Re: [v3] warning when loading web service implementation classes

From: Fabian Ritzmann <Fabian.Ritzmann_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 14:21:22 +0300

On 21. Aug 2008, at 14:11, Sahoo wrote:

> That warning is coming because you have set Felix log level to
> warning or lower, right? If you set it to error, which is the
> default, you won't see that message. Please confirm this.

Yes, that is right. I guess we can't do much about it but it would be
much less confusing if the warning at least indicated where it is
coming from.


> Fabian Ritzmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have gone back to the most basic web service and are trying to
>> eliminate warnings and errors. I am currently running with Java 5
>> (necessary to avoid picking up JAX-WS classes from Java 6) and I am
>> deploying a basic web application with a web service that is not
>> relying on JSR 109 (web services for Java EE). The application is
>> attached.
>> When the WAR is deployed, I am seeing the following warnings:
>> Aug 21, 2008 12:22:15 PM
>> contextInitialized
>> INFO: WSSERVLET12: JAX-WS context listener initializing
>> Aug 21, 2008 12:22:19 PM
>> INFO: WARNING: fromjava.server.AddNumbersImpl
>> (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: fromjava.server.AddNumbersImpl)
>> Aug 21, 2008 12:22:19 PM
>> INFO: WARNING: fromjava.server.AddNumbersException
>> (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>> fromjava.server.AddNumbersException)
>> I can see in WebappClassLoader.loadClass(String name) that the
>> classes above are actually loaded. However, the loadClass method is
>> first trying to load the class with
>> org.jvnet.hk2.osgiadapter.OSGIModulesRegistryImpl and that in turn
>> seems to delegate the class loading to some class that is printing
>> the warning above. It would help if that warning could be disabled
>> because it makes it look like class-loading failed while it
>> actually succeeded.
>> Fabian