About adding modules/features for GlassFish dynamiclly

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 13:15:41 +0900

CC: Team

I and Jeremy are incubating an new function for next generation of

"adding modules/features for GlassFish dynamiclly"

Pl. allowing me to introduce what we want to do,

1. We abstract minimized modules for starting GF domain
2. For features liking web, ejb, cdi,cluster, OSGi-javaee...

firstly, we only install and start these minimized modules from 1 while
starting GF domain

secondly, we offer a command liking "asadmin subsystem-add <feature
name>", and after starting GF, based on user's demand, he/she can use
the above command to add features dynamiclly.

What we are doing is placed on the following,

If you are interested in the topic/field, pl. free to contribute it and
any comment or idea is good for us. our aim is for "lightweight GlassFish!"

Best Regards
Tang Yong
Senior Engineer
GlassFish Committer (OSGi & OSGi-JavaEE)
OSGi Alliance Supporter
China Nanjing JUG Leader
Twitter: @GlassFishTang
Nanjing Fujitsu NanDa Software Tec CO.,LTD
Tel: +86-25-86630566-8310
Fax: +86-25-83317685              