Re: Request approval for pom changes

From: Prashanth Abbagani <Prashanth.Abbagani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 00:00:46 -0700


We would like to keep the gf prefix, as the implementation of this
(client) jar resides in GlassFish and will only work for modules in the
GlassFish environment. I will remove the <version> in
v3\distribution\nucleus\pom.xml and Checkin the changes.


Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> Jane Young wrote:
>> Comment:
>> remove "<version>3.0.0-b001</version>" in
>> v3\distributions\nucleus\pom.xml since you have already defined it in
>> dependencyManagement in v3/pom.xml.
>> BTW: Where is the code for "gfprobe-provider-client"?
> It's in, in the
> repo. This project delivers the
> following bundles:
> * For gmbal (currently version 3.0.0-b004):
> o gmbal-api
> o gmbal-impl
> o gmbal-source (which includes the gfprobe-provider-client
> source)
> * gfprobe-provider-client (version 3.0.0-b001)
>> Can we remove "gf" from the artifact name?
> Let me know if everyone agrees to that, but I think some people may
> already be using the current name.
>> Also, can you publish the source artifact to the maven repository?
> Already done: it's in org.glassfish.gmbal in gmbal-source (there are
> only 3 classes in the gfprobe-provider-client
> bundle).
> Ken.