Re: ORB 3.0.0-b024 has been integrated into GFv3

From: Ken Cavanaugh <Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 10:03:43 -0700

On Sep 2, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Abhijit Kumar wrote:

> Thanks Ken.
> There are some quicklook test failures after the corba integration.
> Can someone look at the failures and address them?

So far I can't see any evidence that the ORB caused the problems, or
even that the ORB is running during these tests.
What I do see at
  for build #2185 is a bunch of admin-related
failures, including a lot of InstanceNotFoundExceptions for ObjectName
amx:pp=,type=domain-root. That seems
very strange, as that is the ObjectName of the amx root that should be
created very early in GF startup.

Lloyd, could you take a look at this?

Also, the latest build (#2188) failed completely, with cannot find
symbol errors for HttpParserState. I know that is not
ORB related!

The ORB may have contributed somehow, but there are definitely other
issues here that need to be investigated.



> Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>> Darani just finished committing the required changes for the latest
>> ORB into GFv3. The changes
>> went into revision 31085, and include:
>> Updating glassfish.corba.version to 3.0.0-b024 in pom.xml
>> Updating security/
>> iiop/security/ to use CDRInputObject/
>> CDROutputObject instead of CDRInputStream/CDROutpuStream (which no
>> longer exist in the ORB)
>> Updating orb/orb-iiop/src/main/java/org/glassfish/enterprise/iiop/
>> impl/IIOPSSLSocketFactory to use CorbaAcceptor instead of Acceptor
>> (which also no longer exists in the ORB)
>> Updating orb/orb-iiop/src/main/java/org/glassfish/enterprise/iiop/
>> util/ to avoid the
>> DEFAULT_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT constant, which is not currently
>> publicly available
>> I'll probably move this once we do the changes to make the ORB
>> threadpool available in the glassfish-corba-orbgeneric bunde.
>> The ORB integration tests and all of the ORB unit tests have passed
>> for this, so we are done for SCF.
>> Obviously there is still some work left for HCF (hopefully much
>> sooner than that HCF date):
>> We don't have 8474 fixed until we understand why the ORB cannot
>> obtain the PackageAdmin interface (Darani will run some tests on
>> this tomorrow)
>> I've started working on the orb-iiop changes to integrate the ORB
>> support for lazy init, but that cannot make it in tonight. At this
>> point, the ORB changes to support lazy init have been tested, so we
>> should be close on this
>> I need to move the threadpool code into glassfish-corba-orb, and
>> then modify some other bundles in GFv3 to work with the new location
>> I need to work on the source build support
>> Ken.