component to
> the domain.
> dirpath path to the directory
> containing the exploded
> format of the deployable
> archive.
> Example 1 Using the deploydir command
> The exploded application to be deployed is in the
> /home/temp/sampleApp directory. Since the force option is
> set to true, if an application of that name already exists,
> the application is redeployed.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 8
>Administration Commands deploydir(1)
> asadmin> deploydir --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848 --force=true --precompilejsp=true /home/temp/sampleApp
> Command deploydir executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> deploy(1), undeploy(1), enable(1), disable(1), list-
> components(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 9
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help disable Return:0
>Administration Commands disable(1)
> disable - disables the component
> disable
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target_name]
> component_name
> The disable command immediately disables the named com-
> ponent. The component must have been deployed. If the com-
> ponent has not been deployed, an error message is returned.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands disable(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands disable(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option specifies the target
> on which you are disabling the
> component. Valid values are
> o server, which is dis-
> abled for the default
> server instance server
> and is the default
> value
> o domain_name, which dis-
> ables the named domain
> o cluster_name, which is
> disabled for every
> server instance in the
> cluster
> o instance_name, which is
> disabled for a particu-
> lar server instance
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands disable(1)
> component_name name of the component to be dis-
> abled.
> Example 1 Using disable command
> asadmin> disable --user admin1 --passwordfile password.txt sampleApp
> Command disable executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> deploy(1), deploydir(1), undeploy(1), enable(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help enable Return:0
>Administration Commands enable(1)
> enable - enables the component
> enable
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --target target_name]
> [component_name]
> The enable command enables the specified component. If the
> component is already enabled, then it is re-enabled. The
> component must have been deployed in order to be enabled. If
> it has not been deployed, then an error message is returned.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands enable(1)
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands enable(1)
> specified for remote commands,
> use the --passwordfile or enter
> them at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option specifies the target
> on which you are enabling the
> component. Valid values are:
> o server, which enables
> the default server
> instance server and is
> the default value
> o domain_name, which
> enables the named
> domain
> o cluster_name, which
> enables every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> enables a particular
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands enable(1)
> server instance
> component_name name of the component to be
> enabled.
> Example 1 Using enable command
> asadmin> enable --user admin1 --passwordfile password.txt sampleApp
> Command enable executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> deploy(1), deploydir(1), undeploy(1), disable(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help generate-jvm-report Return:0
>Administration Commands generate-jvm-report(1)
> generate-jvm-report - shows the threads, classes and memory
> for a given target instance.
> generate-jvm-report
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target] [--type=summary|memory|class|thread]
> This command shows the threads (dump of stack trace),
> classes and memory for a given target instance, including
> the Domain Administration Service. This command works only
> with the application server instance processes. This command
> replaces the traditional techniques like sending ctrl+break
> or kill -3 signals to application server processes. The com-
> mand will not work if the target server instance is not run-
> ning.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands generate-jvm-report(1)
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands generate-jvm-report(1)
> command can be used only to
> specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be
> specified for remote commands,
> use the --passwordfile or enter
> them at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --type The type of report user wants to
> see.
> o summary, which displays
> summary information
> about the
> threads/classes and
> memory.
> o memory, which provides
> information about heap
> and non-heap memory
> consumption, memory
> pools, and garbage col-
> lection statistics for
> a given target instance
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands generate-jvm-report(1)
> o classes, which gives
> information about the
> class loader for a
> given target instance
> o threads, which provides
> information about
> threads running and the
> thread dump (stack
> trace) for a given tar-
> get instance.
> target This option specifies the ending
> location of the connector
> resources. Valid targets are
> server, domain, cluster, and
> instance. The default target is
> server.
> Example 1 Using the generate-jvm-report command
> asadmin> generate-jvm-report --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --type summary server1
> Operating System Information:
> Name of the Operating System: Linux
> Binary Architecture name of the Operating System: i386, Version:
> 2.6.9-22.ELsmp
> Number of processors available on the Operating System: 2
> ...
> ...
> ...
> user.language = en
> user.name = root
> user.timezone = America/Los_Angeles
> Command generate-jvm-report executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help get Return:0
>Administration Commands get(1)
> get - gets the values of the monitorable or configurable
> attributes
> get
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --monitor =[true|false]]
> (dotted_attribute_name)+
> Gets the names and values of attributes. If the --monitor
> option is set to true, the monitorable attributes are
> returned. If the --monitor option is set to false, the con-
> figurable attribute values are returned. On UNIX platforms,
> if the shell treats the wildcard (*) as a special character,
> enclose the dotted name in a double quotes ("dotted_name").
> The asadmin get, set and list commands work in tandem to
> provide a navigation mechanism for the Application Server's
> abstract hierarchy. There are two hierarchies: configura-
> tion and monitoring and these commands operate on both. The
> list command provides the fully qualified dotted names of
> the management components that have read-only or modifiable
> attributes. The configuration hierarchy provides attributes
> that are modifiable; whereas the attributes of management
> components from monitoring hierarchy are purely read-only.
> The configuration hierarchy is loosely based on the domain's
> schema document; whereas the monitoring hierarchy is a lit-
> tle different. Use the list command to reach a particular
> management component in the desired hierarchy. Then, invoke
> the get and set commands to get the names and values or set
> the values of the attributes of the management component at
> hand. Use the wildcard (*) option to fetch all matches in a
> given fully qualified dotted name. See the examples for
> further clarification of the possible navigation of the
> hierarchies and management components.
> An application server dotted name uses the "." (period) as
> a delimiter to separate the parts of a complete name. This
> is similar to how the "/" character is used to delimit the
> levels in the absolute path name of a file in the UNIX file
> system. The following rules apply while forming the dotted
> names accepted by the get, set and list commands. Note that
> a specific command has some additional semantics applied.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 1
>Administration Commands get(1)
> o A . (period) always separates two sequential parts
> of the name.
> o A part of the name usually identifies an applica-
> tion server subsystem and/or its specific instance.
> For example: web-container, log-service, thread-
> pool-1 etc.
> o If any part of the name itself contains a .
> (period), then it must be escaped with a leading
> \fR (backslash) so that the "." does not act like a
> delimiter.
> o An * (asterisk) can be used anywhere in the dotted
> name and it acts like the wildcard character in
> regular expressions. Additionally, an * can col-
> lapse all the parts of the dotted name. Long dotted
> name like "this.is.really.long.hierarchy" can be
> abbreviated to "th*.hierarchy". But note that the .
> always delimits the parts of the name.
> o The top level switch for any dotted name is -moni-
> tor or -m that is separately specified on a given
> command line. The presence or lack of this switch
> implies the selection of one of the two hierarchies
> for appserver management: monitoring and configura-
> tion.
> o If you happen to know the exact complete dotted
> name without any wildcard character, then list and
> get/set have a little difference in their seman-
> tics:
> o The list command treats this complete dotted
> name as the complete name of a parent node in
> the abstract hierarchy. Upon providing this
> name to list command, it simply returns the
> names of the immediate children at that level.
> For example, list server.applications.web-
> module will list all the web modules deployed
> to the domain or the default server.
> o The get and set commands treat this complete
> dotted name as the fully qualified name of the
> attribute of a node (whose dotted name itself
> is the name that you get when you remove the
> last part of this dotted name) and it gets/sets
> the value of that attribute. This is true if
> such an attribute exists. You will never start
> with this case because in order to find out the
> names of attributes of a particular node in the
> hierarchy, you must use the wildcard character
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 2
>Administration Commands get(1)
> *. For example, server.applications.web-
> module.JSPWiki.context-root will return the
> context-root of the web-application deployed to
> the domain or default server.
> o server(usually the first part of the complete dot-
> ted name) can be replaced with the name of a par-
> ticular server instance of interest (e.g., server1)
> and you'll get the information of that server
> instance, remaining part of the dotted name remain-
> ing the same. Note that the dotted names that are
> available in such other server instances are those
> from the monitoring hierarchy because these server
> instances don't have a way to expose the configura-
> tion hierarchy.
> The list command is the progenitor of navigational capabili-
> ties of these three commands. If you want to set or get
> attributes of a particular application server subsystem, you
> must know its dotted name. The list command is the one which
> can guide you to find the dotted name of that subsystem. For
> example, to find out the modified date (attribute) of a par-
> ticular file in a large file system that starts with /.
> First you must find out the location of that file in the
> file system, and then look at its attributes. Therefor, two
> of the first commands to understand the hierarchies in
> appserver are: * list "*" and * list * -monitor. The sorted
> output of these commands is typically of the following form:
> Command Output
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 3
>Administration Commands get(1)
> list *
> o default-config
> o default-config.admin-service
> o default-config.admin-service.das-config
> o default-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system
> o default-config.admin-service.jmx-
> connector.system.ssl
> o default-config.availability-service
> o default-config.availability-service.jms-
> availability
> o default-config.diagnostic-service
> o default-config.ejb-container
> o . . .
> o default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> o default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> o . . .
> o default-config.iiop-service
> o . . .
> o default-config.java-config
> o . . .
> o domain
> o domain.clusters
> o domain.configs
> o domain.resources
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.DerbyPool
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool._CallFlowPool
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 4
>Administration Commands get(1)
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool._TimerPool
> o . . .
> o server
> o server-config
> o cerver-config.admin-service
> o server-config.admin-service.das-config
> o server-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system
> o server-config.admin-service.jmx-
> connector.system.ssl
> o server-config-availability-servicce
> o server-config.availability-service.jms-availability
> o server-config.diagnostic-service
> o server-config.ejb-container
> o . . .
> o server.log-service
> o server.log-service.module-log-levels
> o . . .
> o server.session-config
> o server.session-config.session-manager
> o server.session-config.session-manager.manager-
> properties
> o server.session-config.session-manager.store-
> properties
> o server.session-config.session-properties
> o server.thread-pools
> o server.thread-pools.thread-pool.thread-pool-1
> o server.transaction-service
> o server.web-container
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 5
>Administration Commands get(1)
> o server.web-container-availability
> list -monitor *
> o server
> o server.applications
> o server.applications._JWSappclients
> o server.applications._JWSappclients.sys.war
> o server.applications.adminapp
> o server.applications.admingui
> o server.connector-service
> o server.http-service
> o server.http-service.server
> o server.jms-service
> o server.jvm
> o server.orb
> o server.orb.connection-managers
> o server.resources
> o server.thread-pools
> Consequently, the list command is the entry point into the
> navigation of the application server's s management hierar-
> chies. Take note of the output of the list command:
> o The output lists one element per line.
> o Every element on a line is a complete-dotted-name
> of a management component that is capable of having
> attributes. Note that none of these lines show any
> kind of attributes at all.
> The output of thelist command is a list of dotted names
> representing individual application server components and
> subsystems. Every component or subsystem is capable of hav-
> ing zero or more attributes that can be read and modified.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 6
>Administration Commands get(1)
> With thelist command you can drill down through the hierar-
> chy in a particular branch of interest. For example, if you
> want to find the configuration of the http-listener of the
> domain (the default server, whose ID is "server"). Here is
> how you could proceed on a UNIX terminal:
> ID Command Output/Comment
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> 1 list "*" | grep http | grep listener
> 1. default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> 2. default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> 3. server-config.http-service.http-listener.admin-
> listener
> 4. server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> 5. server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> 6. server-http-service.http-listener.admin-listener
> 7. server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1
> 8. server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-2
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 7
>Administration Commands get(1)
> 2 To find the listener that server.http-service.http-
> corresponds to the default http- listener.http-listener-
> listener where the web applications 1.acceptor-threads =
> in the domain/server are deployed: 1server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1. Examine the dotted name starting with item number 7 1.address =
> in above output.
> service.http-listener.http-
> 2. Use the get command as shown in its usage. listener-1.blocking-enabled =
> the attributes of the http-listener in context. falseserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.default-virtual-
> server = serverserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.enabled =
> trueserver.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.external-port =server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.family =
> inetserver.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-1.id =
> http-listener-1server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.port =
> 8080server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.redirect-port =server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.security-enabled =
> falseserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.server-name
> =server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.xpowered-by = true
> Making use of both list and get commands, it is straightfor-
> ward to reach a particular component of interest.
> To get the monitoring information of a particular subsystem
> you must:
> 1. Use the set command to set an appropriate monitor-
> ing level for the component of interest.
> 2. Obtain the various information about the JVM that
> the application server domain is running.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 8
>Administration Commands get(1)
> ID Command Output/Comment
> _______________________________________________________________________
> 1 list server* | grep monitoring server-config.monitoring-
> serviceserver-
> config.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levelsserver.monitoring-
> serviceserver.monitoring-
> service.module-
> monitoring-levelsNote that
> this is the list command. It
> only shows the hierarchy,
> nothing else. Using the '|'
> and "grep" narrows down the
> search effectively. Now, you
> can choose server.monitoring-
> service to set the attributes
> of various attributes that can
> be monitored.This is the con-
> figuration data because this
> setting will be persisted to
> the server's configuration
> store.
> 2 get server.monitoring-service.* You can try the number of
> attributes that are presently
> available with monitoring ser-
> vice. Here is the output: No
> matches resulted from the
> wildcard expression. This is
> because this fully dotted name
> does not have any attributes
> at all. Logically, you try the
> next one and that is:
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels. Again, use the wild-
> card character to get ALL the
> attributes of a particular
> component.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 9
>Administration Commands get(1)
> 3 get server.monitoring- server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring- service.module-monitoring-
> levels.* levels.connector-connection-
> pool = OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.connector-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.ejb-container = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.http-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jdbc-connection-pool =
> OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jms-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jvm = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.orb = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.thread-pool = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.transaction-service =
> OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.web-container = OFF The
> JVM monitoring is at a level
> OFF. It must be changed in
> order to make the JVM monitor-
> ing information available. The
> other valid values for all the
> monitoring level are: LOW and
> HIGH. use the set command to
> set the value appropriately.
> 4 set server.monitoring- server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring- service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jvm=HIGHThere is no levels.jvm = HIGHNow, the JVM
> space before or after the = information can be obtained
> sign. using the get command and mon-
> itoring switch. But remember ,
> when you switch to the moni-
> toring hierarchy, start with
> the list command again.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 10
>Administration Commands get(1)
> 5 list --monitor * | grep jvm server.jvm server.jvm.class-
> loading-system
> server.jvm.compilation-system
> server.jvm.garbage-collectors
> server.jvm.garbage-
> collectors.Copy
> server.jvm.garbage-
> collectors.MarkSweepCompact
> server.jvm.memory
> server.jvm.operating-system
> server.jvm.runtime
> server.jvm.thread-system
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-1 . . .
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793823
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793824
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793825
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793826
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793827
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-9The JRE 1.5.0
> monitorable components are
> exposed in an elegant manner.
> This is what you see when con-
> nected by the JConsole. Now,
> to know more about the class-
> loading system in the JVM,
> this is how you'll
> proceed.Note that now you are
> interested in the attributes
> of a particular leaf node.
> Thus the command is get not
> list.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 11
>Administration Commands get(1)
> 6 get -monitor server.jvm.class- server.jvm.class-loading-
> loading-system.* system.dotted-name =
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-count
> = 7328 server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508973
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-name =
> LoadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-unit =
> count server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> count = 10285
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508972
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> name = TotalLoadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> unit = count
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> count = 2957
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508973
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 12
>Administration Commands get(1)
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-name
> = UnloadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-unit
> = countYou cansee that 10285
> is the total number of classes
> loaded by the Virtual Machine.
> Whereas, 2957 is number of
> classes unloaded, since it was
> started. ,Similarly, you can
> explore attributes of the
> other subsystems as well.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 13
>Administration Commands get(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 14
>Administration Commands get(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --monitor defaults to false; if set to
> false, the configurable attri-
> bute values are returned. If set
> to true, the monitorable attri-
> bute values are returned.
> attributename Identifies the attribute name in
> the dotted notation. At least
> one dotted name attribute is
> required. The dotted notation is
> the syntax used to access attri-
> butes of configurable entities.
> The following format is used for
> the notation:
> Configuration: <config
> name>.<config element
> name>.<primary key>.<attribute
> name> | <instance name>.<config
> element name>.<primary
> key>.<attribute name>
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 15
>Administration Commands get(1)
> Resource:
> <instancename>.<resource
> name>.<primary key>.<attribute
> name> |
> domain.resources.<resource
> name>.<primary key>.<attribute
> name>
> Example 1 Using the get command with wildcard
> ____________________________________________________________
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> | get * | get all values on all|
> | | dotted name prefixes |
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> | get domain.* | gets all values on the|
> | | dotted name "domain."|
> | | Note that this is|
> | | quite different from|
> | | "domain*". |
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> | get domain* | gets all values on the|
> | | dotted nams that begin|
> | | with "domain".|
> | | Equivalent to get|
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> | get *config*.*.* | gets all values on the|
> | | dotted names which|
> | | match "*config*.*" |
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> | get domain.j2ee-| gets all values on all|
> | applications.*.ejb-module.*.* | ejb-modules of all|
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> | get *web-modules.*.* | get all values on all|
> | | web modules whether in|
> | | an application or|
> | | standalone. |
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> | get *.*.*.* | get all values on all|
> | | dotted names which|
> |__________________________________|________________________|
> Example 2 Using get with the monitor option
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 16
>Administration Commands get(1)
> To get the monitoring data from the domain administration
> server, the appropriate monitoring level must be set on the
> appropriate subsystem. Use the set command to set the moni-
> toring data level. For example, to set the monitoring level
> on Web Container on Domain Administration Server (DAS) to
> HIGH so that the Web Container returns many monitorable
> attributes and their values: server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-levels.web-container=HIGH. See the
> set command for further details on setting the monitoring
> level.
> Top Level
> _______________________________________________________________
> |________|_______________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.* | No output, but message say-|
> | | | ing there are no attributes|
> | | | at this node. |
> |________|_______________________|_____________________________|
> Applications Level
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> | Command| Dotted Name | Output |
> |________|________________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.applications.*or*applications.*| No output, but message say-|
> | | | ing there are no attributes|
> |________|________________________________________|_____________________________|
> Applications - Enterprise Applications and Standalone
> Modules
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 17
>Administration Commands get(1)
> _____________________________________________________________________________________
> _____________________________________________________________________________________
> get -m server.applications.app1.*or*app1.* No output, but message say-
> ing there are no attributes
> at this node.
> _____________________________________________________________________________________
> get -m server.applications.app1.ejb- No output, but message say-
> module1_jar.* or *ejb-module1_jar.* ing there are no attributes
> or server.applications.ejb- at this node.
> _____________________________________________________________________________________
> get -m server.applications.app1.ejb- Attribute
> module1_jar.bean1.*Note : where it CreateCount_Count, Value =
> is a standalone module, the node xxxxAttribute
> app1 will not appear. CreateCount_Description,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> CreateCount_LastSampleTime,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> CreateCount_Name, Value =
> xxxxAttribute
> CreateCount_StartTime,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> CreateCount_Unit, Value =
> xxxxAttribute
> MethodReadyCount_Current,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> MethodReadyCount_Description,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> MethodReadyCount_HighWaterMark,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> MethodReadyCount_LastSampleTime,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> MethodReadyCount_LowWaterMark,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> MethodReadyCount_Name,
> Value =
> xxxxMethodReadyCount_StartTime,
> Value =
> xxxxMethodReadyCount_Unit,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> RemoveCount_Count, Value =
> xxxxAttribute
> RemoveCount_Description,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> RemoveCount_LastSampleTime,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> RemoveCount_Name, Value =
> xxxxAttribute
> RemoveCount_StartTime,
> Value = xxxxAttribute
> RemoveCount_Unit, Value =
> xxxx
> _____________________________________________________________________________________
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 18
>Administration Commands get(1)
> get -m server.applications.app1.ejb- List of Attributes and
> | | module1_jar.bean1.bean-poolNote: | Values corresponding to |
> | | Where it is a standalone module, | attributes as defined under |
> | | the node app1 will not appear. | EJBPoolStats Statistics. |
> |________|________________________________________|__________________________________|
> | get -m | server.applications.app1.ejb- | List of Attributes and |
> | | module1_jar.bean1.bean-cache.*Note: | Values corresponding to |
> | | Where it is a standalone module, | attributes as defined under |
> |________|________________________________________|__________________________________|
> | get -m | server.applications.app1.ejb- | List of Attributes and |
> | | module1_jar.bean1.bean- | Values corresponding to |
> | | cachemethod.method1.*Note: Where it | attributes as defined under |
> | | is a standalone module, the node | EJBMethodStats Statistics. |
> | | app1 will not appear. | |
> |________|________________________________________|__________________________________|
> | get -m | server.applications.app1.web- | No output, but message say- |
> | | module1_war.* | ing there are no attributes |
> |________|________________________________________|__________________________________|
> | get -m | server.applications.app1.web- | No output, but message say- |
> | | module1_war.virtual_server1.* | ing there are no attributes |
> | | | at this node. |
> |________|________________________________________|__________________________________|
> | get -m | server.applications.app1.web- | List of Attributes and |
> | | module1_war.virtual_server1.servlet1.*| Values corresponding to |
> |________|________________________________________|__________________________________|
> Http-Service Level
> _____________________________________________________________________________
> |________|_____________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.http-service.* | No output, but message say-|
> | | | ing there are no attributes|
> | | | at this node. |
> |________|_____________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.http-service.virtual-server1| No output, but message say-|
> | | | ing there are no attributes|
> |________|_____________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.http-service.virtual- | Attributes and Values|
> | | server1.http-listener1.* | corresponding to|
> | | | HttpListerneStats Statis-|
> | | | tics. |
> |________|_____________________________________|_____________________________|
> Thread-Pools Level
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 19
>Administration Commands get(1)
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> |________|____________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.thread-pools.* | No output, but message say-|
> | | | ing there are no attributes|
> | | | at this node. |
> |________|____________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.thread-pools.thread-pool1.*| List of Attributes and|
> | | | Values corresponding to|
> |________|____________________________________|_____________________________|
> Resources Level
> _____________________________________________________________________________
> |________|_____________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.resources.* | No output, but message say-|
> | | | ing there are no attributes|
> | | | at this node. |
> |________|_____________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.resources.connection-pool1.*| List of Attributes and|
> | | | Values corresponding to|
> | | | JDBCConnectionPool Stats or|
> | | | ConnectorConnectionPool- |
> | | | Stats Statistics as the|
> |________|_____________________________________|_____________________________|
> Transaction-Service Level
> ______________________________________________________________________
> |________|______________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.transaction-service.*| List of Attributes and|
> | | | Values corresponding to|
> | | | JTAStats Statistics. |
> |________|______________________________|_____________________________|
> ORB Level
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 20
>Administration Commands get(1)
> __________________________________________________________________________
> |________|__________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.orb.* | No output, but message say-|
> | | | ing there are no attributes|
> | | | at this node. |
> |________|__________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.orb.connection-managers.*| No output, but message say-|
> | | | ing there are no attributes|
> |________|__________________________________|_____________________________|
> | get -m | server.orb.connection- | Attributes and values|
> | | managers.orbconnmgr1.* | corresponding to OrbConnec-|
> | | | tionManagerStats Statis-|
> | | | tics. |
> |________|__________________________________|_____________________________|
> JVM Level
> _________________________________________________________________________________
> Command Dotted Name Output
> _________________________________________________________________________________
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 21
>Administration Commands get(1)
> get -m server.jvm.* Attributes and Values
> corresponding to JVMStats
> Statistics.For
> example:server.jvm.HeapSize_Current
> =
> 45490176server.jvm.HeapSize_Description
> = Describes
> JvmHeapSizeserver.jvm.HeapSize_HighWaterMark
> =
> 45490176server.jvm.HeapSize_LastSampleTime
> =
> 1063217002433server.jvm.HeapSize_LowWaterMark
> =
> 0server.jvm.HeapSize_LowerBound
> = 0server.jvm.HeapSize_Name
> =
> JvmHeapSizeserver.jvm.HeapSize_StartTime
> =
> 1063238840055server.jvm.HeapSize_Unit
> =
> bytesserver.jvm.HeapSize_UpperBound
> =
> | | | 531628032server.jvm.UpTime_Count |
> | | | = |
> | | | 1063238840100server.jvm.UpTime_Description |
> | | | = Describes |
> | | | JvmUpTimeserver.jvm.UpTime_LastSampleTime |
> | | | = 1- |
> | | | 63238840070server.jvm.UpTime_Name |
> | | | = |
> | | | JvmUpTimeserver.jvm.UpTime_StartTime |
> | | | = |
> | | | 1063217002430server.jvm.UpTime_Unit |
> | | | = milliseconds |
> |________|_______________________|_______________________________________________|
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> set(1), list(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 22
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list Return:0
>Administration Commands list(1)
> list - lists the configurable elements
> list
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --monitor =false]
> [dotted_parent_attribute_name]
> Lists the configurable element. On Solaris, quotes are
> needed when executing commands with * as the option value or
> operand.
> The dotted notation follows these guidelines:
> o Any list command that has a dotted name that is not
> followed by a wildcard (*) will get, as its result,
> the current node's immediate children. For example,
> list --monitor server lists all immediate children
> belonging to the server node.
> o Any list command that has a dotted name followed by
> a wildcard(*) will get, as its result, a hierarchi-
> cal tree of children nodes from the current node.
> For example, list --monitor server.applications.*
> will list all children of applications and their
> subsequent child nodes and so on.
> o Any list command that has a dotted name preceded or
> followed by a wildcard (*) of the form *dotted name
> or dotted * name or dotted name* will get, as its
> result, all nodes and their children matching the
> regular expression created by the provided matching
> pattern.
> An application server dotted name uses the "." (period) as
> a delimiter to separate the parts of a complete name. This
> is similar to how the "/" character is used to delimit the
> levels in the absolute path name of a file in the UNIX file
> system. The following rules apply while forming the dotted
> names accepted by the get, set and list commands. Note that
> a specific command has some additional semantics applied.
> o A . (period) always separates two sequential parts
> of the name.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 1
>Administration Commands list(1)
> o A part of the name usually identifies an applica-
> tion server subsystem and/or its specific instance.
> For example: web-container, log-service, thread-
> pool-1 etc.
> o If any part of the name itself contains a .
> (period), then it must be escaped with a leading
> \fR (backslash) so that the "." does not act like a
> delimiter.
> o An * (asterisk) can be used anywhere in the dotted
> name and it acts like the wildcard character in
> regular expressions. Additionally, an * can col-
> lapse all the parts of the dotted name. Long dotted
> name like "this.is.really.long.hierarchy" can be
> abbreviated to "th*.hierarchy". But note that the .
> always delimits the parts of the name.
> o The top level switch for any dotted name is -moni-
> tor or -m that is separately specified on a given
> command line. The presence or lack of this switch
> implies the selection of one of the two hierarchies
> for appserver management: monitoring and configura-
> tion.
> o If you happen to know the exact complete dotted
> name without any wildcard character, then list and
> get/set have a little difference in their seman-
> tics:
> o The list command treats this complete dotted
> name as the complete name of a parent node in
> the abstract hierarchy. Upon providing this
> name to list command, it simply returns the
> names of the immediate children at that level.
> For example, list server.applications.web-
> module will list all the web modules deployed
> to the domain or the default server.
> o The get and set commands treat this complete
> dotted name as the fully qualified name of the
> attribute of a node (whose dotted name itself
> is the name that you get when you remove the
> last part of this dotted name) and it gets/sets
> the value of that attribute. This is true if
> such an attribute exists. You will never start
> with this case because in order to find out the
> names of attributes of a particular node in the
> hierarchy, you must use the wildcard character
> *. For example, server.applications.web-
> module.JSPWiki.context-root will return the
> context-root of the web-application deployed to
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 2
>Administration Commands list(1)
> the domain or default server.
> o server(usually the first part of the complete dot-
> ted name) can be replaced with the name of a par-
> ticular server instance of interest (e.g., server1)
> and you'll get the information of that server
> instance, remaining part of the dotted name remain-
> ing the same. Note that the dotted names that are
> available in such other server instances are those
> from the monitoring hierarchy because these server
> instances don't have a way to expose the configura-
> tion hierarchy.
> The list command is the progenitor of navigational capabili-
> ties of these three commands. If you want to set or get
> attributes of a particular application server subsystem, you
> must know its dotted name. The list command is the one which
> can guide you to find the dotted name of that subsystem. For
> example, to find out the modified date (attribute) of a par-
> ticular file in a large file system that starts with /.
> First you must find out the location of that file in the
> file system, and then look at its attributes. Therefor, two
> of the first commands to understand the hierarchies in
> appserver are: * list "*" and * list * -monitor. The sorted
> output of these commands is typically of the following form:
> Command Output
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 3
>Administration Commands list(1)
> list *
> o default-config
> o default-config.admin-service
> o default-config.admin-service.das-config
> o default-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system
> o default-config.admin-service.jmx-
> connector.system.ssl
> o default-config.availability-service
> o default-config.availability-service.jms-
> availability
> o default-config.diagnostic-service
> o default-config.ejb-container
> o . . .
> o default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> o default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> o . . .
> o default-config.iiop-service
> o . . .
> o default-config.java-config
> o . . .
> o domain
> o domain.clusters
> o domain.configs
> o domain.resources
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.DerbyPool
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool._CallFlowPool
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 4
>Administration Commands list(1)
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool._TimerPool
> o . . .
> o server
> o server-config
> o cerver-config.admin-service
> o server-config.admin-service.das-config
> o server-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system
> o server-config.admin-service.jmx-
> connector.system.ssl
> o server-config-availability-servicce
> o server-config.availability-service.jms-availability
> o server-config.diagnostic-service
> o server-config.ejb-container
> o . . .
> o server.log-service
> o server.log-service.module-log-levels
> o . . .
> o server.session-config
> o server.session-config.session-manager
> o server.session-config.session-manager.manager-
> properties
> o server.session-config.session-manager.store-
> properties
> o server.session-config.session-properties
> o server.thread-pools
> o server.thread-pools.thread-pool.thread-pool-1
> o server.transaction-service
> o server.web-container
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 5
>Administration Commands list(1)
> o server.web-container-availability
> list -monitor *
> o server
> o server.applications
> o server.applications._JWSappclients
> o server.applications._JWSappclients.sys.war
> o server.applications.adminapp
> o server.applications.admingui
> o server.connector-service
> o server.http-service
> o server.http-service.server
> o server.jms-service
> o server.jvm
> o server.orb
> o server.orb.connection-managers
> o server.resources
> o server.thread-pools
> Consequently, the list command is the entry point into the
> navigation of the application server's s management hierar-
> chies. Take note of the output of the list command:
> o The output lists one element per line.
> o Every element on a line is a complete-dotted-name
> of a management component that is capable of having
> attributes. Note that none of these lines show any
> kind of attributes at all.
> The output of thelist command is a list of dotted names
> representing individual application server components and
> subsystems. Every component or subsystem is capable of hav-
> ing zero or more attributes that can be read and modified.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 6
>Administration Commands list(1)
> With thelist command you can drill down through the hierar-
> chy in a particular branch of interest. For example, if you
> want to find the configuration of the http-listener of the
> domain (the default server, whose ID is "server"). Here is
> how you could proceed on a UNIX terminal:
> ID Command Output/Comment
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> 1 list "*" | grep http | grep listener
> 1. default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> 2. default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> 3. server-config.http-service.http-listener.admin-
> listener
> 4. server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> 5. server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> 6. server-http-service.http-listener.admin-listener
> 7. server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1
> 8. server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-2
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 7
>Administration Commands list(1)
> 2 To find the listener that server.http-service.http-
> corresponds to the default http- listener.http-listener-
> listener where the web applications 1.acceptor-threads =
> in the domain/server are deployed: 1server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1. Examine the dotted name starting with item number 7 1.address =
> in above output.
> service.http-listener.http-
> 2. Use the get command as shown in its usage. listener-1.blocking-enabled =
> the attributes of the http-listener in context. falseserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.default-virtual-
> server = serverserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.enabled =
> trueserver.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.external-port =server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.family =
> inetserver.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-1.id =
> http-listener-1server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.port =
> 8080server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.redirect-port =server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.security-enabled =
> falseserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.server-name
> =server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.xpowered-by = true
> Making use of both list and get commands, it is straightfor-
> ward to reach a particular component of interest.
> To get the monitoring information of a particular subsystem
> you must:
> 1. Use the set command to set an appropriate monitor-
> ing level for the component of interest.
> 2. Obtain the various information about the JVM that
> the application server domain is running.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 8
>Administration Commands list(1)
> ID Command Output/Comment
> _______________________________________________________________________
> 1 list server* | grep monitoring server-config.monitoring-
> serviceserver-
> config.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levelsserver.monitoring-
> serviceserver.monitoring-
> service.module-
> monitoring-levelsNote that
> this is the list command. It
> only shows the hierarchy,
> nothing else. Using the '|'
> and "grep" narrows down the
> search effectively. Now, you
> can choose server.monitoring-
> service to set the attributes
> of various attributes that can
> be monitored.This is the con-
> figuration data because this
> setting will be persisted to
> the server's configuration
> store.
> 2 get server.monitoring-service.* You can try the number of
> attributes that are presently
> available with monitoring ser-
> vice. Here is the output: No
> matches resulted from the
> wildcard expression. This is
> because this fully dotted name
> does not have any attributes
> at all. Logically, you try the
> next one and that is:
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels. Again, use the wild-
> card character to get ALL the
> attributes of a particular
> component.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 9
>Administration Commands list(1)
> 3 get server.monitoring- server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring- service.module-monitoring-
> levels.* levels.connector-connection-
> pool = OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.connector-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.ejb-container = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.http-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jdbc-connection-pool =
> OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jms-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jvm = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.orb = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.thread-pool = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.transaction-service =
> OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.web-container = OFF The
> JVM monitoring is at a level
> OFF. It must be changed in
> order to make the JVM monitor-
> ing information available. The
> other valid values for all the
> monitoring level are: LOW and
> HIGH. use the set command to
> set the value appropriately.
> 4 set server.monitoring- server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring- service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jvm=HIGHThere is no levels.jvm = HIGHNow, the JVM
> space before or after the = information can be obtained
> sign. using the get command and mon-
> itoring switch. But remember ,
> when you switch to the moni-
> toring hierarchy, start with
> the list command again.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 10
>Administration Commands list(1)
> 5 list --monitor * | grep jvm server.jvm server.jvm.class-
> loading-system
> server.jvm.compilation-system
> server.jvm.garbage-collectors
> server.jvm.garbage-
> collectors.Copy
> server.jvm.garbage-
> collectors.MarkSweepCompact
> server.jvm.memory
> server.jvm.operating-system
> server.jvm.runtime
> server.jvm.thread-system
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-1 . . .
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793823
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793824
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793825
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793826
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793827
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-9The JRE 1.5.0
> monitorable components are
> exposed in an elegant manner.
> This is what you see when con-
> nected by the JConsole. Now,
> to know more about the class-
> loading system in the JVM,
> this is how you'll
> proceed.Note that now you are
> interested in the attributes
> of a particular leaf node.
> Thus the command is get not
> list.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 11
>Administration Commands list(1)
> 6 get -monitor server.jvm.class- server.jvm.class-loading-
> loading-system.* system.dotted-name =
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-count
> = 7328 server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508973
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-name =
> LoadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-unit =
> count server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> count = 10285
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508972
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> name = TotalLoadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> unit = count
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> count = 2957
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508973
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 12
>Administration Commands list(1)
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-name
> = UnloadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-unit
> = countYou cansee that 10285
> is the total number of classes
> loaded by the Virtual Machine.
> Whereas, 2957 is number of
> classes unloaded, since it was
> started. ,Similarly, you can
> explore attributes of the
> other subsystems as well.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 13
>Administration Commands list(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 14
>Administration Commands list(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --monitor defaults to false; if set to
> false, the configurable attri-
> bute values are returned. If set
> to true, the monitorable attri-
> bute values are returned.
> dotted_parent_element_name configurable or monitorable ele-
> ment name.
> Example 1 Using list to view all dotted-name prefixes
> asadmin> list --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
> --port 5001 "*"
> server
> server.admin-service
> server.admin-service.das-config
> server.application-ref.MEjbApp
> server.application-ref.__ejb_container_timer_app
> server.application-ref.adminapp
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 15
>Administration Commands list(1)
> server.application-ref.admingui
> server.application-ref.com_sun_web_ui
> server.applications
> server.applications.j2ee-application.MEjbApp
> server.applications.j2ee-application.__ejb_container_timer_app
> server.applications.web-module.adminapp
> server.applications.web-module.admingui
> server.applications.web-module.com_sun_web_ui
> server.ejb-container
> server.http-service
> server.http-service.http-listener.admin-listener
> server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1
> server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-2
> server.iiop-service
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.SSL
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.SSL.ssl
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.SSL_MUTUALAUTH
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.SSL_MUTUALAUTH.ssl
> server.iiop-service.iiop-listener.orb-listener-1
> server.iiop-service.orb
> server.java-config
> server.jms-service
> server.jms-service.jms-host.default_JMS_host
> server.log-service
> server.log-service.module-log-levels
> server.mdb-container
> server.monitoring-service
> server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels
> server.resource-ref.jdbc/PointBase
> server.resource-ref.jdbc/__TimerPool
> server.resources
> server.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.PointBasePool
> server.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.__TimerPool
> server.resources.jdbc-resource.jdbc/PointBase
> server.resources.jdbc-resource.jdbc/__TimerPool
> server.security-service
> server.security-service.audit-module.default
> server.security-service.auth-realm.certificate
> server.security-service.auth-realm.file
> server.security-service.jacc-provider.default
> server.thread-pools
> server.thread-pools.thread-pool.thread-pool-1
> server.transaction-service
> server.virtual-server.__asadmin
> server.virtual-server.server
> server.web-container
> Example 2 Using list for an application
> asadmin> list --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 16
>Administration Commands list(1)
> --host localhost --port 4848 server.applications.j2ee-application
> server.applications.j2ee-application.MEjbApp
> server.applications.j2ee-application._ejb_container_timer_app
> server.applications.j2ee-application.stateless-simple
> Example 3 Using list for a web module
> asadmin> list --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848 server.applications.web-module
> server.applications.web-module.adminapp
> server.applications.web-module.adminguip
> server.applications.web-module.com_sun_web_ui
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> get(1), set(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 17
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-applications Return:0
>CLI001 ???? list-applications ????????????????????, ????á?asadmin help????
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-audit-modules Return:0
>Administration Commands list-audit-modules(1)
> list-audit-modules - gets all audit modules and displays
> them
> list-audit-modules
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target]
> Lists all the audit modules. This command is supported in
> remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-audit-modules(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-audit-modules(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> target Specifies the target on which
> you are listing the audit
> modules. Valid values are:
> o server, which lists the
> audit modules for the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o configuration_name,
> which lists the audit
> modules for the named
> configuration
> o cluster_name, which
> lists the audit modules
> for every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> lists the audit modules
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-audit-modules(1)
> for a particular server
> instance
> Example 1 Using the list-audit-modules command
> asadmin> list-audit-modules --user admin1
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --host pigeon --port 5001
> sampleAUditModule1
> sampleAuditModule2
> Command list-audit-modules executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-audit-module(1), delete-audit-module(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-auth-realms Return:0
>Administration Commands list-auth-realms(1)
> list-auth-realms - lists the authentication realms
> list-auth-realms
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target_name]
> Lists the authentication realms. This command is supported
> in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-auth-realms(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-auth-realms(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> target_name name of the target on which you
> want to list the authentication
> realms.
> o server, which creates
> the realm for the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o configuration_name,
> which creates the realm
> for the named confi-
> guration
> o cluster_name, which
> creates the realm for
> every server instance
> in the cluster
> o instance_name, which
> creates the realm for a
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-auth-realms(1)
> particular server
> instance
> Example 1 Using list-auth-realms
> asadmin> list-auth-realms --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848
> file
> ldap
> certificate
> db
> Command list-auth-realms executed successfully
> Where file, ldap, certificate, and db are the listed authen-
> tication realms.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-auth-realm(1), delete-auth-realm(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-components Return:0
>Administration Commands list-components(1)
> list-components - lists deployed components
> list-components
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --type application|ejb|web|connector|webservice]
> [target]
> The command list-components lists all deployed Java EE 5
> components. If the --type option is not specified, all com-
> ponents are listed. The available type values are: applica-
> tion (default), ejb, web, connector and webservice. This
> command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data must be
> very concise, typically avoiding human-
> friendly sentences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption by a
> script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the command
> line statement on the standard output.
> Default is false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only the
> required password options are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the domain
> administration server is running. The
> default value is localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administration. This
> is the port to which you should point
> your browser in order to manage the
> domain. For example,
> http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-components(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communi-
> cate with the domain administration
> server.
> -u --user The authorized domain administration
> server administrative username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain
> using the asadmin login command, then
> you need not specify the --user option
> on subsequent operations to this partic-
> ular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option specifies the
> name, including the full path, of a file
> containing the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for the pass-
> word must have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix fol-
> lowed by the password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the domain
> administration server password, use an
> entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where pass-
> word is the actual administrator pass-
> word. Other passwords that can be speci-
> All remote commands must specify the
> admin password to authenticate to the
> domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command prompt.
> The asadmin login command can be used
> only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified
> for remote commands, use the --
> passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain
> using the asadmin login command, then
> you need not specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile option on
> subsequent operations to this particular
> domain. However, this is applicable only
> to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-components(1)
> still need to provide the other pass-
> words, for example,
> required by individual commands, such as
> update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords speci-
> fied as an environment variable will not
> be read by asadmin.
> The default value for
> --help Displays the help text for the command.
> --type This is the type of component to be
> listed. The options are application,
> ejb, web, connector and webservice. If
> nothing is specified, then all of the
> components are listed.
> -target This is the name of the target upon
> which the command operates. The valid
> values are:
> o server, which lists the com-
> ponents for the default server
> instance server and is the
> default value
> o domain_name, which lists the
> components for the named domain
> o cluster_name, which lists the
> components for every server
> instance in the cluster
> o instance_name, which lists the
> components for a particular
> server instance
> Example 1 Using list-components command
> asadmin> list-components --user admin --passwordfile password.txt --type connector
> cciblackbox-tx connector-module
> Command list-components executed successfully
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-components(1)
> Note: cciblackbox-tx.rar was deployed.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> show-component-status(1), list-sub-components(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-containers Return:0
>CLI001 ???? list-containers ????????????????????, ????á?asadmin help????
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-file-groups Return:0
>Administration Commands list-file-groups(1)
> list-file-groups - lists file groups
> list-file-groups
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --name username]
> [--authrealmname auth_realm_name] [ target]
> Use this command to administer file users and groups sup-
> ported by the file realm authentication. This command lists
> available groups in the file user. If the --name option is
> not specified, all groups are listed.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-file-groups(1)
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-file-groups(1)
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --name Identifies the name of the file
> user for whom the groups will be
> listed.
> --authrealmname Name, in the domain.xml file,
> where you have different stores
> for file auth realm.
> target This operand specifies which
> configurations you can list.
> Valid targets are:
> o server, which lists the
> file groups in the
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-file-groups(1)
> current server. This is
> the default value.
> o cluster_name, which
> lists the file groups
> in a cluster.
> o instance_name, which
> lists the file groups
> for a particular
> instance.
> Example 1 Using the list-file-groups command
> asadmin>list-file-groups --user admin1 --passwordfile passwords.txt
> staff
> manager
> Command list-file-groups executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-file-user(1), update-file-user(1), delete-file-
> user(1), list-file-users(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-file-users Return:0
>Administration Commands list-file-users(1)
> list-file-users - lists the file users
> list-file-users
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target]
> The list-file-users command creates a list of file users
> supported by file realm authentication.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-file-users(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-file-users(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> target Specifies the target on which
> you are creating the file user.
> This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile. Valid tar-
> gets are:
> o server, which lists the
> file users in the
> default server
> instance. This is the
> default value.
> o cluster_name, which
> lists the file users on
> every server instance
> in the cluster.
> o instance_name, which
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-file-users(1)
> lists the file users on
> a particular sever
> instance.
> Example 1 Using the list-file-users command
> asadmin> list-file-users instance1 --user admin1 --passwordfile passwords.txt
> sample_user05
> sample_user08
> sample_user12
> Command list-file-users executed successfully
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-file-user(1), delete-file-user(1), update-file-
> user(1), list-file-groups(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-http-listeners Return:0
>Administration Commands list-http-listeners(1)
> list-http-listeners - lists the existing HTTP listeners
> list-http-listeners
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target]
> The list-http-listeners command lists the existing HTTP
> listeners. This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-http-listeners(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-http-listeners(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> target This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile.This operand
> specifies the target for which
> the HTTP listeners are to be
> listed. Valid values are:
> o server, which lists the
> listeners for the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o configuration_name,
> which lists the
> listeners for the
> specified configuration
> o cluster_name, which
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-http-listeners(1)
> lists the listeners for
> the specified cluster
> o instance_name, which
> lists the listeners for
> a particular server
> instance
> Example 1 Using the list-http-listeners command
> The following command lists all the HTTP listeners for the
> server instance:
> asadmin> list-http-listeners --user admin1
> --passwordfile passwords.txt --host host1 --port 5001
> http-listener-1
> http-listener-2
> admin-listener
> Command list-http-listeners executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-http-listener(1), delete-http-listener(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-jdbc-connection-pools Return:0
>Administration Commands list-jdbc-connection-pools(1)
> list-jdbc-connection-pools - lists all JDBC connection pools
> list-jdbc-connection-pools
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> Use this command to get the JDBC connection pools that have
> been created. This command is supported in the remote mode
> only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-jdbc-connection-pools(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-jdbc-connection-pools(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> target The target operand is depre-
> cated.
> Example 1 Using the list-jdbc-connection-pools command
> asadmin> list-jdbc-connection-pools --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --host localhost --port 7070
> sample_derby_pool
> Command list-jdbc-connection-pools executed successfully.
> Where: sample_derby_pool is the JDBC connection pool.
> 0 command executed successfully
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-jdbc-connection-pools(1)
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-jdbc-connection-pool(1), delete-jdbc-connection-
> pool(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-jdbc-resources Return:0
>Administration Commands list-jdbc-resources(1)
> list-jdbc-resources - gets all JDBC resources
> list-jdbc-resources
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target]
> The list-jdbc-resources command displays a list of JDBC
> resources that have been created. This command is supported
> in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-jdbc-resources(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-jdbc-resources(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> target This operand specifies which
> JDBC resources you can list.
> Usage of this operand is
> optional. Valid values are:
> o server, which lists the
> JDBC resources in the
> current server and is
> the default.
> o domain, which lists the
> JDBC resources in the
> current domain.
> o cluster_name, which
> lists the JDBC
> resources in a cluster.
> o instance_name, which
> lists the JDBC
> resources for a partic-
> ular instance.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-jdbc-resources(1)
> Example 1 Using the list-jdbc-resources command
> asadmin> list-jdbc-resources --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> jdbc/DerbyPool
> Command list-jdbc-resources executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-jdbc-resource(1), delete-jdbc-resource(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-jvm-options Return:0
>CLI001 ???? list-jvm-options ????????????????????, ????á?asadmin help????
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-modules Return:0
>CLI001 ???? list-modules ????????????????????, ????á?asadmin help????
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-resource-refs Return:0
>Administration Commands list-resource-refs(1)
> list-resource-refs - lists the existing resource references
> list-resource-refs
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target]
> Note -
> This command is available only in domains that are config-
> ured to support clusters, such as domains that are created
> with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile. For
> information about profiles, see Usage Profiles in Sun Java
> System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide.
> The list-resource-refs command lists all resource refer-
> ences in a cluster or an unclustered server instance. This
> effectively lists all the resources (for example, JDBC
> resources) available in the JNDI tree of the specified tar-
> get.
> The target instance or instances making up the cluster need
> not be running or available for this command to succeed.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-resource-refs(1)
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-resource-refs(1)
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> target The target for which you are
> listing the resource references.
> Valid targets are
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-resource-refs(1)
> o server, which lists the
> resource references for
> the default server
> instance and is the
> default target.
> o cluster_name, which
> lists the resource
> references for every
> server instance in the
> cluster
> o instance_name, which
> lists the resource
> references for the
> named unclustered
> server instance
> Example 1 Using the list-resource-refs command
> The following command lists the resource references for the
> cluster MyCluster.
> asadmin> list-resource-refs --user admin
> --passwordfile passwords.txt MyCluster
> jms/Topic
> Command list-resource-refs executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-resource-ref(1), delete-resource-ref(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-system-properties Return:0
>Administration Commands list-system-properties(1)
> list-system-properties - lists the system properties of the
> domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance
> lists-system-properties
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target target_name]
> Note -
> This command is available only in domains that are config-
> ured to support clusters, such as domains that are created
> with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile. For
> information about profiles, see Usage Profiles in Sun Java
> System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide.
> Shared or clustered server instances will often need to
> override attributes defined in their referenced configura-
> tion. Any configuration attribute in a server instance can
> be overridden through a system property of the corresponding
> name. This command lists the system properties of a domain,
> configuration, cluster, or server instance.
> -t --terse
> Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
> typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
> well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
> is false.
> -e --echo
> Setting to true will echo the command line statement on
> the standard output. Default is false.
> -I --interactive
> If set to true (default), only the required password
> options are prompted.
> -H --host
> The machine name where the domain administration server
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-system-properties(1)
> is running. The default value is localhost.
> -p --port
> The HTTP/S port for administration. This is the port to
> which you should point your browser in order to manage
> the domain. For example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure
> If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
> domain administration server.
> -u --user
> The authorized domain administration server administra-
> tive username.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
> login command, then you need not specify the --user
> option on subsequent operations to this particular
> domain.
> --passwordfile
> The --passwordfile option specifies the name, including
> the full path, of a file containing the password entries
> in a specific format. The entry for the password must
> have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the password name
> in uppercase letters.
> For example, to specify the domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the following format:
> AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other passwords that can be
> specified include AS_ADMIN_MAPPEDPASSWORD,
> All remote commands must specify the admin password to
> authenticate to the domain administration server, either
> through --passwordfile or asadmin login, or interac-
> tively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command
> can be used only to specify the admin password. For
> other passwords, that must be specified for remote com-
> mands, use the --passwordfile or enter them at the com-
> mand prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-system-properties(1)
> login command, then you need not specify the admin pass-
> word through the --passwordfile option on subsequent
> operations to this particular domain. However, this is
> applicable only to AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You will
> still need to provide the other passwords, for example,
> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as and when required by indivi-
> dual commands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords specified as an environ-
> ment variable will not be read by asadmin.
> The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is
> changeit.
> --help
> Displays the help text for the command.
> target
> This option specifies the target on which you are list-
> ing the system properties. Valid values are
> o domain, which lists the system properties
> defined for the domain
> o configuration_name,lists the system properties
> for the named configuration as well as those
> the cluster inherits from the domain.
> o cluster_name, which lists the system properties
> defined for the named cluster as well as those
> the cluster. inherits from its configuration
> and the domain.
> o instance_name, which lists the system proper-
> ties defined for the named server instance as
> well as those the server inherits from its
> cluster (if the instance is clustered), its
> configuration, and the domain.
> Example 1 Using list-system-properties
> asadmin> list-system-properties --user admin
> --passwordfile password.txt --host localhost --port 4848
> http-listener-port=1088 mycluster
> http-listener-port=1088
> Command list-system-properties executed successfully.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-system-properties(1)
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-system-properties(1), delete-system-property(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 13 Jul 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help list-virtual-servers Return:0
>Administration Commands list-virtual-servers(1)
> list-virtual-servers - lists the existing virtual servers
> list-virtual-servers
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [target]
> The list-virtual-servers command lists the existing virtual
> servers. This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands list-virtual-servers(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands list-virtual-servers(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> target This operand specifies the tar-
> get for which the virtual
> servers are to be listed. Valid
> values are:
> o server, which lists the
> virtual servers in the
> default server instance
> and is the default
> value
> o configuration_name,
> which lists the virtual
> servers in the speci-
> fied configuration
> o cluster_name, which
> lists the virtual
> servers in the speci-
> fied cluster
> o instance_name, which
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands list-virtual-servers(1)
> lists the virtual
> servers in a particular
> server instance
> Example 1 Using the list-virtual-servers command
> The following command lists all the virtual servers for the
> server instance:
> asadmin> list-virtual-servers --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --host localhost --port 4848
> server
> __asadmin
> Command list-virtual-servers executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> create-virtual-server(1), delete-virtual-server(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help ping-connection-pool Return:0
>Administration Commands; ping-connection-pool(1)
> ping-connection-pool - tests if a connection pool is usable
> ping-connection-pool
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> pool_name
> This command tests if a connection pool is usable for both
> JDBC connection pools and connector connection pools. For
> example, if you create a new JDBC connection pool for an
> application that is expected to be deployed later, the JDBC
> pool is tested with this command before deploying the appli-
> cation.
> A JDBC connection pool or a connector connection pool with
> authentication can be created. You can either use a -pro-
> perty option to specify user, password, or other connection
> information using the command line, or specify the connec-
> tion information in the xml descriptor file.
> Before pinging a connection pool, you must create the con-
> nection pool with authentication and ensure that the enter-
> prise server or database is started.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands; ping-connection-pool(1)
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands; ping-connection-pool(1)
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --target This option is deprecated.
> pool_name This is the name of the pool to
> test.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands; ping-connection-pool(1)
> Example 1 Using the ping-connection-pool command
> asadmin> ping-connection-pool --user admin1 --passwordfile pwordfile
> Command ping-connection-pool executed successfully
> Where: asadmin is the command prompt and sampleConnection-
> Pool is the name of the connection pool to ping.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help redeploy Return:0
>Closest matching command(s):
> undeploy
>CLI001 ???? redeploy ????????????????????, ????á?asadmin help????
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help set Return:0
>Administration Commands set(1)
> set - sets the values of attributes
> set
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> attributename=value
> Sets the values of one or more configurable attribute.
> An application server dotted name uses the "." (period) as
> a delimiter to separate the parts of a complete name. This
> is similar to how the "/" character is used to delimit the
> levels in the absolute path name of a file in the UNIX file
> system. The following rules apply while forming the dotted
> names accepted by the get, set and list commands. Note that
> a specific command has some additional semantics applied.
> o A . (period) always separates two sequential parts
> of the name.
> o A part of the name usually identifies an applica-
> tion server subsystem and/or its specific instance.
> For example: web-container, log-service, thread-
> pool-1 etc.
> o If any part of the name itself contains a .
> (period), then it must be escaped with a leading
> \fR (backslash) so that the "." does not act like a
> delimiter.
> o The top level switch for any dotted name is -moni-
> tor or -m that is separately specified on a given
> command line. The presence or lack of this switch
> implies the selection of one of the two hierarchies
> for appserver management: monitoring and configura-
> tion.
> If you happen to know the exact complete dotted
> name without any wildcard character, then list and
> get/set have a little difference in their seman-
> tics:
> o The list command treats this complete dotted
> name as the complete name of a parent node in
> the abstract hierarchy. Upon providing this
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 1
>Administration Commands set(1)
> name to list command, it simply returns the
> names of the immediate children at that level.
> For example, list server.applications.web-
> module will list all the web modules deployed
> to the domain or the default server.
> o The get and set commands treat this complete
> dotted name as the fully qualified name of the
> attribute of a node (whose dotted name itself
> is the name that you get when you remove the
> last part of this dotted name) and it gets/sets
> the value of that attribute. This is true if
> such an attribute exists. You will never start
> with this case because in order to find out the
> names of attributes of a particular node in the
> hierarchy, you must use the wildcard character
> *. For example, server.applications.web-
> module.JSPWiki.context-root will return the
> context-root of the web-application deployed to
> the domain or default server.
> o server(usually the first part of the complete dot-
> ted name) can be replaced with the name of a par-
> ticular server instance of interest (e.g., server1)
> and you'll get the information of that server
> instance, remaining part of the dotted name remain-
> ing the same. Note that the dotted names that are
> available in such other server instances are those
> from the monitoring hierarchy because these server
> instances don't have a way to expose the configura-
> tion hierarchy.
> The list command is the progenitor of navigational capabili-
> ties of these three commands. If you want to set or get
> attributes of a particular application server subsystem, you
> must know its dotted name. The list command is the one which
> can guide you to find the dotted name of that subsystem. For
> example, to find out the modified date (attribute) of a par-
> ticular file in a large file system that starts with /.
> First you must find out the location of that file in the
> file system, and then look at its attributes. Therefore two
> of the first commands to understand the hierarchies in
> appserver are: * list * and * list "*" -monitor. The sorted
> output of these commands is typically of the following form:
> Command Output
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 2
>Administration Commands set(1)
> list *
> o default-config
> o default-config.admin-service
> o default-config.admin-service.das-config
> o default-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system
> o default-config.admin-service.jmx-
> connector.system.ssl
> o default-config.availability-service
> o default-config.availability-service.jms-
> availability
> o default-config.diagnostic-service
> o default-config.ejb-container
> o . . .
> o default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> o default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> o . . .
> o default-config.iiop-service
> o . . .
> o default-config.java-config
> o . . .
> o domain
> o domain.clusters
> o domain.configs
> o domain.resources
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool.DerbyPool
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool._CallFlowPool
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 3
>Administration Commands set(1)
> o domain.resources.jdbc-connection-pool._TimerPool
> o . . .
> o server
> o server-config
> o cerver-config.admin-service
> o server-config.admin-service.das-config
> o server-config.admin-service.jmx-connector.system
> o server-config.admin-service.jmx-
> connector.system.ssl
> o server-config-availability-servicce
> o server-config.availability-service.jms-availability
> o server-config.diagnostic-service
> o server-config.ejb-container
> o . . .
> o server.log-service
> o server.log-service.module-log-levels
> o . . .
> o server.session-config
> o server.session-config.session-manager
> o server.session-config.session-manager.manager-
> properties
> o server.session-config.session-manager.store-
> properties
> o server.session-config.session-properties
> o server.thread-pools
> o server.thread-pools.thread-pool.thread-pool-1
> o server.transaction-service
> o server.web-container
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 4
>Administration Commands set(1)
> o server.web-container-availability
> list -monitor *
> o server
> o server.applications
> o server.applications._JWSappclients
> o server.applications._JWSappclients.sys.war
> o server.applications.adminapp
> o server.applications.admingui
> o server.connector-service
> o server.http-service
> o server.http-service.server
> o server.jms-service
> o server.jvm
> o server.orb
> o server.orb.connection-managers
> o server.resources
> o server.thread-pools
> Consequently, the list command is the entry point into the
> navigation of the application server's s management hierar-
> chies. Take note of the output of the list command:
> o The output lists one element per line.
> o Every element on a line is a complete-dotted-name
> of a management component that is capable of having
> attributes. Note that none of these lines show any
> kind of attributes at all.
> The output of thelist command is a list of dotted names
> representing individual application server components and
> subsystems. Every component or subsystem is capable of hav-
> ing zero or more attributes that can be read and modified.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 5
>Administration Commands set(1)
> With thelist command you can drill down through the hierar-
> chy in a particular branch of interest. For example, if you
> want to find the configuration of the http-listener of the
> domain (the default server, whose ID is "server"). Here is
> how you could proceed on a UNIX terminal:
> ID Command Output/Comment
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> 1 list "*" | grep http | grep listener
> 1. default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> 2. default-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> 3. server-config.http-service.http-listener.admin-
> listener
> 4. server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1
> 5. server-config.http-service.http-listener.http-
> listener-2
> 6. server-http-service.http-listener.admin-listener
> 7. server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1
> 8. server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-2
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 6
>Administration Commands set(1)
> 2 To find the listener that server.http-service.http-
> corresponds to the default http- listener.http-listener-
> listener where the web applications 1.acceptor-threads =
> in the domain/server are deployed: 1server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1. Examine the dotted name starting with item number 7 1.address =
> in above output.
> service.http-listener.http-
> 2. Use the get command as shown in its usage. listener-1.blocking-enabled =
> context. falseserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.default-virtual-
> server = serverserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.enabled =
> trueserver.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.external-port =server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.family =
> inetserver.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-1.id =
> http-listener-1server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.port =
> 8080server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.redirect-port =server.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.security-enabled =
> falseserver.http-
> service.http-listener.http-
> listener-1.server-name
> =server.http-service.http-
> listener.http-listener-
> 1.xpowered-by = true
> Making use of both list and get commands, it is straightfor-
> ward to reach a particular component of interest.
> To get the monitoring information of a particular subsystem
> you must:
> 1. Use the set command to set an appropriate monitor-
> ing level for the component of interest.
> 2. Obtain the various information about the JVM that
> the application server domain is running.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 7
>Administration Commands set(1)
> ID Command Output/Comment
> _______________________________________________________________________
> 1 list server* | grep monitoring server-config.monitoring-
> serviceserver-
> config.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levelsserver.monitoring-
> serviceserver.monitoring-
> service.module-
> monitoring-levelsNote that
> this is the list command. It
> only shows the hierarchy,
> nothing else. Using the '|'
> and "grep" narrows down the
> search effectively. Now, you
> can choose server.monitoring-
> service to set the attributes
> of various attributes that can
> be monitored.This is the con-
> figuration data because this
> setting will be persisted to
> the server's configuration
> store.
> 2 get server.monitoring-service.* You can try the number of
> attributes that are presently
> available with monitoring ser-
> vice. Here is the output: No
> matches resulted from the
> wildcard expression. This is
> because this fully dotted name
> does not have any attributes
> at all. Logically, you try the
> next one and that is:
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels. Again, use the wild-
> card character to get ALL the
> attributes of a particular
> component.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 8
>Administration Commands set(1)
> 3 get server.monitoring- server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring- service.module-monitoring-
> levels.* levels.connector-connection-
> pool = OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.connector-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.ejb-container = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.http-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jdbc-connection-pool =
> OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jms-service = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jvm = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.orb = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.thread-pool = OFF
> server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.transaction-service =
> OFF server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring-
> levels.web-container = OFF The
> JVM monitoring is at a level
> OFF. It must be changed in
> order to make the JVM monitor-
> ing information available. The
> other valid values for all the
> monitoring level are: LOW and
> HIGH. use the set command to
> set the value appropriately.
> 4 set server.monitoring- server.monitoring-
> service.module-monitoring- service.module-monitoring-
> levels.jvm=HIGHThere is no levels.jvm = HIGHNow, the JVM
> space before or after the = information can be obtained
> sign. using the get command and mon-
> itoring switch. But remember ,
> when you switch to the moni-
> toring hierarchy, start with
> the list command again.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 9
>Administration Commands set(1)
> 5 list --monitor * | grep jvm server.jvm server.jvm.class-
> loading-system
> server.jvm.compilation-system
> server.jvm.garbage-collectors
> server.jvm.garbage-
> collectors.Copy
> server.jvm.garbage-
> collectors.MarkSweepCompact
> server.jvm.memory
> server.jvm.operating-system
> server.jvm.runtime
> server.jvm.thread-system
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-1 . . .
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793823
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793824
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793825
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793826
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-793827
> server.jvm.thread-
> system.thread-9The JRE 1.5.0
> monitorable components are
> exposed in an elegant manner.
> This is what you see when con-
> nected by the JConsole. Now,
> to know more about the class-
> loading system in the JVM,
> this is how you'll
> proceed.Note that now you are
> interested in the attributes
> of a particular leaf node.
> Thus the command is get not
> list.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 10
>Administration Commands set(1)
> 6 get -monitor server.jvm.class- server.jvm.class-loading-
> loading-system.* system.dotted-name =
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-count
> = 7328 server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508973
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-name =
> LoadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.loadedclasscount-unit =
> count server.jvm.class-
> loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> count = 10285
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508972
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> name = TotalLoadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.totalloadedclasscount-
> unit = count
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> count = 2957
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> description = No Description
> was available
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> lastsampletime = 1133819508973
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 11
>Administration Commands set(1)
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-name
> = UnloadedClassCount?
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-
> starttime = 1133819131268
> server.jvm.class-loading-
> system.unloadedclasscount-unit
> = countYou cansee that 10285
> is the total number of classes
> loaded by the Virtual Machine.
> Whereas, 2957 is number of
> classes unloaded, since it was
> started. ,Similarly, you can
> explore attributes of the
> other subsystems as well.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 12
>Administration Commands set(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 13
>Administration Commands set(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> attributename=value identifies the attribute name
> and its value. See the Reference
> for a listing of the available
> attribute names.
> Example 1 Using set
> asadmin> set --user admin --passwordfile password.txt --host localhost
> --port 4848 server.transaction-service.automatic-recovery=true
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 14
>Administration Commands set(1)
> get(1), list(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 22 Dec 2004 15
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help undeploy Return:0
>Administration Commands undeploy(1)
> undeploy - removes a deployed component
> undeploy
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --droptables =true|false]
> [--cascade=false] [ --target target]
> component_name
> The undeploy command removes the specified deployed com-
> ponent.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands undeploy(1)
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands undeploy(1)
> specified for remote commands,
> use the --passwordfile or enter
> them at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --droptables If set to true, tables created
> by application using CMP beans
> during deployment are dropped.
> The default is the corresponding
> entry in the cmp-resource ele-
> ment of the sun-ejb-jar.xml
> file. If not specified, it
> defaults to the entries speci-
> fied in the deployment descrip-
> tors.
> --cascade If set to true, it deletes all
> the connection pools and connec-
> tor resources associated with
> the resource adapter being unde-
> ployed. If set to false, the
> undeploy fails if any pools and
> resources are still associated
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands undeploy(1)
> with the resource adapter. Then,
> either those pools and resources
> have to be deleted explicitly,
> or the option has to be set to
> true. If the option is set to
> false, and if there are no pools
> and resources still associated
> with the resource adapter, the
> resource adapter is undeployed.
> This option is applicable to
> connectors (resource adapters)
> and applications.
> --target This option is valid only in
> domains that are configured to
> support clusters, such as
> domains that are created with
> the cluster profile or the
> enterprise profile.Specifies the
> target from which you are unde-
> ploying. Valid values are:
> o server, which undeploys
> the component from the
> default server instance
> server and is the
> default value
> o domain, which undeploys
> the component from the
> domain.
> o cluster_name, which
> undeploys the component
> from every server
> instance in the clus-
> ter.
> o instance_name, which
> undeploys the component
> from a particular sever
> instance.
> component_name Name of the deployed component.
> Example 1 Simple undeployment
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
>Administration Commands undeploy(1)
> Undeploy (uninstall) an enterprise application Cart.ear.
> asadmin> undeploy --user admin --passwordfile password.txt Cart
> Command undeploy executed successfully.
> Example 2 Undeploying an enterprise bean with container-
> managed persistence (CMP)
> Undeploy a CMP bean named myejb and drop the corresponding
> database tables. In a production environment, database
> tables contain valuable information, so use the --droptables
> option with care.
> asadmin> undeploy --user admin --passwordfile password.txt --droptables=true myejb
> Command undeploy executed successfully.
> Example 3 Undeploy a connector (resource adapter)
> Undeploy the connector module named jdbcra and perform a
> cascading delete to remove the associated resources and con-
> nection pools.
> asadmin> undeploy --user admin --passwordfile password.txt --cascade=true jdbcra
> Command undeploy executed successfully.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> deploy(1), deploydir(1), list-components(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 5
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help update-file-user Return:0
>Administration Commands update-file-user(1)
> update-file-user - updates a current file user as specified
> update-file-user
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --groups user_groups[:user_groups]*]
> [--authrealmname authrealm_name] [--target target]
> username
> This command updates an existing entry in the keyfile using
> the specified user name, password and groups. Multiple
> groups can be entered by separating them, with a colon (:)
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands update-file-user(1)
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands update-file-user(1)
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --groups This is the name of the group to
> which the file user belongs.
> --authrealmname This is the file where the user
> may have different stores for
> file auth realm.
> --target This option helps specify the
> target on which you are updating
> a file user. Valid values are:
> o server, which updates
> the file user in the
> default server
> instance. This is the
> default value.
> o cluster_name, which
> updates the file user
> on every server
> instance in the
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands update-file-user(1)
> cluster.
> o instance_name, which
> updates the file user
> on a specified sever
> instance.
> username This is the name of the file
> user to be updated.
> Example 1 Using the update-file-user command
> asadmin> update-file-user --user admin1 --passwordfile passwords.txt
> --host pigeon --port 5001 --groups staff:manager:engineer sample_user
> Command update-file-user executed successfully
> Where sample_user is the file user for whom the groups and
> the user name are updated.
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> delete-file-user(1), list-file-users(1), create-file-
> user(1), list-file-groups(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help uptime Return:0
>CLI001 ???? uptime ????????????????????, ????á?asadmin help????
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
> Top <#report_top> asadmin.bat help version Return:0
>Administration Commands version(1)
> version - displays the version information
> version
> [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
> [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host host]
> [--port port] [--secure| -s ] [ --user admin_user]
> [--passwordfile filename] [--help]
> [ --verbose =false]
> Use the version command to display the version information.
> If the command cannot communicate with the administration
> server with the given user/password and host/port, then the
> command will retrieve the version locally and display a
> warning message.
> This command is supported in remote mode only.
> -t --terse Indicates that any output data
> must be very concise, typically
> avoiding human-friendly sen-
> tences and favoring well-
> formatted data for consumption
> by a script. Default is false.
> -e --echo Setting to true will echo the
> command line statement on the
> standard output. Default is
> false.
> -I --interactive If set to true (default), only
> the required password options
> are prompted.
> -H --host The machine name where the
> domain administration server is
> running. The default value is
> localhost.
> -p --port The HTTP/S port for administra-
> tion. This is the port to which
> you should point your browser in
> order to manage the domain. For
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 1
>Administration Commands version(1)
> example, http://localhost:4848.
> The default port number is 4848.
> -s --secure If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to
> communicate with the domain
> administration server.
> -u --user The authorized domain adminis-
> tration server administrative
> username.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the --user option on
> subsequent operations to this
> particular domain.
> --passwordfile The --passwordfile option speci-
> fies the name, including the
> full path, of a file containing
> the password entries in a
> specific format. The entry for
> the password must have the
> AS_ADMIN_ prefix followed by the
> password name in uppercase
> letters.
> For example, to specify the
> domain administration server
> password, use an entry with the
> following format:
> where password is the actual
> administrator password. Other
> passwords that can be specified
> All remote commands must specify
> the admin password to authenti-
> cate to the domain administra-
> tion server, either through --
> passwordfile or asadmin login,
> or interactively on the command
> prompt. The asadmin login com-
> mand can be used only to specify
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 2
>Administration Commands version(1)
> the admin password. For other
> passwords, that must be speci-
> fied for remote commands, use
> the --passwordfile or enter them
> at the command prompt.
> If you have authenticated to a
> domain using the asadmin login
> command, then you need not
> specify the admin password
> through the --passwordfile
> option on subsequent operations
> to this particular domain. How-
> ever, this is applicable only to
> will still need to provide the
> other passwords, for example,
> when required by individual com-
> mands, such as update-file-user.
> For security reasons, passwords
> specified as an environment
> variable will not be read by
> asadmin.
> The default value for
> changeit.
> --help Displays the help text for the
> command.
> --verbose By default this flag is set to
> false. If set to true, the ver-
> sion information is displayed in
> detail.
> Example 1 Using remote mode to display version
> asadmin> version
> Version = Sun Java System Application Server 9.1
> Command version executed successfully.
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 3
>Administration Commands version(1)
> 0 command executed successfully
> 1 error in executing the command
> help(1)
>Java EE 5 Last change: 30 Jan 2007 4
> ---------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: quality-unsubscribe_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>For additional commands, e-mail: quality-help_at_glassfish.dev.java.net