I notice that after unzipping web.zip, there are many jar files that
exist under 2 names, .jar and .hk2-jar
jdbc-admin-10.0-SNAPSHOT.hk2-jar and jdbc-admin-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
console-common-10.0-SNAPSHOT.hk2-jar and console-common-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Is this how it suppose to be ?
When i make changes to my console-common and do 'mvn install' , i get
the console-common-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. As usual, i copied over this
new jar to the modules directory and restart the server, but i don't
see the new changes i put in. Removing .felix doesn't help.
What do i need to do so that i can see my new version of the jar ? Do i
also need to build the -hk2.jar ? how ?