Re: About adding modules/features for GlassFish dynamiclly

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 11:14:26 -0800

Our goal with GlassFish has been to load and start modules only on demand,
without any explicit request from the user. In addition to providing a
better user experience, this approach meets the Java EE compatibility
requirements for all Java EE features to always be available.

For the features you list below, what is the cost of having these features
available if no application is using them? If the cost is excessive, could
the cost be minimized by moving to a more "lazy" initialization approach?

If what you're really concerned with is the download or installation size
of GlassFish, it would be reasonable to create "distributions" of GlassFish
that don't include some of these features. For example, distribution of
GlassFish without clustering support could be considered. But each such
distribution needs to meet the Java compatibility requirements for the
technologies included in the distribution. The package manager could be
used to install additional packages into such a distribution to increase
its capabilities, but I still wouldn't expect the user to need to "enable"
the new capability before using it.

Tang Yong wrote on 12/03/13 20:15:
> Sahoo
> CC: Team
> I and Jeremy are incubating an new function for next generation of
> GlassFish:
> "adding modules/features for GlassFish dynamiclly"
> Pl. allowing me to introduce what we want to do,
> 1. We abstract minimized modules for starting GF domain
> 2. For features liking web, ejb, cdi,cluster, OSGi-javaee...
> firstly, we only install and start these minimized modules from 1 while
> starting GF domain
> secondly, we offer a command liking "asadmin subsystem-add <feature
> name>", and after starting GF, based on user's demand, he/she can use
> the above command to add features dynamiclly.
> What we are doing is placed on the following,
> If you are interested in the topic/field, pl. free to contribute it and
> any comment or idea is good for us. our aim is for "lightweight GlassFish!"
> Best Regards
> Tang