Re: copyright date

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 06:06:53 -0700

You're right. Since the copyright year is complicated, we can't use
this plugin.
I was thinking maybe we can utilize the plugin when we get the copyright
template from Oracle.

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Jane Young wrote on 03/25/2010 09:46 PM:
>> Can the first year be hard-coded and use the inception year of GF
>> open source?
> No.
>>> Either the template you gave it was wrong, or the update did the wrong
>>> thing. The license header should not start with "/**", and the lines
>>> should start with " * ", not " * ".
>> That is the default comment for java files used by
>> maven-license-plugin. See:
>> This can be updated to "/*". The extra space in " * " is a result of
>> the license template file I used. That all can be fixed.
>>> And of course the first copyright year was lost.
>>> It updated over 9000 files. Was it because of those formatting
>>> differences?
>>> Or was it because of throwing away the first copyright year?
>> It is both. It reformats it to what it has as the default "comment"
>> standard and then checks that the Copyright year is incorrect and
>> replaces it with the license template that I'm using.
>> I experienced the maven-license-plugin and excluded the packages
>> with org.apache and also modified the comment to start with "/*".
>> Here's the diffs:
> Unless it can handle the copyright year correctly, we can't use it.
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