
Re: Announcing FishCAT, a community Beta program (attach text application form)

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 15:27:24 -0700

Hi All,

Here is a simple text application form if PDF form does not work out. We
value every application
and don't want to miss any one. You can simply fill the form inline and
send it to glassfishquality_at_sun.com.


Application for FishCAT Program

This is an application form for volunteers from glassfish community who are willing to
participate in Glassfish v3 Community Acceptance Testing program(FishCAT) and help with
testing V3 daily or promoted builds during its stabilization phase from August to September

Please type all information required

Personal Data

First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail address:
java.net ID:

User Profile(Please check one)
Experience with GlassFish/Sun Application Server:
() Newcomer
() more than 3 months
() more than 1 year
() more than 4 years

Testing time plan to spend:
() less than 2 hours/week
() less than 4 hours/week
() less than 6 hours/week
() less than 8 hours/week
() more than 8 hours/week

Please select the areas you would like to work on
() Application (go to http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=Applications for more information)
() Framework (go to http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=Frameworks for more information)
() web container (servlet 2.5, JSP2.1, JSF1.2)
() Business Tier (Java Persistence API1.0 Support, JDBC Connection Pooling)
() Security (SSL infrastructure,File and JDBC Realm)
() Admin Graphic User Interface
() Admin Command Line Interface
() Deployment
() Monitoring
() Scripting(jRuby and jRuby on Rails, Groovy on Grails)
() Installer
() Update Center
() NetBean Plugin
() Documentation Review

Additional Comments(e.g. describe your application running on glassfish)



() I agree to publish my name on glassfish community web site.