Re: security risk of exposing jsessionid?

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 17:43:48 -0700

Lloyd Chambers wrote:

> I had sent the email below earlier today. Note that it includes
> jsessionid encoded in the URL.
> Now in this case, there is nothing particularly sensitive about
> But what are the security ramifications of a web site including
> jsessionid in the URL itself like this? Would this allow someone to
> hijack the session if the URL could be observed (or simply emailed as
> I've done).

Yes, that would be a problem.

If you want to protect your JSESSIONID, use cookies and HTTPS. When a
session is first created from an HTTPS request, and cookies are
enabled, the JSESSIONID will be returned in a cookie that is marked as
"secure", causing the browser to never include this cookie with any HTTP,
but only with HTTPS requests.
