Re: [V3] Web container not destroyed during domain shutdown

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 10:12:53 -0700

I noticed this behavior in embedded -- a clean shutdown of GF is
impossible, the System.exit() sledgehammer has to be used...

Jan Luehe wrote:
> Right now, the web container is not stopped (i.e., not called at its
> preDestroy() method) when the domain shuts down.
> It looks like AppServerStartup.stop() only shuts down those objects
> in the habitat that implement Startup (e.g., GrizzlyService) or Init,
> neither
> of which apply to the web container.
> What would be the best way to notify the web container (and I imagine
> other containers as well) of a domain shutdown?
> Thanks,
> Jan
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Byron Nevins Work 408-276-4089, Home 650-359-1290, Cell 650-784-4123 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.