Re: Jerome: URGENT: need to decide how to resolve this (was: Re: Sahoo: OSGi problems when upgrading BV to latest source tag)

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:57:12 -0700

I am not sure I understand what the initial problem is.
first you seem to suggest we just need to modify the
and then you want to add a bundles (with what content exactly ?) to
the web distribution only.

are u trying to override the JAXB APis from the JDK to run BV ?

could you clarify ?


On Apr 30, 2009, at 12:45 PM, Ed Burns wrote:

> Executive Summary:
> ------------------
> Sahoo and I have determined the cause of my problem to be that the
> felix
> file in the web distro does not have
> javax.xml.bind,javax.xml.bind.annotation, which BV needs for its new
> config feature.
> We need a QUICK ruling from Jerome, Abhijit, and/or Sahoo about how to
> proceed. There are several alternatives. I think a quick phone call
> would be best. Can someone please tell me the best forum for such a
> discussion?
> Current status: I'm blocked waiting on advice for which technical
> fix to
> persue. I have a suggestion, but I need approval from
> Abhijit/Jerome/Sahoo to act on it.
> Details:
> --------
> EB> I suspect it's that some of the things now needed by
> EB> bean-validator.jar are not OSGi modules.
> SS> Which distribution are you using? In full (aka glassfish)
> distribution,
> SS> all those packages should be provided by metro jars.
> Turns out I'm using the web distro, because that's the one for JSF,
> and
> that's how most people will be using BV. A recent change by Sahoo
> makes
> it possible to affect changes to the felix config via manifest entries
> in jars in the modules directory. I suggest we do the following, but
> Sahoo disagrees.
> 1. I make a branch of
> <
> >
> that corresponds to the latest JBoss source tags. The branch will be
> called
> <
> >
> 2. From this branch I publish two jars to the maven repo:
> groupId: org.glassfish
> artifactId: bean-validator
> version: 3.0-JBoss-4.0.0.Beta1-b01
> groupId: org.glassfish
> artifactId: bean-validator-extra-osgi-config
> version: 3.0-JBoss-4.0.0.Beta1-extra-osgi-config-b01
> 3. Jane modifes the config for the web distro to cause both of these
> jars to end up in the Jane modifies the config for the full
> distro for only the first one to end up in the
> Ed
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