Re: build failure related to JDCI

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 02:50:13 -0700

> I guess building twice in any way actually works around the JDK bug?
No, it's not a workaround. The issue is that we can't build
maven-glassfishbuild-extension and maven-glassfishbuild-plugin while
using the artifacts to build rest of v3 workspace in the same maven
reactor. So -Prelease-phase1 is introduced to build these artifacts in
v3/build submodule. Since you didn't build with -Prelease-phase1, the
artifacts were downloaded from the maven repository.

> So now it's safe to use the <mirrors> entry in my settings.xml?
> Is this version of Nexus going to cache *anything* I might access
> using maven?
> With these changes my build still fails, details in next message...
Are you still seeing build failures using setting.xml?