Re: How do we move the control of transaction from MDB to Container in Glassfish

From: kiran tummala <Kiran.Tummala_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 11:24:50 -0600


We have forced an exception in the onMessage() method, by declaring an
int x=1/0; It throws an arithmetical exception. Our configurations are
default, in this case it should be trying to do it for 6 times, but
after one failure, it doesnot rollback, due to the settings. Is there
any method, we need to call to have it rollback.


 public void onMessage(Message message) {
    ObjectMessage msg = null;
    File workingInputFile = null;
    TranscodeRequest transcodeRequest = null;
    TranscodeResponse videoTranscodeResponse = new
TranscodeResponse("Transcode complete");
    try {
      if (message instanceof ObjectMessage) {
        msg = (ObjectMessage) message;
        if (msg.getObject() instanceof TranscodeRequest) {
          transcodeRequest = (TranscodeRequest) msg.getObject();
          transcodeRequestID = transcodeRequest.getId();
          try {
            workingInputFile =
          } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException) {
Level.WARNING, fileNotFoundException.toString());
              String.format("Could not find input file: %s \n%s",
transcodeRequest.getInputURL(), fileNotFoundException));
            return; // bail out input file was likely deleted
         int x = 1/0;
          // Get meta for input file
          VideoMeta videoMeta = null;
          try {
            videoMeta = FfmpegMeta.create(workingInputFile);
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException illegalArgumentException) {
transcodeRequest, illegalArgumentException.toString());
          if (videoMeta.getVideoCodec().equalsIgnoreCase("mpeg2video")) {
transcodeRequest, "Video codec mpeg2video is not supported.");
            return; // bail out if unsuppored codecs are found
          FfmpegCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new
FfmpegCommandBuilder(transcodeRequest, videoMeta, workingInputFile);
          for (FfmpegCommand ffmpegCommand : commandBuilder.getCommands()) {
            VideoMeta tmpVideoMeta = executeCommand(ffmpegCommand,
            if (tmpVideoMeta != null) {
              if (videoTranscodeResponse.getMeta() == null ||
videoTranscodeResponse.getMeta().isEmpty()) {
// use meta from an output
          if (transcodeRequest.getCallBackURL() != null) {
    } catch (Throwable throwable) {
      TranscodeLogger.log(transcodeRequestID, Level.SEVERE,
// try {
// if (message.getJMSRedelivered()) {
// TranscodeLogger.log(transcodeRequestID, Level.SEVERE,
"Sending TranscodeRequest to Quarintine.");
// TranscodeRequestQuarantine transcodeRequestQuarantine = new
// transcodeRequestQuarantine.setReason(throwable.toString());
// try {
//"%s-%s.quarantine", new
Date(), transcodeRequestID));
// } catch (Exception quarantineException) {
// TranscodeLogger.log(transcodeRequestID, Level.SEVERE,
// }
// } else {
// message.setJMSRedelivered(true);
// messageDrivenContextdc.setRollbackOnly();
// }
// } catch (JMSException ex) {
// TranscodeLogger.log(transcodeRequestID, Level.SEVERE,
// }
    // Send response on failure
    } finally {
      if (workingInputFile != null && workingInputFile.exists()) {

Kenneth Saks wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2008, at 10:14 AM, kiran tummala wrote:
>> Kenneth,
>> thanks for the suggestion. If we set them, in the class file, can we
>> expect the transaction to rollback upon any exception or do we need
>> to explicitly call the rollback. We are currently having an issue
>> when we explicitly call the rollback, it rollsback and the message
>> never moves to the DMQ.
> If you explicitly mark the transaction for rollback (e.g. via
> EJBContext.setRollbackOnly()) the message will keep getting
> redelivered. If the transaction is rolling back as a result of a
> runtime exception thrown from onMessage() you can control the maximum
> number of redelivery attempts by setting the
> EndpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts property in sun-ejb-jar.xml.
> Details are here :
> There's an example here :
>> thanks,
>> Kiran
>> Container managed transactions and tx attribute REQUIRED are the
>> defaults in EJB 3.0 so you shouldn't have to configure anything. If
>> you do want to configure them explicitly the easiest way is to use
>> annotations. Just add @TransactionManagement(CONTAINER) at the
>> message driven bean class level and @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED)
>> to the onMessage method.
>> Kenneth Saks wrote:
>>> On Aug 25, 2008, at 8:04 PM, kiran tummala wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We have an Message Driven Bean, It subscribes to a message, and
>>>> based on message needs to transcode a media file. If there is a
>>>> failure in the process, we thrown exceptions and in the exception
>>>> we are explicitly calling rollback of message. We would like the
>>>> container to handle this process and found this material
>>>> "Because JMS is a full-fledged transaction resource manager, JMS
>>>> work, such as message consumption, and other transaction work can
>>>> be grouped into one transaction. This means that you can choose to
>>>> make a message-driven bean part of a transaction or not. The
>>>> deployment descriptor transaction attribute, which for a
>>>> message-driven bean can be either Required or NotSupported,
>>>> determines whether or not the bean participates in a transaction.
>>>> (If the message-driven bean participates in a transaction, you must
>>>> also be using container-managed transaction demarcation.)"
>>>> We would like to use the deployment descriptor transaction
>>>> attribute and set it to Required, so that container manages the
>>>> transaction. How do we configure this in glassfish.
>>> Hi Kiran,
>>> Container managed transactions and tx attribute REQUIRED are the
>>> defaults in EJB 3.0 so you shouldn't have to configure anything. If
>>> you do want to configure them explicitly the easiest way is to use
>>> annotations. Just add @TransactionManagement(CONTAINER) at the
>>> message driven bean class level and @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED)
>>> to the onMessage method.
>>>> Do we need to do anything special in Netbeans to achieve this.
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Kiran
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