Re: How to add container on top of glassfish v3?

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:31:24 -0700

Hi Minory

Sorry to take so long to answer...
please find inline.

On Apr 15, 2009, at 7:23 PM, Minoru Nitta wrote:

> Hi all
> I would like to know how to add container on top of glassfish v3.
> Actually, I would like to add SIP Servlet container (like sailfin) of
> my own. I am new to glassfish v3 so I read glassfish Engineering
> Guide.
> It seemed to me that I must make a HK2 module.
> The followings may be frequently asked questions but:
> 1)When is my service called? I understood how to add startup service
> on glassfish v3 by reading Engineering Guide, but I wonder how to
> add on-demand service (I mean, it is called when it is needed)
> without
> modifying glassfish v3 source code.
you would want to hook up on the deployment back end services, you
need to implement
4 interfaces for that, sniffer, container, deployer and appContainer,
look below on where to find information about those interfaces.

> 2)Are there any helpful documents/source code other than Engineering
> Guide
> for my purpose?
Doc :

(look at extensibility) you should also find links to useful documents
from that spec.

Code Example : we have a few implementations of the pluggability in
the v3 code base, look for instance at
extras/osgi-container and extras/grizzly-container.

Let me know if you need any more information.

> Thanks.
> Minoru
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