Looking for a clever maven module/class browser

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 12:07:08 -0600

Hi, everyone.

I am looking for a tool - a NB plug-in would be fine but not necessary
- that would let me start at a class in a maven module and would
display the other classes in the same project and in other projects
which that class refers to. Then I could click on one of the
referenced classes (in the same module or in another one) and browser
from there.

What I am really trying to accomplish is this. Class A in module X
refers to B in Y. B refers to other classes in Y and yet more in
module Z. I really want to break the indirect dependency of X on Z,
so I would like to know if I move B from Y to somewhere else what else
do I need to move?

I have found some class/JAR browsers and some maven module browsers
but I have not yet found anything that makes this task really easy.

I have described this in terms of a GUI but that's not really
necessary - although I'd prefer a GUI for ease of exploring.


- Tim