
Re: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Some Tests With Netbeans]]

From: Peter Williams <Pete.Williams_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 16:27:47 -0700

Adam Bien wrote:
> Hi All,
> "...direct ejb project support will be in NB 7.0. ..."
> this is in my opinion for many projects not acceptable. I'm using
> Netbeans 6.0 with direct EJB support and GF v2 at least in 5
> (concurrent) projects for bigger companies in Germany / Europe. Some
> of the projects are Netbeans RCP / Eclipse RCP based - without web layer.
We discussed EJB to some degree when planning V3 plugin features for
NetBeans 6.5. Resources and development schedule for NetBeans 6.5 were
very tight and the EJB container is planned to be only alpha quality
when GlassFish V3 Prelude is released (while the web container is going
to be FCS quality and supported).

So, since nicely exposing optional downloadable server features in
NetBeans was a new feature that we didn't have sufficient time to get
right, we opted to disable EJB module support entirely.

Enabling EJB module support in the V3 plugin is actually just a few
lines of code. It occurred to me this afternoon that I could add a
checkbox to the V3 server properties panel in NetBeans that would allow
you to enable this, assuming you'd already manually installed the ejb
container via update center. e.g. something like this:

    [ ] Enable support for EJB Modules - experimental. (Warning: must
manually install ejb container via Update Center)

Or something like that. Default this to off and if you enable it you
get a message box telling you that it's experimental and to download the
container (if not already there), hit ok, and you're off.

What do you think? Would this be helpful?


> No direct EJB 3 support could hurt the GF v3 or Netbeans 6.5 adoption.
> I would go even further and provide support for embedded testing of
> EJB 3.1...
> This would be another "killer feature",
> regards,
> adam
> Shreedhar Ganapathy schrieb:
>> Hi Adam
>> Here's Peter's response.
>> Some answers inline.
>> -Peter
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Some Tests With Netbeans
>>> Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 15:38:01 +0200
>>> From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
>>> Reply-To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>> Hi All,
>>> I just added b20 into Netbeans 6.5 and Vista Ultimate - some
>>> observations:
>>> 0. I installed GF b20 and added it into NB. It was visible first
>>> after restart of NB in the services tab.
>>> 1. The installation of the admin-console from NB works perfectly.
>>> 2. Update center cannot be invoked from Netbeans - see screenshot.
>> If this is 6.5 beta, known bug, fixed by me last week. V3 B20 onward
>> renamed the launcher on windows from .bat to .exe extension.
>>> 3. I'm not able to add EJB 3.1 support for b20 with updatetool. For
>>> b15 it works. (screenshot attached)
>>> 4. I'm not able to deploy EJBs from Netbeans 6.5 into GF v3b15. GF
>>> v3 just do not show up in the "Run" menu
>> Are you trying to create an EJB module project and target V3? This
>> is not supported by the plugin yet. What you can do is create EJB's
>> inside a web app directly (Session beans at least for right now, not
>> sure about MDB's.) Direct ejb project support will be in NB 7.0.
>> -Peter
>>> regards,
>>> adam
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