Why we don't use OSGi for embedded GlassFish? [ Was: Re: modularization & OSGi]

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 01:47:26 +0530


Jerome Dochez wrote:
> I have also seen places when people started using OSGi APIs directly,
> I have said in previous communications, including the engineering
> meeting that I do not want any OSGi API usage in the V3 codebase. The
> simple reason is that we want to have the flexibility to run V3
> without an OSGi runtime (embedded scenario)
I beg to differ on this point. OSGi is very suitable for embeddable
case. From the very beginning, I have been saying that it is asking for
trouble to have an alternate runtime for GlassFish. It is too costly to
have a glassfish with identical behavior on yet another platform in
addition to OSGi.
> and we can do that by providing a mock-up implementation of the hk2
> interfaces which provides us with an isolation layer. So all OSGi
> direct usage should be wrapped in an hk2 interface so we can ensure
> that a mockup implementation can be done.
web-glue uses OSGi API for good reasons,as it has to use OSGi's URL
handler service. I hope you are not suggesting to even wrap that in HK2.
> We already have external users/companies using V3 in such a scenario,
> it's important we don't break them.
Can you elaborate why those users object to us using OSGi as the runtime
in embedded scenario? During ASARCH review process, I also raised this
issue and I am yet to get a suitable answer. I have heard fast startup
as a requirement. How fast do we want? Have we exhausted all our options
while using OSGi that we have decided to use some other runtime to get
the desired start up time?
