Re: About adding modules/features for GlassFish dynamiclly

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:32:39 +0530

Hi Tang,

This is an interesting idea.
I look forward to seeing a formal description of the feature proposed.


On 12/4/13 9:45 AM, Tang Yong wrote:
> Sahoo
> CC: Team
> I and Jeremy are incubating an new function for next generation of
> GlassFish:
> "adding modules/features for GlassFish dynamiclly"
> Pl. allowing me to introduce what we want to do,
> 1. We abstract minimized modules for starting GF domain
> 2. For features liking web, ejb, cdi,cluster, OSGi-javaee...
> firstly, we only install and start these minimized modules from 1 while
> starting GF domain
> secondly, we offer a command liking "asadmin subsystem-add <feature
> name>", and after starting GF, based on user's demand, he/she can use
> the above command to add features dynamiclly.
> What we are doing is placed on the following,
> If you are interested in the topic/field, pl. free to contribute it and
> any comment or idea is good for us. our aim is for "lightweight GlassFish!"
> Best Regards
> Tang