Re: source integration question (javahelp)

From: Bobby Bissett <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 10:46:43 -0400

> You don't need to use maven. You can use any tools you like and use
> ant's "exec" task to invoke them. But you'll need to let me/Terena
> know what tools are needed to build your module so we can set it up
> in the build system. You can either note that in
> or add that in the module xml file.

But I can't do that either since the build.xml file explicitly
downloads zip files from the web (including a tomcat zip), unzips
them, and uses those classes at build time. So I can't build the
dependencies and then use them to build javahelp, which is the intent
of the instructions.

> Is javahelp in an Sun controlled SCM repository. If it is then
> there's no need to port the source over to glassfish's svn external
> repository.

Yes it is, thus my question -- if it weren't in, I'd just
port the sources. Javahelp can not be built from source, including
dependencies, unless I change the way it's built. (Or unless we want
to control some parts of, heh heh.) But if I can't change
the way it builds unless I port the sources, right?
