
Re: EJB 3.1 in b22....

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 08:01:39 -0700

Hi Adam,

"great work + thanks," This is so nice to hear from you. Besides
telling us what not working, it is also
good to tell us what you tried and what worked. It's a good way to
thank developer and also a good
way to tell where the project is at. Would like to see others do the
same :-)

"Should I contribute the sample as Netbeans project somehow? ", That is
a wonderful idea to have
community contribute samples to GlassFish. I would suggest file a RFE
under sample_apps, so we can
get back to this when we get a chance.

Thanks for all your hard work :-)

Adam Bien wrote:

> ...works perfectly. Stuff tested:
> 1. EJB 3.1 installation with pkg install glassfish-ejb - works without
> problems
> 2. Deployment of WAR with EJB 3 into autodeploy - no problems
> 3. Injection between servlets and EJB 3.1 no-interface view - perfect.
> Should I contribute the sample as Netbeans project somehow?
> great work + thanks,
> regards,
> adam