message-security-config discrepancies

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 21:54:55 -0700

I have some questions regarding <message-security-config>

     sun-domain_1_3.dtd specifies

    <!ENTITY % message-layer "(SOAP | HttpServlet)">
     <!ELEMENT security-service
         (auth-realm+, jacc-provider+, audit-module*, message-security-config*,  property*)>
     <!ATTLIST message-security-config
            auth-layer %message-layer; #REQUIRED
            default-provider CDATA #IMPLIED
            default-client-provider CDATA #IMPLIED>

     Kumar mentioned user can create as many as they want.   
     However,  in CLI,  there is no create-message-security-config  command.  (both v2 and v3)

     In,   it is declared as Singleton:

     @org.glassfish.api.amx.AMXConfigInfo( amxInterfaceName="", singleton=true)
      public interface MessageSecurityConfig extends ConfigBeanProxy, Injectable

     So, how can we have a message-security-config with a message-layer of "HttpServlet" ?
    Is <message-security-config> a singleton ?

     If this is not singleton,  then AMX needs to make changes.
     Currently, it is  v3:pp=/domain/configs/config[server-config]/security-service,type=message-security-config  without any unique identifier.

    Should GUI support the creation of additional message-security-config ?   Can the security team let me know please ?
