Re: OSGi confusion...

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 12:32:34 -0700

Richard S. Hall wrote:
> On 5/19/09 4:08 PM, Peter Williams wrote:
>> I'm investigating a JavaMail failure in V3 that is caused by the
>> current OSGi configuration and I'm trying to figure out how to fix it.
>> The issue is this: Code in the JDK (JAF in this case) is calling
>> getResources() on the current context classloader (web app classloader
>> in my test case, but probably could another one) to locate any
>> available mailcap files. It's trying to find META-INF/mailcap.default
>> in javax.mail.jar. This fails, the code breaks. Outside of OSGi,
>> this all works fine.
>> So what needed to happen here to make this work? Should
>> javax.mail.jar be exporting META-INF? How? Does the JDK have to
>> import this? (how?!)
> If I understand correctly, it sounds like JAF expects to be able to
> access every available JAR file by accessing the context class loader.
> This is a recipe for failure in OSGi.
> Typically, these sorts of situations involve some sort of extender
> listening for bundles with mailcap files and then the information in
> them can be injected where appropriate.
> Unfortunately, I don't know enough about JAF to say in detail how this
> might work.

This is a fairly common pattern in the JDK, and one we've recommended
in Java EE for quite a few years. This is essentially the same as

It's fine if an OSGi bundle has to explicitly export these classes so
they can be loaded by (e.g.) JAF, but JAF needs to be able to load these
classes using the context class loader.