Re: [GFv3] Application class loader hierarchy changes

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 08:49:17 -0700

Sahoo wrote:

> Jan,
> Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>> Sahoo,
>> just to confirm: Even though the classloading hierarchy in V3 is now
>> similar to V2, any user JAR files dropped in any of the locations
>> where they will be picked up by a designated classloader (i.e., any JAR
>> files dropped inside domains/domain1/lib will be picked up by the
>> common class loader) must have been OSGi-fied in order to explicitly
>> export their packages and become visible to any classloaders further
>> down in the delegation chain, right?
> No, we don't require jars placed in domain_dir/lib/ext, lib,
> domain_dir/applib, or domain_dir/lib to be OSGi-ed. That's what I
> meant by behavior similar to V2.In fact, user can place classes in
> exploded form in domain_dir/classes as well.

Thanks, Sahoo! This is great news!


>> I'm asking because there used to be an issue with with tomcat-ajp.jar
>> not being picked up until you turned it into tomcat-ajp-osgi.jar, and
>> now someone filed this P1 about log4j.jar dropped in
>> domains/domain1/lib not being visible to his webapp:
>> ("Classloading issues for jars located in domain lib")
> Can we ask user to try latest nightly build?
> Secondly, every module owner has to do do some work to provide
> isolation between class loader and server environment. See:
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
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