Glassfish and Jdbc Realm/FlexibleJdbcRealm

From: Shankar Ayyalasomayajula <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:31:17 -0700


I wanted to recommend FlexibleJdbcRealm ( to be incorporated as part of
glassfish build.
We have been using this software for a while and have been very happy with
it's implementation.
Recently we had a situation where we needed FlexibleJdbcRealm to implement
MD5/base64 encoding. This was a feature that had not been implemented yet.
So we contacted the developer Erik Brakkee and he immediately added this
feature. We were very pleased with his response and his philosophy of
software development.
Hope this would make a decent enough case to include the software as part of
glassfish's standard build.
