Re: upgrade pom.xml review request

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 18:37:47 -0700

I do multiple v3 builds all the time on the same system and I use
"-Dmaven.repo.local" to differentiate the local maven repositories.

Bobby Bissett wrote:
>> Does 'mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=xxx' help? I use it pointing to a temp
>> local repository if I need to build a branch (in addition to the trunk).
> Could be. My workspace that doesn't have the changes built for longer
> than the one that does have the changes (I'm still watching it go). So
> it may be the changes and not the repositories. After a while, it just
> seems weird to keep typing the same command over and over expecting it
> to eventually work.....
> I'm also really wary that I get different results if I build two
> workspaces at one time. Maven can't possibly be that unthreadsafe(*),
> right?
> Cheers,
> Bobby
> (*) Yeah, it's a word. ;)
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