Re: upgrade pom.xml review request

From: Bobby Bissett <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 21:32:02 -0400

> Does 'mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=xxx' help? I use it pointing to a temp
> local repository if I need to build a branch (in addition to the
> trunk).

Could be. My workspace that doesn't have the changes built for longer
than the one that does have the changes (I'm still watching it go). So
it may be the changes and not the repositories. After a while, it just
seems weird to keep typing the same command over and over expecting it
to eventually work.....

I'm also really wary that I get different results if I build two
workspaces at one time. Maven can't possibly be that unthreadsafe(*),


(*) Yeah, it's a word. ;)