Re: Request approval for pom changes

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 01:20:32 -0700

In maven repository, the source artifact should be published in the
same location as the binary.
For gfprobe-provider-client, there's only binary artifact:

Currently, you have the source bundle in one place with different
groupId and artifactId. Please fix this so that the source is published
in the same location as the binary artifact.


Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> Jane Young wrote:
>> Comment:
>> remove "<version>3.0.0-b001</version>" in
>> v3\distributions\nucleus\pom.xml since you have already defined it in
>> dependencyManagement in v3/pom.xml.
>> BTW: Where is the code for "gfprobe-provider-client"?
> It's in, in the
> repo. This project delivers the
> following bundles:
> * For gmbal (currently version 3.0.0-b004):
> o gmbal-api
> o gmbal-impl
> o gmbal-source (which includes the gfprobe-provider-client
> source)
> * gfprobe-provider-client (version 3.0.0-b001)
>> Can we remove "gf" from the artifact name?
> Let me know if everyone agrees to that, but I think some people may
> already be using the current name.
>> Also, can you publish the source artifact to the maven repository?
> Already done: it's in org.glassfish.gmbal in gmbal-source (there are
> only 3 classes in the gfprobe-provider-client
> bundle).
> Ken.
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