Re: ORB 3.0.0-b024 has been integrated into GFv3

From: Abhijit Kumar <Abhijit.Kumar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 10:27:21 -0700

Lloyd does not work on wednesdays. I will call him and see if he can
look at it.

Did the quicklook tests pass in the development workspace before the
commit? According to hudson logs, the tests were passing on the trunk
before the commit for corba integration.

Was gmbal updated as part of this commit? AMX depends on gmbal, maybe
that caused the test failures.

Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Abhijit Kumar wrote:
>> Thanks Ken.
>> There are some quicklook test failures after the corba integration.
>> Can someone look at the failures and address them?
> So far I can't see any evidence that the ORB caused the problems, or
> even that the ORB is running during these tests.
> What I do see
> at for build
> #2185 is a bunch of admin-related
> failures, including a lot of InstanceNotFoundExceptions for ObjectName
> amx:pp=,type=domain-root. That seems
> very strange, as that is the ObjectName of the amx root that should be
> created very early in GF startup.
> Lloyd, could you take a look at this?
> Also, the latest build (#2188) failed completely, with cannot find
> symbol errors for HttpParserState. I know that is not
> ORB related!
> The ORB may have contributed somehow, but there are definitely other
> issues here that need to be investigated.
> Thanks,
> Ken.
>> Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>>> Darani just finished committing the required changes for the latest
>>> ORB into GFv3. The changes
>>> went into revision 31085, and include:
>>> * Updating glassfish.corba.version to 3.0.0-b024 in pom.xml
>>> * Updating
>>> security/
>>> to use CDRInputObject/CDROutputObject instead of
>>> CDRInputStream/CDROutpuStream (which no longer exist in the ORB)
>>> * Updating
>>> orb/orb-iiop/src/main/java/org/glassfish/enterprise/iiop/impl/IIOPSSLSocketFactory
>>> to use CorbaAcceptor instead of Acceptor (which also no longer
>>> exists in the ORB)
>>> * Updating
>>> orb/orb-iiop/src/main/java/org/glassfish/enterprise/iiop/util/
>>> to avoid the DEFAULT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT constant, which is not
>>> currently publicly available
>>> o I'll probably move this once we do the changes to make
>>> the ORB threadpool available in the
>>> glassfish-corba-orbgeneric bunde.
>>> The ORB integration tests and all of the ORB unit tests have passed
>>> for this, so we are done for SCF.
>>> Obviously there is still some work left for HCF (hopefully much
>>> sooner than that HCF date):
>>> * We don't have 8474 fixed until we understand why the ORB
>>> cannot obtain the PackageAdmin interface (Darani will run some
>>> tests on this tomorrow)
>>> * I've started working on the orb-iiop changes to integrate the
>>> ORB support for lazy init, but that cannot make it in tonight.
>>> At this point, the ORB changes to support lazy init have been
>>> tested, so we should be close on this
>>> * I need to move the threadpool code into glassfish-corba-orb,
>>> and then modify some other bundles in GFv3 to work with the
>>> new location
>>> * I need to work on the source build support
>>> Ken.