Re: [Fwd: Package.getImplementationVersion method in OSGi bundle]

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 14:45:55 -0700

Richard S. Hall wrote:
> This is something that Sahoo brought up within Felix.
> One issue is that Felix doesn't currently handle this the way that Sahoo
> had envisioned. In Felix we actually tried to map the OSGi version
> information into the Package information; thus, we ignored any other
> manifest entries relating to this.
> Sahoo has reported that he would prefer it if Felix simply obeyed the
> manifest entries for the Package metadata and did not try to map OSGi
> metadata into it. Currently, this is an RFE at Felix which I am looking
> into.
> I see no reason why both cannot be supported, since OSGi, by default
> ignores the Package entries. However, the OSGi spec doesn't mandate any
> behavior in this area so it is not clear that you can 100% rely on it
> being the same on every framework.

Why wouldn't we just create the OSGi manifest entries *and* the Package
manifest entries, some of which would have the same values? The implementations
reading the entries don't *need* to cooperate at all.