Re: How to make META-INF/mailcap visible to Java EE apps [Was: Re: OSGi confusion...]

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 10:52:13 +0530

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Sahoo wrote:
>> Yes, every "exported" resource is automatically available to Java EE
>> applications, but in this mailcaps file can't be exported as they
>> don't have a unique package name.
> It's a resource, not a class. Resources don't necessarily have a package
> name. Can't I export a single resource file?
Yes, I understand it's a resource. AFAIK, OSGi treats resources like
classes, so if a bundle wants to make available a resource called
a/b/, then it has to export package a.b and a bundle that
want to use the resource has to import package a.b. You can export a
single resource just like you can export a single class of a package
using a technique called "Class Filtering," but there also you have to
first export the package and reduce the set of visible classes by
suitable use of an attribute.

The problem in case of META-INF/mailcap is that it does not have a
unique namespace. More over, you want visibility to META-INF/mailcap
files available in all OSGi bundle, not just one bundle where as
Import-Package will wire the importer to one bundle only.
