Re: Where is CORBA source code for GFv3?

From: Ken Cavanaugh <Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 09:30:11 -0800

On Mar 5, 2009, at 9:02 AM, Sahoo wrote:

> Ken Cavanaugh wrote:
>> On Mar 5, 2009, at 1:20 AM, Jane Young wrote:
>>> Hi Sahoo,
>>> Corba source code is here:
>>> mirror~master
>> That is the master, but right now the version that we are using for
>> getting remote EJB support
>> up is in the staging repo.
> Which is that? Please send me the URL of the repo that contains the
> exact source code used in current GFv3 (b39). I need this for
> debugging.

I sent that in a previous email: it is

>>> Unfortunately Ken did not tag the module that is integrated in GFv3.
>> Looks like something I could add. I can probably persuade bnd to
>> put the extra info in the manifest,
> I don't see this related to bnd at all. You should put this
> information in your project web site and pom.xmls. Better make the
> source bundle available next to the binary jar in maven repo just
> like GlassFish does, because you do some package renaming as part of
> your build and hence, it is not just enough for people to just check
> out the sources from a repo; they actually have to build it which is
> asking a lot more from someone who is just interested in debugging a
> few lines of a few classes.

I don't HAVE any pom.xmls, because I don't use maven. What exactly
are you asking for here?
A table in the CORBA site that maps released OSGi versions to
revisions in the repository?

I can easily add generation of a source bundle: I just had not thought
of that before.
Is one bundle that contains all ORB source good enough?
