Re: Where is CORBA source code for GFv3?

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 23:16:16 +0530

Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
> On Mar 5, 2009, at 9:02 AM, Sahoo wrote:
>> Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>>> On Mar 5, 2009, at 1:20 AM, Jane Young wrote:
>>>> Hi Sahoo,
>>>> Corba source code is here:
>>> That is the master, but right now the version that we are using for
>>> getting remote EJB support
>>> up is in the staging repo.
>> Which is that? Please send me the URL of the repo that contains the
>> exact source code used in current GFv3 (b39). I need this for debugging.
> I sent that in a previous email: it is
This looks like a generic URL; I was hoping to see a URL containing some
build number in it. I think GFv3 currently uses CORBA 3.0.0-b008, but
let's say a previous GFv3 build uses 3.0.0-b007. Where can one check out
the source for b007 from?
>>>> Unfortunately Ken did not tag the module that is integrated in GFv3.
>>> Looks like something I could add. I can probably persuade bnd to put
>>> the extra info in the manifest,
>> I don't see this related to bnd at all. You should put this
>> information in your project web site and pom.xmls. Better make the
>> source bundle available next to the binary jar in maven repo just
>> like GlassFish does, because you do some package renaming as part of
>> your build and hence, it is not just enough for people to just check
>> out the sources from a repo; they actually have to build it which is
>> asking a lot more from someone who is just interested in debugging a
>> few lines of a few classes.
> I don't HAVE any pom.xmls, because I don't use maven.
Every maven artifact has a corresponding pom.xml. Browse your artifacts
in the maven repo and see what it contains. I am sure you can configure
the tool you are using to create a better pom.xml.
> What exactly are you asking for here?
> A table in the CORBA site that maps released OSGi versions to
> revisions in the repository?
No, I am not interested in OSGi versions. Table should map CORBA
artifact versions to exact source code repository URLs.
> I can easily add generation of a source bundle: I just had not thought
> of that before.
> Is one bundle that contains all ORB source good enough?
Yes, that will be good enough (actually better from debugging point of
view), but how will you distribute this single source bundle? That's why
I felt you should have a source jar per binary jar and make both
available in maven repo side by side.
