Re: copyright date

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 13:04:08 -0700

I already have a program that does the checking. You give it a list
of files or directories and tell it whether to check only .java files
or everything. It prints an error message for every file that's wrong.
It's a Java program, but it depends on the svn command line to get some
of the data.

If there's an easy way to determine the added/modified files, we could
check just those.

What sort of output does the program need to produce in order to generate
email notifications? I can certainly write a shell script to do the
notifications, or I suppose I could build in support to the program to
use JavaMail to send the notifications. What's the best approach for
integrating with Hudson? Does Hudson have a plugin to help with this?

Jane Young wrote on 03/26/10 06:31 AM:
> This is doable from Hudson.
> Just want to understand how we want to do this. Questions for Bill:
> 1. The Hudson job will check just the added/modified files (since we are
> asking developers to update the copyright year on the modified/added
> files) or all the files in v3 workspace? The reason I'm asking the
> latter is because eventually, we would want all the files to be updated?
> 2. The job will check the java files or other files? If others, which ones?
> 3. The script from Hudson will check for the regex string "Copyright
> +\d\d\d\d-2010" || "Copyright +2010" and others?
> Thanks,
> Jane
>> A hudson job that checks it after the fact is probably good enough,
>> if it has the ability to notify the person who made the mistake.
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