
EJB 3.1 in b22....

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 10:15:00 +0200

...works perfectly. Stuff tested:

1. EJB 3.1 installation with pkg install glassfish-ejb - works without
2. Deployment of WAR with EJB 3 into autodeploy - no problems
3. Injection between servlets and EJB 3.1 no-interface view - perfect.

Should I contribute the sample as Netbeans project somehow?

great work + thanks,



 Consultant, Author, Java Champion
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 Books: Enterprise Architekturen (ISBN: 393504299X),
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        J2EE Patterns, J2EE Hotspots, Enterprise Frameworks and Struts