Re: build failure related to JDCI

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 09:47:49 -0700

Jane Young wrote:
>> Why doesn't -Prelease-phase cause an error?
> Maven doesn't report an error if the profile doesn't exists. Mostly
> likely it'll use the default profile.

I'm sure someone thought that was a good idea... :-(

> So you're probably building the v3 workspace twice: first with "mvn
> -Prelease-phase install" and then again with "mvn -U install".

I guess building twice in any way actually works around the JDK bug?

>> You know that *you're* the one who told me to do this, right?
>> Was there an announcement of a change to this that I missed?
> My bad... That must have been a typo. The build instruction here:
> is
> correct. I wonder why no one complained about this... Maybe someone out
> there is still using -Prelease-phase?

Could be, since you don't get an error when you do that.

>> Why doesn't have all of the artifacts?
> I see what's going on... does have all the GlassFish
> dependent repositories but not all are added to the Nexus' glassfish
> group:
> I just fixed it and now it should be able to find the following:
> javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1
> (
> javassist:javassist:jar:3.8.1.GA
> (

So now it's safe to use the <mirrors> entry in my settings.xml?

Is this version of Nexus going to cache *anything* I might access using maven?

With these changes my build still fails, details in next message...