sources without maven (Re: GFv3 source integration)

From: Bobby Bissett <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 16:44:51 -0400

Hi all,

It's taking a while for me to build this workspace, so I don't have an
example handy to answer my own question (if there is one). So I'm
asking the group, how do I handle a source integration where the
build.xml file of the module downloads dependencies manually (e.g.,
not through maven)?

The javahelp project downloads and unpacks these:

Given that the second one there shouldn't be needed (it's for the JSP/
Servlet APIs), how would I download and build the JDIC dependency and
then build javahelp using that dependency in the maven repository? It
looks like I'll have to make a new build.xml file for javahelp, which
doesn't sound right.
