Re: javadocs?

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 16:14:30 -0400

Bill Shannon wrote:
> How do I generate the javadocs for v3?
> I tried "mvn javadoc:javadoc" and it did a *ton* of work, generating
> lots of "site/apidocs" directories, but I couldn't tell which one was
> the one that combined the right pieces for the public javadocs, similar
> to
> (Maybe someone is already publishing these for v3 on a regular basis
> and I don't need to build them myself?)


Since we are all maven, why not publishing on the
result of mvn site? It include javadocs and XREF and this is quite
helpful IMO for new contributors.

-- Jeanfrancois

> Also, there's lots of warnings generated. For example:
> /cache/tmp/v3/transaction/javax.transaction/src/main/java/javax/transa
> ction/ warning - Tag @link:
> referenc
> e not found: java.util.Map#put(Object, Object)
> [WARNING] javadoc: warning - Multiple sources of package comments found
> for pack
> age "javax.servlet.http"
> /cache/tmp/v3/web/javax.servlet/src/main/java/javax/servlet/AsyncConte
> warning - Tag @link: missing '#': "forward(String)"
> /cache/tmp/v3/connectors/javax.resource/src/main/java/javax/resource/s
> pi/work/ warning: unmappable character
> for encodi
> ng ASCII
> [WARNING] * A resource adapter might use the
> <code>CallerPrincipalCallback</code
> > ???to
> /cache/tmp/v3/common/glassfish-api/src/main/java/org/glassfish/api/dep
> loyment/archive/ warning - @returns is an
> unknown tag.
> Does anyone care about these?
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