Re: QL failure in sql-common: real or phantom?

From: Mitesh Meswani <Mitesh.Meswani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 16:56:04 -0800

There seems to be something wrong with your derby instance. derby.log
might contain some information about what went wrong. However, I
recommend instead of debugging the derby issue, clean up your derby
instance using the instructions I provided you last time and run the
tests again.


Ed Burns wrote:
> While desparately trying to address these BV issues I had occasion to
> run QL on a fresh build. The sql-common test fails with the output in
> attachment 1. My complete server.log is in attachment 2. Is this a
> real or phantom failure? This is on a stock build with no new BV. I
> only put the new BV in after a successful QL run locally.
> Thanks,
> Ed
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