Re: FindBugs support

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 12:41:16 -0700

Roger Brinkley might be able to tell you who the new owner is.

Lance J. Andersen wrote:
> is the project, I am not sure it is actively being
> worked as the last update was 2 years ago.
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Bobby Bissett wrote on 9/17/09 10:06 AM:
>>>> Thanks to Jane and Terena, there is now a FindBugs Hudson job:
>>>> Our goal remains zero high priority FindBugs errors for v3. Please help
>>>> me by fixing the current errors ASAP.
>>> Ding ding. I'm the winner. I have the most, and they're all in
>>> packages, none of which are controlled by me:
>>> Can we exclude these from the findbugs process? If so, just point me in
>>> the right direction.
>> So the Java Help package is owned by someone else at Sun and we're just
>> using the binaries that they built?
>> If you look at the details of the FindBugs errors, you'll see many of
>> them that likely represent real bugs in Java Help. Can you report these
>> errors to the owner of Java Help and see if they can be fixed?
>> As a last resort, we can exclude these bugs from our report. Jagadesh
>> can help you construct a FindBugs exclude file. Look for exclude.xml
>> in the workspace and you'll see other examples, as well as the one
>> property you'll need to set in your pom.xml to enable use of your
>> exclude file.
>>> Ideally, the java help bits wouldn't be in the
>>> upgrade tool jar, but I guess that made sense to someone at the time.
>> Maybe you can fix that too? :-)
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