When I run the QL tests on GF V3, they fail with the following error:
[exec] remote failure: Error during deployment : Application
singleton already registered, please use deploy --force=true to redeploy
: java.lang.Exception: Application singleton already registered, please
use deploy --force=true to redeploy
[exec] Command deploy failed.
[INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\build.xml:69: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\build.xml:122: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\ejb\singleton\build.xml:59: The
following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\gfproject\v3-targets.xml:175: The
following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\dies\src\GFv3\v3\tests\quicklook\gfproject\v3-targets.xml:180: exec
returned: 1
I noticed two fishy-looking things:
1. In tests\quicklook\ejb\singleton\build.xml two targets do a deploy
followed by a redeploy. Why?
<target name="all" depends="build,deploy,redeploy,runtest,undeploy"
<target name="build-deploy" depends="build,deploy,redeploy" />
<target name="redeploy">
<antcall target="deploy-${deploy.platform}-impl">
<param name="redeploy" value="--force=true"/>
2. In tests\quicklook\gfproject\v3-targets.xml, only the unix target
looks at the 'redeploy' attribute, so on Windows you get a 'normal' deploy.
And why does only the Windows target have "--upload=false"?
<target name="deploy-v3-impl-windows" if="isWindows">
<exec executable="cmd" failonerror="true">
<arg value="/c"/>
<arg value="${glassfish.home}\bin\asadmin.bat"/>
<arg value="deploy"/>
<arg value="--path"/>
<arg value="--upload=false"/>
<arg line="${dist.dir}/${app.file.ext}"/>
<target name="deploy-v3-impl-unix" if="isUnix">
<exec executable="${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin" failonerror="false">
<arg value="deploy"/>
<arg value="--path"/>
<arg value="${redeploy}"/>
<arg line="${dist.dir}/${app.file.ext}"/>
Could someone have a quick look at this?