Re: source integration question (javahelp)

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 03:56:49 -0700

Hi Bobby and Ken,

The source build calls the top level bootstrap ant build.xml that
invokes separate modules' build.xml files. See instructions here:
You don't need to use maven. You can use any tools you like and use
ant's "exec" task to invoke them. But you'll need to let me/Terena know
what tools are needed to build your module so we can set it up in the
build system. You can either note that in or add
that in the module xml file.

Is javahelp in an Sun controlled SCM repository. If it is then there's
no need to port the source over to glassfish's svn external repository.


Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> Bobby Bissett wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I don't see how the javahelp sources can be built using the existing
>> mechanisms (e.g., it doesn't use maven and neither does its major
>> dependency). So I'm thinking I should port the sources over to our
>> repository, but that doesn't fit within the cool flow chart's bounds.
>> Can I get a yea/nay on which way to go? Given the rate of upgrade
>> bugs, I don't want to spend time on something that isn't part of the
>> plan.
> JavaHelp is not the only source build that does not use maven: none of
> mine do either (CORBA, gmbal, org.glassfish.external:management-api).
> I need:
> * ant
> * ant-maven-plugin
> * wagon-svn (tool used to publish artifacts to
> * bnd (OSGi bundle tool used in the maven OSGi plugin)
> * hg (mercurial)
> available as part of the tools for the source build. I'm curious as
> to what tools
> you need as well.
> Thanks,
> Ken.
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