Hi, Jerome.
1. I understood very well in principle what you said in today's
engineering meeting about registering as a vetoable change listener (as
distinguished from implementing ConfigListener). As for the details,
you said something about casting the config object as "our
implementation" in order to register a vetoable listener.
What are the details of that? Is there an example I can look at,
because I have done some things in my change method that should be done
in a VetoableChangeListener.
If I have
DasConfig dasConfig;
how do I register my VetoableChangeListener to detect and possibly
reject changes?
Sorry if this is obvious.
2. The change method declared on the ConfigListener interface returns an
UnprocessedChangeEvents object. If a module cannot process a config
change, should it throw an exception of some particular type, or should
it create and populate and return an UnprocessedChangeEvents object?
- Tim