Re: v3 build

From: Harsha Godugu <Harsha.Godugu_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 12:09:01 -0700

Jerome Dochez wrote:
> Seems like we are still facing some issues with snapshot promotions to
> the maven repository. If you have failures while building v3 workspace
> (even with mvn -U), you will need to build the hk2 workspace manually.
> Best is to wait until I succeed pushing out new hk2 bits to our maven
> repository.
Thanks Jerome.

Kedar and all, I'm still curious, how the build went fine on Saturday
in the AM and later. Did anyone published the hk2 and config 0.3.12
snapshots manually?
Or was that taken care by Mr.Hudson himself? This is still puzzling me :-)

I've compared the jar artifacts (on Friday night) from rator to repos. Rator was having right bits and had stale
(old ) bits.

Just... anyone know? what happened / how this got fixed, please post it

In future, if we touch hk2, (and still use SNAPSHOTs) probably it is a
good idea to give at least 3days lead time to do such change in hk2
first (or any parent of v3)
and then come back to v3 to do the dependent changes. What do you think?



> I will post a follow up email.
> Thanks, Jerome
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