
Re: Some Criticism On The Modularization

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 16:25:32 +0200

Kristian Rink schrieb:
> Adam Bien wrote:
> [...]
>> sure - but the common cases should be available "out of the box". The
>> current installation model is cool, dynamic and flexible but neither
>> simple, robust nor pragmatic. It is important for marketing purposes, to
>> show the dynamic capabilites - but obvious stuff should be prebundled.
> Have to agree here. Having a "batteries-included" solution ready to get you
> time...). NetBeans + gfv2 is a next-to-perfect combination here, and
> NetBeans+gfv3 should be at least as good as that.
And standalone GF v3 installation should just work after extracting -
without having to launch an ant-task, as it was the case in GF 2.
Then it would be perfect without NB as well.

