Re: Please review changes to integrate JavaMail 1.4.3-rc1

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2009 05:56:25 +0530


1. <version>${mail.version}</version> still apears in some places. e.g.,
javaee-api/javax.javaee/compact/pom.xml. Why?

2. I see mail version hardcoded in javadoc.xml. Why can't it use
${mail.version}? Ask Jane to see if she can help you avoiding this

3. You are removing javaee-api/javax.mail directory completely, right?


Nitya Doraisamy wrote:
> Jane
> Thanks for the comments. I made the suggested changes. Removed
> <version>${mail.version}</version> from
> javaee-api/javax.javaee/pom.xml, web/web-naming/pom.xml,
> common/container-common/pom.xml.
> Attached updated diff.
> The javax.mail:mail:1.4.3-rc1 artifact gets bundled via the
> 'container-common' package maven transitive dependency.
> Nitya
> Jane Young wrote:
>> Comments:
>> In javaee-api/javax.javaee/pom.xml, web/web-naming/pom.xml,
>> common/container-common/pom.xml remove
>> <version>${mail.version}</version> since you have it defined in
>> dependencyManagement in v3/pom.xml
>> Remove javaee-api/javax.mail directory (svn delete ...)
>> How does javax.mail:mail:1.4.3-rc1 artifact gets bundled in packager
>> ? If by Maven transitive dependency then which package?
>> Thanks,
>> Jane
>> Nitya Doraisamy wrote:
>>> Please review and approve the following changes to integrate
>>> JavaMail 1.4.3-rc1 and remove redundant OSGi repackaging
>>> Thanks
>>> Nitya
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